16 interesting facts about bedding

Bed linen linen became integral part everyday life modern person, loving comfort And cosiness. From this accessory in in many ways depends mood And well-being after night recreation. Few know, When appeared linen And other fascinating data, related With him.

16 interesting facts about bedding

A few household facts about bedding

ABOUT accurate time emergence everyone beloved subject Nothing Not known. However mention O bed underwear met during the times Ancient Roman empires And Ancient Egypt, A allow to myself could his only noble persons.

16 interesting facts about bedding

Known What:

  1. U everyone peoples popular various fabrics, used For tailoring. Americans prefer thin poplin And percale, Englishnatural linen, A residents European regionsatin And calico.
  2. For long-term And simple storage Can apply pillowcase. IN her easily will fit all set.
  3. At purchase recruitment costs convert attention on colors, So How on subconscious level Human chooses shade, which most fits under character.
  4. Big popularity at buyers enjoy natural fabrics, So How They comfortable, hygienic And Not cause allergies. Mixed options With application synthetics give fabrics wear resistance.
  5. Most common shadewhite. This peculiar symbol cleanliness, lightness And harmony. By statistics, exactly V him sleeping calmly And comfortable.
  6. Exist disposable sets. They comfortable V industry beauty And For carrying out medical procedures.

If on fabrics depicted maritime motives, counts, What dream will much stronger And calmer.

Facts you may know for the first time

16 interesting facts about bedding

Despite on That What this category of things familiar to each, exists a lot interesting facts, which able surprise:

  1. Initially linen believed amulet from unclean strength, That's why often sewed his themselves And decorated sacred embroidery And patterns.
  2. On Rus' linen used V quality dowry And conveyed By inheritance. On manufacturing recruitment manual way could leave some years.
  3. Special meaning attached underwear V Ancient Rome. There was belief, What family will united, If bed cover blanket, on which embroidered special sacred symbols V form spirals.
  4. Before XX centuries V Russia bedding linen had only rich And influential personalities. Ordinary People could count only on bags, stuffed hay.
  5. IN XIX century appeared scammers, those who spoke, What kits protect from x-ray radiation.
  6. Sets from natural silks first became apply legendary madam Pompadour.
  7. sheet on rubber band came up with V USA, A massive production the whole set first got up on flow only after Second mirovaya wars. Exactly Then linen became available By cost And availability.
  8. The most expensive recognized set from English manufacturer Charlotte Thomas Bespoke. He sewn from wool merino And Egyptian cotton, A Also decorated gold V 22 carat. Price pillowcases 2,5 thousand $.
  9. Dimensions himself long recruitment V world685 m By length And 1,5 m By width. Simultaneously V such bed can fit over 3 thousand. Human.
  10. Habitual many duvet coverenvelope has entered V everyday life approximately 50 years back.

Bed linen linen have to often wash. In in many ways This connected With those, What behind year Human loses near two kilograms skin And Part remains on material.

Certainly, This far Not All interesting details about this necessary And useful things, without which get by extremely difficult. IN stores provided big diversity sets: There is How cheap models, So And expensive from exquisite materials And calculated on significant holidays And present.

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