Washing kitchen towels without boiling

A towel is an essential item in the household: wipe cups, dry vegetables and fruits, cover baked goods. It's a shame that it gets dirty incredibly quickly. Before you have time to look back, there are already drops of tea, fat, and berries on it, which are not so easy to get rid of.

You can combat various types of contaminants by boiling. However, this method has a lot of disadvantages. The most unpleasant are the fumes and stench that accompany the process and cause discomfort to the owners of the living space. So, how to wash towels without boiling them?

How to wash kitchen towels without boiling them?

Pre-treatment before washing with the use of accessible and inexpensive assistants, which are likely to be found in any apartment, can return products to their original appearance.

We use soda

To eliminate unwanted odors and whiten:

  • washing kitchen towelsput the “messies” in a plastic or enamel container;
  • pour 100 g of soda;
  • Brew two liters of boiling water;
  • stir with clothes tongs;
  • let cool completely.

Important! This advice is only suitable for white or permanently colored items.

Salt protects the wash

A water-salt solution (1 liter per 1 tablespoon) will help solve the problem with traces of coffee, ketchup, wine, as well as loss of brightness. Place towels in it.


kitchen towelsOrdinary shampoo can deal with fruit blotches, and dishwashing liquid can deal with stubborn grease. Soak and lightly rub the stained areas and wait 1-2 hours.

Bleach – chlorine

Chlorine-containing substances disinfect, bleach, and deal with almost all types of stains. Add a capful of bleach to the soap solution and dip the wipes into this substance.

Important! Do not use frequently and do not soak for a long time. The structure of the fibers is disrupted, the colors fade.


It will erase splashes of coffee and milk, soften and restore the color of linen products. Mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio, apply to contaminated surfaces and soak with the powder.

Laundry soap

their towels are terryA universal cleaner for non-fading towels. Wet them, lather them well and leave them in a plastic bag for 6-8 hours. Choose soap with a high alkali content - more than 72%.

Vegetable oil

Suitable for removing even old stains of grease and yellowness, adding brightness to colored items and a whitening effect to white items. Algorithm of actions:

  • dissolve washing powder (1 tbsp) and persalt (2 tbsp) in 5 liters of water (at least 80 degrees);
  • pour in sunflower oil (6 tsp)
  • Immerse the towels in the composition and forget about them for a couple of hours.


It has cleansing properties and breaks down dirt and greasy stains. To achieve the result:

  • spotsmake a thick paste from mustard powder and water;
  • lubricate the areas of fabric that need cleaning with it and wrap it in a plastic bag for several hours;
  • rinse.

With vinegar

This treatment gets rid of the smell of mold and stains. For this:

  • dilute 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar in 2.5 liters of water;
  • Place towels in a basin and fill with the prepared solution overnight.

Hydrogen peroxide

Perfectly disinfects and brightens. Add 4 tsp to 5 liters of water. three percent peroxide and throw the product into the solution for half an hour.

Important! Do not use this utensil on shedding representatives.

After the above manipulations, wash the towels in the usual way (by hand or in the washing machine).

Recommendations for washing without boiling

  • waffle towelschange towels in the kitchen at least 3 times a week;
  • Wash off a fresh stain immediately;
  • adjust the temperature of the working solutions depending on the degree of shedding of the fabric. To check whether a thing is “painting” or not, iron the dampened part of it, placing a sheet of white paper under it.;
  • Avoid contact of active chemicals with your skin; use protective rubber gloves when working with them.

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