How to Remove Blood Stains from a Towel

It is not as difficult to remove a dirt stain from clothing as it is to remove a blood stain. But no matter how difficult this problem is, it can be solved. I don’t think anyone would want to get rid of their favorite thing just because there are traces of blood on it.

If you encounter a similar problem, you need to try to solve it. Especially considering that a sufficient number of methods have now been invented to remove traces of blood on clothing.

The difficulty of removing such contaminants depends on how long ago they appeared. An unsuccessful attempt to remove them can also complicate the procedure.

If you don’t have a great desire to look like a vampire from a Bram Stoker movie, covered in creepy traces of blood, then it’s time to sort this issue out once and for all!

How to remove a fresh blood stain

It should be remembered that traces of fresh blood should be soaked in cold water, but old ones should be soaked in warm water. Blood is a protein that has coagulated, and hot water will not help here at all, but will only worsen the situation, leaving red stains on the surface.These stains can no longer be removed. Excessively cold water will also not remove old stains.

cold water

Basic washing rules and what not to do

Removing a fresh bloody mark is not particularly difficult; it can be removed with almost any available means: it can be easily removed with laundry soap or any washing powder.

First way. Handwash

  • Initially, you should blot the stain with a material that absorbs moisture well. Under no circumstances should you attempt to rub over the contaminated area. This will cause blood particles to penetrate even further into the fabric fiber and the stain area will become much wider.
  • Rinse the contaminated surface under cold water pressure.
  • If, after washing in cold water, the dirt is not removed, then rub it with soap and soak in cold water. You need to soak for at least thirty minutes. This soaking can be repeated several times, changing the water from dirty to clean and cold.
  • After all procedures, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly.

Second way. Automatic wash

machine washable

We rinse and soak in the same way as for hand washing.

We choose the right temperature: it should not be more than 40 degrees.

Once the wash is complete, rinse by hand.

How to Remove Dried Blood Stains

Features of such spots

Blood is protein. An old blood stain is a protein that has long since coagulated. It has already been absorbed into the fiber of the fabric and has no particular desire to leave there. Washing the old fashioned way and using laundry soap will most likely not give much results. You will most likely get rid of the brown spots, but the yellow ones will most likely remain.

Even though the stain is quite old, it does not need to be doused with hot water. This will cause the protein to completely coagulate and the item will definitely be ruined.But cold water doesn’t work here either.

All procedures should be carried out in water at a comfortable temperature. Our task is to break down protein. There are several options that work well.

Removal agents

Boric acid. We dilute one spoonful of powder in 200 milliliters of water, and add a spoonful of ammonia to this. After this, moisten the stain with the resulting mixture and wipe thoroughly until we achieve the desired result. After the procedure, you need to wash your underwear.

Papain. This powder is white in color and is used to tenderize meat. You can find it in the spices and seasonings departments. The mixture is diluted with warm water until a liquid porridge-like substance is obtained. The stain is thoroughly soaked with this mixture. The linen is left in this form until the trace of blood disappears. After this you need to wash it.

Hydrogen peroxide. Pour the liquid directly onto the bloody trail. Foam will begin to emit with a characteristic hissing sound. Remove the resulting foam and add peroxide. We repeat the procedure until the dirty area completely disappears. Then we wash it in the usual way.

hydrogen peroxide

The main thing is not to forget the rule. Before using any untested stain remover, test it on a small piece of fabric.

Washing rules

Before you start washing a towel with old traces of blood, you need to treat it using any of the methods listed above. Treatment should be carried out until the stains are no longer visually noticeable. And only after that you can start washing clothes by hand or in a washing machine. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime. The water temperature should not be higher than forty degrees.Otherwise, the protein that could remain in the fibers of the material will appear and make itself felt.

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