What to give to the mother of a newborn baby for discharge

A man is born! Such a grandiose event in the life of every family causes a storm of delight and is accompanied by various kinds of gifts for the baby. While you are ecstatically choosing this or that pleasant and useful device, cute clothes of a tiny size, you should not forget about the present for the mother of the newborn.

Options for gifts for your wife upon discharge from the hospital

It is perhaps difficult to choose a material gift that can express the feelings with which the husband and new father of the baby greets his wife upon discharge. However, tradition requires choosing an option that will evoke positive emotions and equally pleasant memories.

Beyond competition - Jewelry. This is the gift that most of the fair sex are waiting for. The variety of assortments in regular and online stores will allow you to choose traditional or original decoration.

A symbolic and touching option for a jewelry accessory is a gold ring with a design that represents the first letter of the baby’s name.

Whatever gift you choose, don’t forget about the bouquet. You can provide it with a postcard with a declaration of love and gratitude.

discharge bouquet in the form of a stroller


If all the successful gifts from a husband to his wife for the birth of a baby are collected into a kind of rating, then the second place in it will be taken by modern gadget.

The above-mentioned flower arrangement can be presented not on its own, but accompanied by certificate to a spa or beauty salon. Many women during pregnancy refuse haircuts, coloring, and other procedures. Surely the opportunity to put themselves in order will please them.

A gift card can be given not only for receiving caring procedures. A good choice is a certificate for a branded clothing or perfume store.

A good option is the so-called gift-emotion, impression. This category of gifts includes ordering a limousine for checkout, launching helium balloons, a banner with words of gratitude, etc.

Of course, as when choosing a gift for any other event, it is worth taking into account individual wishes, as well as financial capabilities.

birthday gift for wife


What to give to your sister or friend for discharge from the maternity hospital

If an expectant mother, discussing upcoming changes in her life, shared what she would like to receive for the birth of a child, this is an ideal option. However, if you have to choose based on your own ideas, you need to take into account the woman’s wishes or needs. To help, here is a list of recommended gifts:

  • digital photo frame - surely a young mother will take dozens of pictures of her beloved baby a day, and such a gift will definitely be appreciated;
  • a handmade or original photo album is a classic gift option;
  • certificate for a photo shoot with a baby;
  • decorative plate on a stand with metrics;
  • an orthopedic pillow will make the feeding process easier for mother;
  • Shapewear, a nursing bra are useful gifts that only a loved one can give;
  • a book on caring for a baby and raising a child;
  • little things necessary for mother and baby, hygiene products in a beautifully decorated basket;
  • original box for storing memorable items;
  • baby monitor;
  • a children's manicure set is an indispensable thing for mother and child, because cutting baby's nails is very problematic, but it is better to do this with the help of safe and high-quality devices;
  • the sling is used to carry the child;
  • changing table;
  • a beautiful night light or starry sky projector for the nursery;
  • a certificate for receiving a service or purchase, but it’s worth clarifying where exactly.

graduation gift

The above gift options, knowledge of tastes and preferences, the desire to please a loved one will prompt a good idea of ​​what to give the mother of a newborn at discharge.

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