How to beautifully fold a towel as a gift

In recent years, a towel has become one of the most preferred and versatile gifts. They are presented to both men and women and even children. Good quality textiles will always come in handy in any home or even decorate the bathroom. However, giving a product in an open form without packaging or decorating it in any way is considered unacceptable. You need to decorate your gift beautifully so that the recipient is pleased to receive such a gift, and the giver is not ashamed of the gift.

towel as a gift

A towel as a gift – is it acceptable?

For those who believe in superstitions, a towel is an unacceptable gift.

towel as a gift

According to signs, such a gift brings discord into the family, leading to separations and quarrels. However, most people still do not believe in such predictions, so they willingly give such a cozy home accessory to friends and family.

Today in stores you can find a huge number of varieties of towels:

  • bath;
  • beach sheet;
  • waffle;
  • cloth for hands, face, feet;
  • fitness products;
  • original products in the form of a cap, tunic and other varieties;
  • sets of several towels.

They all differ in size, shape, materials and pattern. Probably every housewife, passing by shelves with terry products. And as he runs his hand over them, he thinks about buying a few more pieces for his home. And this despite the fact that the house has the necessary set of towels, which are used daily. That is why a towel is considered a good gift for any occasion.

Before buying such a practical gift, you should clarify your opinion about the superstitions of the hero of the occasion. Perhaps it is he who firmly believes in superstition and will be dissatisfied with such a gift.


Most often chosen as a gift beautiful large size towels, bath or beach, with original designs or ornaments, decorated with embroidery or stripes in the form of ribbons. Such a gift will be appropriate on any holiday, including birthdays, weddings and others. Small towels for household needs are most often given to friends and family during the New Year holidays.

Ideas on how to beautifully fold a towel as a gift


Giving a gift beautifully is a real art. But for this you do not need to have certain professional skills or complete special courses. With a little imagination and a certain amount of time, you can create an original design for even the simplest and, at first glance, unattractive item.

You can present a towel effectively and very beautifully, so that the person receiving the gift will not even understand at first glance that it is a banal towel for the bathroom.For this, there are several design options and many variations on the theme of different objects.

As a gift to a woman

towel folded for a girl

For the fair sex, the most common type of decoration is various confectionery. The most popular are considered:

  • various cakes (round, square, triangular in small “portioned” packages);
  • rolls (simple and beautiful design, often complemented with various decorative elements);
  • cakes (use several textiles and decorative elements to present a gift in an original and beautiful way);
  • cocktails (added with decorations);
  • bottles (simple and unusual solution);
  • Stuffed Toys (the option is more complex, but definitely original and unusual).

towel folded for woman

Girls love everything that is beautifully designed and brings aesthetic pleasure. A towel packaged in the form of a beautifully decorated cake or small pastry will please a lady much more than just a bath product wrapped in a bag or box.

beautifully folded towel

Gift for a man

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity often prefer simple and concise design options.

Rolled into tubes and placed in a beautiful gift wrapping or folded in several layers, packed in a tin tube. This is common gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day - February 23. A simple and very necessary gift, presented in an attractive packaging box, will delight the “protector” and will become a favorite accessory in a man’s bathroom.

towel for men

You can also make a real gentleman set, combining a bath towel folded in the shape of a square, add a greeting card and aromatic soap or shower gel. All this should be put in a gift bag.Box or just tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

gift for a man

You can do without soap and gels by collecting several towels of different sizes, for the face, body and legs, for example. A beautiful matching ribbon and a greeting card on top will perfectly complement this versatile present.

towel as a gift

With love to the child

toys made from towels

Children do not value practical gifts very much, so you should design the towel in such a way that it would be interesting for the child to unwrap it. This could be beautiful packaging in the form of a colorful bag with your favorite characters or a similar cardboard box, or a good option is to roll up a towel in the shape of a soft toy. Children will definitely love unwrapping this gift.

Before packing a baby towel, it is better to check with his parents for information about your favorite cartoon characters, and try to fold the product in exactly this shape.

toys made from towels

The most Common options for decorating a gift for children are:

  • bear;
  • cake;
  • cake;
  • elephant;
  • bunny and others.

towel roll

In any case, for a child, a towel twisted in the shape of a soft animal will be much more interesting than simple boxes and gift bags. Therefore, you will have to devote a little more time to wrapping a gift for a children's party than for adults.

Master class on packing towels as a gift

Decorating a towel as a gift does not take much time and does not require special knowledge. However, to construct complex figures, it is better to turn to master classes and video materials, so generously presented on the Internet. This will help reduce time costs and improve the quality of the resulting animal.


For children's gifts or presents for a beloved woman, they often choose to create an animal from a terry sheet.For this, most often, special devices and holders are required so that the figurine does not fall apart before it falls into the hands of the hero of the occasion.

For work, you may need various decorative ribbons, flowers, fruits and containers in the form of boxes and baskets. Don't limit your imagination; fresh ideas always bring a little creativity.

Cute bunny can be constructed by folding a terry product into a triangle and twisting it into a horseshoe-shaped tube. Then the resulting figure is pulled with an elastic band, stepping back slightly from the free corners of the product. The hare's "ears" are fluffed up a little and shaped with the help of a second elastic band. You can also tie a beautiful ribbon and decorate the product with eyes and a nose.

how to make a bunny out of a towel

bear also a very common version of the figurine. You will need two towels. The first of them is rolled into a roll and folded in half. This will help shape the brown bear's lower limbs. Then the resulting figure is placed between the halves of a second towel folded in a similar way. After this, all that remains is to form the head, ears and paws of the animal with rubber bands.

how to make a bunny out of a towel


Folding the product in the shape of flowers will not be any problem. To do this you will need a large box or basket. You can combine the gift with attractive shower gels and other bath products.

towel flower

Each towel prepared as a gift is tightly wrapped around a bottle of bath and shower product and secured with an elastic band. After a certain number of such flowers have been formed, they are beautifully placed in a basket. Can be complemented with decorative artificial flowers, leaves and satin ribbons.


For girls with a sweet tooth, an original solution would be a gift in the form of a piece of cake or roll.The first option is quite simple to implement and requires folding a towel into a triangle and using several folds to form a “piece of cake” out of it. As a rule, such gifts are placed in transparent cake boxes and decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers and fruits.

towel cake

It is even easier to form a roll from a towel; it is rolled into a tight roll and tied with a beautiful ribbon. It can also be placed in a beautiful transparent or thick holiday box and decorated with decorative elements.

towel cake

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