How to get rid of the smell of towels

For many, the bathroom is a bastion of cleanliness. In it, people take a shower or bath, brush their teeth, wash their face, and take care of their hygiene. It is not surprising that we strongly associate this place with cleansing and the absence of dirt. Therefore, the bathroom is often kept absolutely clean.

But sometimes unexpected factors arise that violate the unblemished reputation of this abode of hygiene. Along with fungus on tile joints, the most common problem is bad odor. And most often it comes from the towels with which we dry our bodies.

bad smell of towels

How to remove bad odor from towels

Before you try to get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to find out where it comes from. This will help not only to choose an effective means of eliminating it, but also to take preventive measures so that the situation does not recur in the future.

But where does the unpleasant smell of towels come from? You can't really call them dirty.If kitchen or beach textiles can still get dirty with something, then where can dirt come from in the bathroom? After all, there we wipe only our own clean body, which has just come out of the shower. In fact, there may be several reasons.

Causes of unpleasant odor


The most common reasons why a towel smells unpleasant are:

  • Old stubborn dirt;
  • Excessive use of textiles;
  • Poor quality washing;
  • Insufficient fabric drying.

The first and most obvious reason is all kinds of accidental pollution. Perhaps you touched the towel with dirty hands, dropped it on the floor that hasn’t been washed for a long time, spilled household chemicals on it - accidents always happen. Many such marks remain on the fabric almost forever, emitting an unpleasant odor.

The second most obvious reason is aging. Towels need to be changed and it is advisable to do this once a year. Fabric that is constantly in contact with water and soap residues can quickly wear out and acquire an unpleasant odor.

the towels have an unpleasant smell

Next comes a banal, but not so obvious factor - poor quality washing. Even if you only wipe your body clean with a towel, without washing it will quickly begin to smell. It is likely that the fabric simply did not stretch well during the last wash.

Well, the last, but not the least important factor is the neglect of drying towels. The bathroom is the wettest part of the house. There we often use water, water vapor can appear there and it is there that the ventilation is weakest. A warm and humid environment is ideal for the growth of fungi and other microorganisms. As a result, your towels may smell damp.


We have figured out the reasons for the occurrence of amber, but how to remove it? Nothing can fix ingrained dirt and banal wear and tear, but other problems can be dealt with!



There are four main ways to combat strong odors from fabric:

  • Repeated washing.
  • Boiling.
  • Washing with vinegar and soda.
  • Use of special chemicals.

The simplest and most obvious solution is to wash terry towels twice in a row. It is best to do this with your hands, and then dry them thoroughly and iron them. This is often enough to get rid of the smell. High temperatures also work well. Boiling fabric kills all microorganisms, but can negatively affect the condition of the product.

More complex and difficult options are washing with special additives. For example, instead of powder or gel, you can add vinegar and soda to the washing machine. These versatile cleaners work well on both dishes and fabrics. And if you don’t disdain chemicals, you can find special ready-made products for eliminating odor in the store.


There is no need to explain everything about re-washing, but it is better to explain boiling. Many people believe that it is enough to simply boil a towel in ordinary water and it will immediately become perfectly clean. This is wrong. No one is stopping you from boiling fabric in water without additives, but this will not give the desired effect.

what to do

Add half a glass of soda, 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a grated piece of 72% laundry soap to the water. You need to mix everything in cold water and boil the fabric for about 40 minutes after boiling. It wouldn’t hurt to wash the item again after boiling.

IMPORTANT! Always sort laundry by color when boiling. This should also be done when washing in a washing machine, but sometimes this rule is neglected.When boiling, this is a prerequisite if you do not want colors to mix.

There are two methods for washing with baking soda and vinegar. The first is to soak the towel in water with 9% table vinegar added, then wring out and wash as usual. One glass of vinegar is enough for 8 liters of water. You need to soak for no more than an hour. The second way is to pour a glass of soda into the drum when washing in a machine and pour a glass of vinegar. There is no need to add detergents.

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