Why do towels smell bad after washing?

How you want to retain the pleasant sensations of the smell of freshness and cleanliness for a long time after taking a fragrant bath. But it was not there. The pleasure of receiving a magical hygiene procedure instantly disappears when we start drying ourselves with a towel. So what is the matter here, and how to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, read on.

Three main reasons why towels stink after washing

Where does this smell come from, which prevents us from prolonging the euphoria after a shower and causes negative emotions?

Reason 1

towelsOne source could be high humidity in the bathroom. After washing or showering, the towels remain in this room for a long time without air flow or ventilation. During drying, a huge number of microorganisms multiply on the looped texture of bath towels, which are a source of disgusting amber.

Reason 2

towels in a basketAvailability fungus in the washing machine with insufficient care.After each washing process, it is necessary to wipe the inside and outside thoroughly with a dry soft cloth to prevent its appearance. And be sure to leave the drum door open overnight. In addition, your assistant needs periodic maintenance of the detergent compartment and filter cleaning.

Reason 3

Improper washing, drying and lack of ironing, which contributes to the appearance of microbes and fungal spores in linen and terry cloth products. As a result, the fabric smells unpleasant.

How to deal with unpleasant odor?

Several ways will help you regain your former freshness.

Boil towels

stack of towelsPerhaps our grandmothers still knew this secret. After all, at that time science did not know automatic machine washing; industry produced machines with squeezing rollers. But they were also available only to some elite segments of the population. And so our ancestors had to wash in basins and troughs, helping to improve the process with the help of boards and boiling.

So we advise you to return to this exceptional remedy to bring your laundry into proper shape:

  • first, find a large saucepan or galvanized tank (although this is very rare now, but suddenly you have it lying around somewhere on the mezzanine);
  • fill two-thirds with cold water;
  • add 100 grams of soda, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3%, 100 grams of laundry soap 72%, grated on a coarse grater, and 50 ml of oxygen stain remover;
  • mix everything thoroughly and fold the towels so that when boiling the solution does not overflow;
  • cover and simmer for an hour.

Then wash in the machine on the “boiling” function, additionally adding vinegar diluted half with water to the air conditioner compartment.Your towels will gain softness and volume, and even stains will disappear.

Important! Pre-check the laundry for color fastness so that during the boiling process it does not lose color and stain other things.

Use lye or chlorine

boilingIf the previous method is unacceptable to you for any reason, we suggest trying to get rid of bacteria and fungi using preparations containing chlorine. Special tablets or solutions, for example, whiteness, add the recommended dosage on the package when washing in the machine.. Operating mode for at least 120 minutes at temperatures from 40 to 60 degrees. You can first soak it in it for a couple of hours, then squeeze it out and put it in the machine.

A very effective method with lye, which gives softness to textiles, like after conditioner. Again, going back to the washing methods of the old days, then the bleaching and disinfecting properties were performed by ordinary ash from the oven. In addition to these qualities, it improves the structure of the fabric and preserves color. At the same time, it washes and rinses perfectly, without leaving any foreign odors. The only one the disadvantage is the difficulty of preparationwhen you have to pour it in and let it sit for a long time. And not everyone has the opportunity to get ash.

Using vinegar and soda

vinegar and sodaThe most convenient and affordable method, and quite effective. It is necessary to first soak in a solution at the rate of one glass of 9% vinegar per eight liters of water. After 60 minutes, wring out and wash as usual.

You can immediately put it in the machine without soaking by pouring in a glass of vinegar before adding the same amount of baking soda.. Turn on the boiling function without using detergents.When the water reaches maximum temperature, stop washing for 60 minutes, then add powder or gel. Rinse twice at the end of the procedure.

Difference in care between bath and kitchen towels

Cotton and linen kitchen towels require more frequent and thorough washing. There should always be two of them, one for hands and the second for dishes. If your family consists of three or more people, then you need to change them daily. Be sure to iron with the hottest possible iron..

Bath towels can be washed 1-2 times a week. Some people prefer to use them as a one-time use, washing them more frequently.

Proper drying

And again we return to the topic of drying clothes. Here are some tips on how to do it correctly:

  • drying towelstry to dry wet items in well-ventilated places, preferably in the sun, as UV rays kill bacteria;
  • if you do not have a balcony, dry with the windows open in summer and next to the radiator in winter;
  • some housewives place scented napkins or essential oils under the floor dryer, which permeate the laundry with their scent;
  • Do not throw towels into a basket or closet when wet;
  • After use, place them on a heated towel rail or radiator to dry.

How to store towels so they don't smell damp?

storageDon't stuff your closet to capacity. Any fabric must “breathe”. Even if you have several family members, consider options for placing clothes in a looser position. A very good effect comes from sorting out and getting rid of unnecessary wardrobe items that can be given away or sold.

If you come across shelves with perforation, be sure to purchase them.Make small scented sachets or buy pre-made ones with any herbs or oils you like. Place them between your laundry and enjoy the wonderful scents.

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