How to make a kangaroo or a baby sling from a sheet?

Nowadays, infrastructure is increasingly being developed that makes it possible to actively move around the city with a stroller. But despite this, there are still enough places where you simply can’t get to it. This is especially true for frequent shopping trips. In this case A sling, a fabric device for carrying small children, will come to the aid of a young mother. They were widespread in Asian countries - India, China, Japan, and then the fashion for them came to Europe and North America.

If you want to become mobile and have your baby nearby, try making this kangaroo out of a sheet with your own hands.

What kind of sheet can be used to make?

It is better to buy a ready-made sling, of which there are now a huge number. They are distinguished by the quality of materials and ensure the correct position of the child, which is especially important during the formation of the skeleton in the first years of life.But if you don’t have it at hand, and you need to go somewhere urgently, then an ordinary sheet can come to the rescue.

The main requirements for fabric are that it must be made from natural materials, durable and non-stretching.. It is better to give preference to sheets made of cotton or linen; chintz and calico are also suitable. Contact of a child's skin with synthetic materials can cause irritation and allergic reactions. It should be remembered that it is better to use such a sling at home, and go outside with it only when necessary and in the warm season.

sling at the back

How to tie a sheet?

For the simplest design, you will need a regular one-and-a-half sheet. The double will have to be cut to The width of the fabric was about 90 cm. The cut is placed in the middle on one shoulder, and on the other its ends are tied together with a strong double knot. Then the resulting ring is turned into a knot on the back, and in front there is an improvised pocket for the child.


Another option:

how to tie

Making a sling from a sheet with your own hands

A more reliable design of the sling involves the use of rings - here the risk of untying the knots is completely eliminated. Metal rings are most often used, but wooden or plastic rings can also be used. In this case, you need to check their strength.

Important! The diameter of the rings should be about 10-15 cm.

They are sewn to the fabric on one side. Since a significant part of the load will fall on the rings, special attention should be paid to the quality of the thread and seams. This causes fewer problems when using a sewing machine. So:

  1. The resulting workpiece is placed on the shoulder so that the rings hang forward from it.
  2. The second end of the sling is pulled diagonally to the thigh on the opposite side of the body.
  3. Then it is wound up, threaded into both rings and threaded down through the bottom one again, forming a tight connection.

Height can be adjusted using rings. A baby in a kangaroo can be in an upright position or lying on his back. You can carry it this way until you reach the age of three. Such a device can be decorated with embroidery to your liking, making it unique and inimitable.

ring sling

If it is not possible to purchase rings, then you can make a sling in the form of a tube. Structurally, both options are almost identical, but in the second case it is sewn for a specific person and cannot be adjusted to size. In this case, the opposite ends of the sheet are sewn together. Again, special attention should be paid to the quality of the seams and thread.

The resulting kangaroo is worn over the shoulder, and the child is placed in the resulting pocket. Its position can be adjusted within a small range by turning the fabric on the shoulder. The main disadvantage of this option is impossibility of use by both parents if they are of different heights and builds.

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