How to make a rose from a towel

Very soon Valentine's Day and March 8th, we invite you to make original souvenirs as gifts for your beloved women with your own hands. Folding towels is a simple task, but it can also help create original gifts. Today we will talk about how to fold roses from an ordinary towel and create real compositions from them. From towels in the shape of roses you can create a blood bouquet that is difficult to distinguish from the real thing. This is an appropriate gift not only for International Women's Day, but even for a birthday. In addition, this supply of napkins for washing will be an excellent option when there are many guests in the house.

If you need to give a lot of gifts, for example, to classmates or work colleagues, but you are limited by finances, then such gifts will be an excellent option.

How to make a rose from a towel: step-by-step instructions

How to make a rose from a towelWe use a towel every day. This is where our morning begins. The wise Japanese figured out how to make your morning filled with positivity.It was they who began to make funny little things from the most ordinary towel.

Everything that makes us smile and makes our world a better place definitely moves to a new level of art. And even crafts made from towels already have their own name - origami-oshibori. It came from everyone's favorite origami, only in this case napkins are used instead of paper.

Cleopatra became the discoverer when she presented a towel as a gift to Caesar. After that, the technology has improved in many ways, but the idea remains - to surprise and impress.

It is very simple to make similar crafts, but at the same time you get quite original things. One has only to look at the charming bouquets, and the desire to make something similar with one’s own hands immediately appears.

To do this you will need a square towel. Fold it in half and from the corner side begin to roll it into a tight flagellum.

After this, we bend it into two parts. From one half we form an unopened bud, and from the other we begin to gracefully open our rose. If you don’t open the bud slightly, you can simply make a dense rose. Spread the petals a little, and now this flower is difficult to distinguish from the real one.

How to make a bouquet of roses from towels

Bouquet of roses from a towelWe suggest making a bouquet of roses with your own hands. An excellent gift option for your girlfriend, sister, friend, mother, grandmother.

To make roses you will need:

  1. small square towels;
  2. artificial flower stems;
  3. ribbons;
  4. stationery erasers;
  5. candies;
  6. wooden swords;
  7. wire;
  8. decorations for the bouquet - artificial insects, beads, rhinestones and much more;
  9. paper for wrapping a bouquet, which can be purchased at any flower stall.

To get the first rose, you need to fold the workpiece diagonally, then in half 2 times. The result should be a narrow strip. One edge is folded up, this will be the middle of the flower. Then we begin to roll it up.

Use an elastic band to secure the product. We thread an artificial stem through the middle. You can stop here, but to make the product more dense, we recommend securing it with ribbon. Thus, make the required number of flowers.

You can complete the creation of the bouquet at this point, but we decided to add some sweets on skewers. You can use both chocolate and hard candies. It is not advisable not to use candies that are too soft, because it will be difficult to fix them when creating a bouquet.

It doesn’t take much time to make such a bouquet. One hour will be more than enough! The end result is such beauty.

Reference! Similarly, you can collect not only bouquets from towels, but also from handkerchiefs, children's clothes, socks, panties, and so on. An excellent option for a gift on March 8th and as an addition to the main birthday gift.

How to decorate a rose from a towel

towel and roseIn addition, you can make a flower in a pot. Simply roll the product into tight rolls, secure with a satin ribbon and decorate with small artificial flowers.

You can put together a composition of roses in a beautiful box or basket. The most important thing is to approach the work creatively and then everything will definitely work out. This basket will be an excellent addition to the bathroom and will leave positive emotions for a long time.

You can add delicious candies to the bouquet, which are fixed with tape on wooden skewers. An excellent decoration would be wrapping paper for a bouquet, which can be purchased at any flower shop.

In addition, in the same flower shop you can purchase original wooden inscriptions for bouquets or artificial fruits and insects. The most important thing is to give a gift with pleasure and then it will definitely be remembered for a long time.

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