How to make a swan from a towel

A towel is one of the indispensable personal hygiene items. A beautifully designed composition in the form of a swan can often be seen in hotel rooms and cruise ships. They are especially often made for newlyweds. However, it is easy to please yourself and your loved ones every day with such a creation. Read and see the photo below on how to roll a swan out of a towel with your own hands.

Swan from a towel step by step for beginners

towel swansThe choice of a swan for towel crafts is not accidental. After all, these birds are a symbol of endless fidelity and eternal love. They choose their betrothed once and for all. This fact has been scientifically substantiated by ornithologists. This is an excellent hint to the newlyweds for their future family life. However, this is appropriate not only for young people. Many people have seen bird sculptures made from towels in hotels in Turkey, Egypt and other countries on vacation. Even people far from needlework can make a swan from this accessory. To create a composition you should prepare:

  • A large bath towel that will serve as the basis of the design.If it is a pair of swans, then you will need two items. In general, compositions can consist of an unlimited number of crafts.
  • A medium-sized towel used to make a tail.
  • A variety of decorations, chosen depending on the personal preferences of the master. These could be fresh flowers or sweets.

Attention! The first time, the craft may take about five minutes, later it can be done in 1-3 minutes automatically.

How to twist an original swan from a towel

original swan from a towelThis article discusses the traditional classic version of creating a swan. To make a swan, follow the following instructions exactly step by step:

  1. To begin, place the towel on the bed or other flat surface with the wide side lengthwise.
  2. Next, take the top two corners and fold them together inward so that they meet in the center. In this case, the joining place should not coincide with the lower border of the towel, since it is shaped like a rectangle.
  3. Then the two outer edges are rolled into tight rolls towards the central part, and they should be at the top. To make it more convenient, it is better to hold the fabric with your hands. The result should be a kind of arrow pointing upward.
  4. The pointed edge is turned over and folded into the shape of a head. To make the swan's neck slender, graceful and wriggle, a second accessory will be useful. It is rolled up to the true side and folded in half.
  5. Next, a short towel is placed on the bird’s body. So, the neck becomes more curved. The first time it is particularly difficult to achieve stability in the neck, but this requires only a little skill.
  6. The resulting product should look like the letter “Z”.The two bottom arrows should end at the base. Pinch the corners to create dramatic curves.
  7. A slight bend is made on the head, thereby indicating a beak. At this stage you can already stop.

To make a long ponytail you need an additional small towel. It is folded like an accordion, and then placed behind the swan’s back and straightened out. You can make a more voluminous tail. To do this, they drape the element, as in the first case, fold the towel in half and place it behind the swan’s back. It can also serve a practical function by supporting the bird's neck.

Important! This skill will allow you to make an unusual gift for your loved ones. For example, this could be the wedding of a beloved friend.

Additional nuances are worked out independently, depending on the author’s imagination. For example, you can wear sunglasses on it or tie a tie effectively. And if desired, the resulting figurine can be easily turned into a peacock by making the fluffy tail like a fan. When celebrating a wedding anniversary, the swan bride is decorated with a veil made of a snow-white soft napkin.

Reference! To create a complete romantic composition, you can make a couple. Often a second swan is placed next to the first and turned to face each other, resulting in a heart shape.

Tips and tricks for making a towel swan

swans made from towelsLet's consider a few more important nuances that should be taken into account to achieve a good result:

  • You need to choose a rectangular towel of any length, but be sure to have a tight knit. The denser the fabric, the more stable the craft will be.
  • The fabric must be dry. Even from slightly damp material, the resulting craft will look sloppy.
  • To make a large product, choose a long towel and, conversely, for a small one, choose short ones.
  • Products must be clean and slightly starched so that the product keeps its shape.
  • It is advisable to select items of the same configuration so that the shade and texture of the material matches.
  • For modeling, you don’t have to limit yourself to using only white towels. Experiment boldly with a variety of vibrant colors depending on the tone of your bedding, your decor, or your personal mood.
  • To give volume to the composition, the birds need to spread their wings.
  • If the goal is to make a couple, then you should make sure that the items have the same texture and dimensions.
  • It is convenient to make small baby swans from hand accessories. The result will be a full-fledged swan family.

The composition “7 Swimming Swans” is popular. To do this, place seven snow-white towels in the bathroom and make swans out of them. For beauty, hand accessories are placed under them at a time when the water under them is already bluish.

Reference! When washing clothes, it is not advisable to use conditioner so that the material does not become soft.

Making a beautiful swan from a towel with your own hands, following the instructions and recommendations from this article, is quite simple and quick. Thus, you can create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom or delight your children with a spectacular composition.

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