Do I need to iron terry towels after washing?

Surely everyone has soft terry towels in their home - how nice it is to use them after a hot shower or warm bath. But often, after the first wash, products become less attractive, hard and not very pleasant. What influences the preservation of their original qualities?

Does the fact that after washing we are used to ironing our towels play a role? Is it worth doing this at all and why? You will learn about all this, as well as the rules for drying and storing terry towels in this article.

Do I need to iron terry towels after washing?

First of all, let's decide that terry towels do not need to be ironed. This is explained by the fact that exposure to high temperatures has a very negative effect on the condition of the villi and actually turns the product into rough, hard and unpleasant to the touch.

iron towels

The same applies to drying such towels on a radiator or in other places where the surface and air are highly heated.If you prefer soft and delicate terry towels instead of a hard rag, then such drying and especially ironing should be neglected.

Reasons not to iron

Try to look at your product under a magnifying glass - you will notice that the pile consists of small fibers that resemble loops. Ironing, which is accompanied not only by exposure to extremely high temperatures, but also by strong pressure on the fabric, leads to the fact that such loops no longer hold their shape. Due to this, the original softness and good moisture absorption are lost. The product begins to resemble hard sandpaper, which is used for polishing various surfaces.

IMPORTANT! If you still need to iron the towel, which is extremely undesirable, then experienced housewives recommend using vertical steaming. Although it is harmful to the terry product, the result will not be as disastrous as in the case of a regular iron.

In addition to the fact that the thing will become hard, it will begin to absorb moisture even worse, and this is the main function of the towel. Therefore, it is important to properly care for the product. Drying and storage also play an important role.

reasons not to iron

How to dry and store correctly

So, you've decided never to iron all the terry towels you have at home again.

But now it’s time to think about whether you dry and store them correctly. Both of these processes are also important and have a great influence on the appearance and properties of the product.

You can dry towels in the automatic mode of the washing machine - in most cases, this solution provides a beneficial effect on them, and things become even softer and more pleasant. Another option would be to hang it on a balcony or in a well-ventilated area.But no batteries, as mentioned above.

how to dry and store

Before starting the drying process, it is advisable to shake the item so that the loops return to their original shape.
In addition, under no circumstances should terry towels be exposed to direct sunlight. They also have a negative impact on their appearance and functionality. Therefore, you need to store things in a dark, dry and cool place so that they continue to delight with their tenderness and good absorption of any moisture.

Now you know why you can’t iron terry towels, how to properly dry and store them, and what mistakes in care lead to the fact that until recently, soft and fluffy products turn into something like sandpaper. By following these simple rules and tips, you can preserve those qualities of terry clothes for which everyone loves and appreciates them, and also spend less time by giving up ironing.

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