Why don't Europeans iron their bed linen?

Why don't Europeans iron their bed linen? Remember your mother's words from childhood? Washed laundry - iron it right away! But both mothers and we ourselves, once again, turning on the iron, dreamed of the impossible - to stop ironing! And now it has become known that Scientists do not advise doing this at all!

But giving up an established habit turned out to be not so easy. More than once you can hear women asking, is it possible not to iron bedding? Let's try to answer the most common questions.

Has Europe really put down the iron?

The statement in our headline that European women have stopped ironing their bed linen is not an exaggeration, but the real state of affairs.

IMPORTANT! Many European countries have long stopped ironing bedding.

  • The best hotels in France use only unironed linen, showing concern for the health of visitors.
  • The Germans don't use irons, saying that it will become wrinkled anyway.
  • In Britain they also abandoned this tradition.

And not only in Europe! Housewives in Canada, Israel and many other countries, indeed, began to forget about the iron after washing clothes.

Why are we petting him?

Why do you need to iron bed linen? Is it possible not to do this? Why waste so much precious why irontime, which is always in short supply anyway? After all, you can sleep peacefully on something that has just been washed. Many women ask themselves these questions. And yet, they continue to iron for decades.

Ironing was considered a natural and absolutely necessary procedure. Arguments for using an iron:

  • laundry is disinfected;
  • the fabric is leveled;
  • becomes tactilely more pleasant;
  • the material becomes more durable;
  • laundry capacity increases;
  • The smoother it is, the easier it is to cover.

It was also believed that heat treatment helps fight microorganisms that hide around us. They are small in size, but very harmful, especially for people suffering from allergies. They die under the influence of high temperature. This is the main reason why bedding was processed.

Does modern bed linen not need ironing?

If the benefits of heat treatment are great, why do scientists declare that it is not necessary, and sometimes even no need to ironIs this procedure harmful?

IMPORTANT! Scientists objectively assess changes in real living conditions.

And they found 4 serious reasons to free women from this type of housework.

First reason

It cannot be said that lice, ticks, and bedbugs live in every home today. If suddenly you have them, of course, turn on the iron! And in all other cases leave the fight against microorganisms to modern detergents and ventilate your bed more often!

The second reason

The technology for making fabrics has changed. AND ironing may destroy the fiber structure. And fabric that has been ironed becomes more durable. In this state, it prevents air from passing through it. And this negatively affects how people feel.

Third reason

Some modern linen fabrics do not require ironing.

do not require ironing

  • Silk. This is a pleasantly fitting fabric of natural origin. It absorbs water and evaporation well, which is released by the human body while he sleeps. Natural silk fabric hardly wrinkles and is easy to care for.
  • Calico. Bedding made from this fabric lasts a very long time, at least ten years. Having great density and elasticity, calico does not need to be ironed. It is enough to dry the duvet cover and sheet to prevent kinks and wrinkles.
  • Satin jacquard. This material looks and feels similar to silk fabric. Therefore, it may well replace silk underwear. Since the fabric has a very complex weave of threads, the material is very durable, resistant to wear and does not require ironing.

Fourth reason

Household appliances that help housewives have changed. Nowadays A huge number of washing machines have appeared, which manufacturers began to equip with the “easy ironing” function. This makes it possible to save your own time by refusing to iron your clothes by hand.

What about the baby's bed?

But what about children's things? This is a constant question for moms. Heat treatment protects againstkids clothes germs!

There is no contradiction! Children's clothes still need to be treated at high temperatures! But this can be done not only with the help of an iron.

Children are born without fully functioning temperature regulation. If we assume that after ironing the fabric really loses its quality, then it would be better to play it safe and minimize all risks.

IMPORTANT! Children's bedding also does not need to be ironed, but it is recommended to use a steamer for processing.

It prevents the hot surface of the iron from coming into contact with the fabric and at the same time disinfects.

Continue stroking or join the Europeans?

Don't look for a definitive answer to this question. Each woman gives it independently. decide for yourself

If you can't feel comfortable until you've ironed all your sheets and duvet covers, iron them!

But if you feel that you can’t fall asleep for a long time, that you can’t completely relax and unwind, pay attention to your bed. Perhaps there is a ban on ironing on the laundry label? In this case, either stop ironing or change the set.

And, of course, if you don’t have time to iron everything out, don’t feel remorse! European women don't iron, Canadian women don't iron, and you can too!

Reviews and comments
N Natalia Logunova:

I read the article with interest. Iron. Do not iron. I want to share my habit.Which helped me when I was very busy. And I wanted the underwear to be perfect. My mother told me. This is how they did it in the old days. After washing the sheets, duvet covers and that's it. What is washed, even the panties are rolled up and in a pile. The husband rolled up everything, bravely helped and was proud of himself. We left everything either until the morning or for a long time (if there is any). I slam everything down with my palms, leveling it out. it comes very quickly. And then flat on the dryer. You can use a rope, but pull it tighter. The laundry will be perfectly smooth, no iron is needed.

T Tatiana:

European women usually also use dryers; if you don’t reload it, you don’t even need to iron T-shirts. The more sophisticated the dryer, the less clothes need ironing (I’m not talking about blouses and shirts). The most important thing is to get all the underwear or clothes as soon as the cycle ends. And during drying, you can set the temperature to high - bacteria will not survive, just like after an iron.


I never iron my bed linen. It never even occurred to me. It’s better to buy several sets of good fabric, just straighten it in the dryer and it will be better than ironed. And there is no need to bother.

ABOUT Olga Ch.:

I haven’t ironed for 20 years... only dresses, T-shirts, trousers and then with a steamer... no one in the family has died from unironed bed sheets in 20 years, and I have freed up time..

A Asya:

I have never ironed bed linen, absolutely useless and hard work. I am 60 years old. Mom didn’t iron either, and neither did grandma. It turns out that we are people of the future.)


Ha! And my husband irons it when he watches football. And both are happy. Olga P.

N Hope:

Well, a whole generation of lazy people has formed, proudly writing about their bad habits.

N hope:

But I don’t want to sleep on a crumpled rag and I don’t want to put a crumpled rag on myself. Therefore, I iron everything, and I will iron it, even if a hundred scientists advise me otherwise. These scientists change their opinion several times over the course of a year.

N Nina:

I also stopped ironing bed linen and towels, and when I fold the linen and towel, I spray it with water from a spray bottle and quickly straighten the fabric with my hands. I fold it carefully. And when I then take them out of the closet to replace them, both the linen and towels are as if after ironing.

J julia:

I haven’t ironed clothes for 20 years now. I buy good, high-quality ones - made from calico or satin. Mom always stroked, and I stroked at first. But modern high-quality linen looks good even without ironing. ‘And saves time and effort.

L Lara:

I haven't ironed for a long time. No time. And what a mania to drag Europeans and Americans everywhere! I don't consider them role models.

P Pepper:

Where have you seen this in Europe or in Africa? And you also wear unironed underpants.

ABOUT Olga Ch.:

It’s a bad habit to be rude to people, but I save my time. There’s so much interesting stuff around that I can instead spend stupid time waving a hot piece of iron...

ABOUT Olga Ch.:

You personally can even iron your own shoe laces... Don’t give away the control center to others...
The law is not written to fools; if it is written, it is not read; if it is read, then it is not understood; if it is understood, it is not understood...

N Nata:

Why is not ironing clothes a bad habit? A bad habit is ironing!! In 2000, I was invited to work in the USA. At first she worked in New York, then she moved to a branch in Hartford, in a neighboring state: traffic there is freer, it’s easier to move around by car, and not stand in traffic jams, like in New York. I made friends with local girls and went on vacation together in the evenings, and talked a lot about who runs the household and how. When I said that I was ironing clothes, they didn’t understand what I was talking about. They don’t even have an iron at home, they don’t need it: they only iron office clothes, but they send them to the laundry, and from there they bring everything ironed on hangers. And no one even assumes that you need to iron bedding, jeans, T-shirts and other knitwear. Washed and dried. took it out of the dryer, carefully smoothed it with your hands, folded it and put it in the closet. Since then I’ve been doing everything exactly the same: I don’t iron, although I dry it on the loggia on ropes. I hang it carefully, then fold it. And it turned out that I had so much free time, it was simply amazing. The family is happy that the bedding and T-shirts have become soft and smell good, and not like the fawn from the iron.

WITH Svetlana:

In fact, I haven’t ironed clothes for a hundred years.

M Maria Karpova:

Since I started living separately from my parents, I haven’t ironed clothes. And so it has been for 30 years. Previously, the linen was linen, and the linen was hard, and they also starched it. There's no way without an iron. But cotton does not lose or gain anything from ironing. So why the extra movements! I also try to dry my clothes so that they are not too wrinkled. Fabrics have now become so interesting, when you put them on, they seem wrinkled, but on a warm body, by the time you get to work, everything is fine. I rarely take out the iron

IN Valentina:

Doesn’t it smell like mold after sprinkling it and letting it sit in the closet?

TO collective farmer who was in the cult. countries:

and they don’t iron shirts and trousers or anything at all.
why bother with nonsense?
They don’t wear heels and Louboutins yet.

and also - the most interesting thing - they don’t wash their shoes.
because the sidewalks and roads are clean
I advise you to describe the reasons, etc. in the next blog.

AND Inna:

And I'm ironing the bed linen. This makes it easier to store in the closet. Everything is even, in a pile. It even lifts my spirits when the house and closets are tidy. I tried not to iron it, it didn’t work, I got nervous. This is probably a habit absorbed with mother's milk. I lived with her for 60 years, I don’t think it’s worth relearning.

N hope:

And me too. I also tried not to iron, but no, I can’t. I iron everything except bras and socks. Even my son and husband have work clothes.

L Monkey catcher:

When will you stop focusing on foreign countries? Where is your own dignity? Russia is full of people who don’t iron their bed linen. Smart people act one way or another because it is convenient for them, and not because they want to be like foreigners. It wouldn't hurt to know this. Where does this admiration for foreigners come from? Respect yourself! Is there really no head?

L Lara:

Monkey catcher, I don’t understand why you addressed your message to me? Do you know how to read? Where did you see that I nod at foreigners? Please show me the place in my post where I call to bow to them? I wrote that I do not consider Europeans, Americans and others to be role models.It looks like you don’t have your own head :) If I understand, then it’s wrong (C)

WITH Sergey:

I have long known that in the West there are only quitters...

E Elsa:

So you don’t have to wash things: black is never dirty, and stains on white are ECO, you can eat from cans and not set the table with beautiful dishes, you need to wash them, you don’t need to cook either - it’s a waste of time and effort! I feel sorry for these ladies, they don’t love themselves...

E Elsa:

and also there they go to the store in pajamas, sleep in them at night, sweat and fart, and then go to the store...

G Galina:

Lice and bedbugs are not microorganisms! Microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc.

E Elena:

Nadezhda, why are you talking about bad habits? Bed linen is changed once a week. We wash every day, our nightgown is always clean - 3-4 nights is the limit, then we change. No one in the family suffers from skin diseases. The machine washes. Then the laundry is carefully hung up, the dried clothes are smoothed out with your hands and folded into a tight pile. When you take it out of the closet, it looks ironed. And the freed up time, which is considerable, if there are 3-5 people in the family, is much wiser to spend on reading or walking. And spending too much time and effort on housekeeping to the detriment of cultural leisure, education, communication with friends, etc. - this is a really bad habit. Self-affirmation through perfectly ironed linen! Who cares? Instead of a meaningful conversation and a new exhibition or Booker-winning book, will you show your sheets to your friends?

E Elena:

Pepper, knitted panties, i.e. do not require ironing at all.If you don’t lend them to anyone and change them daily, then you don’t have to iron them. I have never ironed and am absolutely healthy, because... a person needs cleanliness, but not sterility. We don't live in an operating room.

E Elena:

Inna, have you tried reading books instead of ironing?

E Elena:

Monkey catcher, you are our patriot! Why are they referring to the USA and Europe here? Yes, very simple. Because everything new comes to us from there. Washing machines, steamers, new types of low-wrinkle fabrics. We don’t produce our own equipment; our fabrics are the same as 50 years ago. But even cotton can be treated in such a way that it will hardly wrinkle - and there is no need for synthetics. That’s why American and German housewives abandoned the iron before us. And there is no shame in learning something sensible, useful, freeing up time and saving energy and energy. It’s shameful and funny to be a leavened patriot.

ABOUT Olgitsa:

Maybe we shouldn't wash ourselves

A Anel:

I'm ironing. For me, unironed is the same as unwashed. The only things I don't iron are terry towels and panties.


In the USA there is not even a kitchen as such. All semi-finished products. So there is no point in emulating the USA

P Peter:

Normal people use cotton underwear.
Are you sure that these machines rinse out all the powder?

N Natalie:

I read and am surprised - almost everyone hasn’t ironed their clothes for a very long time. I stopped ironing when I turned 65 - I was tired. But both mother and grandmother always stroked. It's nice to see clean, ironed linen. Blouses, trousers, and grandchildren’s things were all ironed.Why do you take an example from Europe - they save every penny, so they don’t iron, and Pindos are generally a strange nation. They do not cook, do not wash or iron. Nightmarrrrr. Examples for me too...

WITH Sergey:

My wife and I don’t iron anything at all. This makes no sense!

N Nastya:

Now in Russia it is fashionable to look at what they are doing in Europe or America, and our Russian traditions have been ironing clothes for a long time, using stones, special boards (ruble and felt), then coal-fired irons appeared. Our history is very great, they always ironed clothes, but the Europeans were dirty and still are, look at how they dress, their clothes are wrinkled, washed, their hair is poorly combed, but their rooms are not very good, they show us the houses of the rich, where there is a house for a worker, there cleanliness and order and the bed is ironed. I had a friend who didn’t iron the linen, straightened it out and sat on it while watching TV, the linen looked terrible, but she didn’t shine with neatness and cleanliness and was very lazy. Here's your answer. Why don’t they iron clothes? It’s because they are lazy and not neat.

M Midea:

What, someone is ironing?! For what?!
It never even occurred to me to iron bed linen.
You should also start ironing towels or shoelaces.:D
I don't iron anything at all.

E Elga:

I also stopped ironing clothes about twenty years ago, and I didn’t notice much of a difference between the ironed ones. You would think that after we sleep on it it would remain just as ironed. So why these extra body movements? And now I buy clothes that I washed, dried, and they are as good as new. Now I almost never use an iron, and I look no worse in these clothes than those who iron them.Why compare with ancient times, the fabrics are different now. And neatness has nothing to do with it.

N Nika:

Many Western housewives use clothes drying machines; they have an ironing effect and high temperatures. Saving time on household chores is the credo of modern Europeans, Americans, etc. I tried not to iron bed linen, both expensive and cheaper ones, but I couldn’t get used to it, everything still looks (to me) unaesthetic, I felt uncomfortable. And then suddenly I realized that I love ironing, it turns out that for me there is a certain stop in time and psychological relief: I iron and listen, or look at something good, interesting, important, useful on the computer.

V Vita:

oh, what about you in unironed panties??(((

A Anna:

I haven’t ironed linen or towels for over 20 years. This is the first time I’ve heard that Euroleisans do this

A Anna:

In addition to the fact that this is completely optional, you save time, effort, nerves, and electricity.


We don’t starch, we don’t iron, we don’t wash, we don’t live in a legal marriage, but in a so-called “civil marriage”, we are not the children’s mom and dad, but parent 1 and parent 2, and so on behind Europe in the ass

T Tatiana:

okay, some more bed linen - you can fold it neatly, but walk around in wrinkled things like homeless people?? This way you can put a bag on a plate, you ate the borscht, threw the bag away - don’t wash the plate, have you tried it?

E Elena:

Why put everything in one pile? I had no idea how they deal with laundry in Europe. But I myself once ironed everything, even my socks (it’s easier to fold).And then I realized that it was stupid to waste time on an optional activity.
We wash and iron only blouses and men's shirts, if necessary, we live in a legal marriage, we are normal parents of our children. We respect European culture and adopt what we like. For example, instead of ironing clothes, we take our children (and now our grandchildren) to museums and give them knowledge of art history, so that in this sense they are no worse than the Italians. We read books with them and talk about literature. The results are worthy: all my children and grandchildren are not economical clowns, but well-read, intelligent people. By the way, they are impeccably clean. And with your irons you go back to the Middle Ages.

T Tina:

You definitely need to iron it, otherwise one day you won’t end up with lice, fleas and mosquitoes.

T Tatiana:

I live in the USA. It is true that after drying the clothes are almost not wrinkled, but this “almost” is just not satisfactory. Therefore, I stroked, stroked and will continue to stroke. And it doesn’t take much time to iron. This, of course, is a matter of habit, and everyone makes their own choice. Personally, I find that ironed bed linen looks fresher at the end of the week and makes sleeping on it more pleasant.

IN Valentina:

I haven’t ironed my bedding for a very long time. I have three grandchildren. Everyone stroked the first one. He is 16. Nothing on the second and third. The second granddaughter is already 9 years old, the third grandson is 2.5 years old. Everyone is healthy and cheerful. No problem.

IN Valentina:

Nika agrees with psychological relief. This is not forcing yourself.

E Elena:

Sergey, if there are only lazy people there, why do they live so much better than us? There have been no colonies for a long time; on the contrary, Europeans are feeding millions of “refugees” from Africa and Asia.And no one goes hungry, children study, higher education in France and Germany is free (in Germany even for foreigners), etc. And we, such hardworking people, have a country where millions of people still live without running water and sewerage.

E Elena:

Tina, lice can be brought in by children from kindergarten or school; underwear has nothing to do with it. I have never seen fleas, and mosquitoes are somehow rare in Russia. Even the bedbugs and cockroaches have disappeared. And spending time on the iron means taking it away from more important things. They say that today's children read little and reluctantly. Everyone reads mine - children and grandchildren. Because instead of stupid unnecessary ironing, I paid attention to their development, tried to give them something interesting.

E Elena:

Valentina, I ironed diapers for the first month, then gave up. Three children have grown up, three grandchildren. There's nothing wrong with them. True, I love hypoallergenic laundry detergents. For example, baby powder “Stork”. And from April to November I dry my clothes on the balcony, in the sun. This is also disinfection.

E Elena:

Nastya, “Our history is very great” is leavened patriotism. We remembered: ruble, valek! So it was linen, a bit harsh and yes, without an iron - rough, uneven. I have new linen sheets, but after the Egyptian silky cotton, they don't feel good to me. And for some, instead of using an iron, it would be nice to learn grammar. And the linen is ironed, but the hostess is illiterate, for me it’s better the other way around.
And our history is like everyone else’s: wars, conquests, cruelty, exploitation, poverty, stratification of society into rich and poor, complacency (we are the most spiritual, the smartest, the most moral). Of course, there were heroes, there were moments of national unity.This has happened to everyone. It's time to understand that confrontation between countries and peoples is the path to the destruction of humanity. We need to unite and not consider ourselves superior to others.

YU Julia:

This is some kind of nonsense. What Europeans? Even in Russia, only a few iron clothes. I don’t iron, my mother doesn’t iron, and I didn’t even notice this with my grandmother. At the university, I lived in a dorm with five girls, no one petted me. And my friend doesn’t iron. And not because it will still wrinkle, but because if you shake the wet laundry before hanging it, hang it evenly, and then fold the dry laundry evenly, it will be without a single wrinkle.
As a journalist, I want to give advice to the author: if you suddenly think that everyone is doing the same as you, then before declaring this, at least conduct a survey on social networks.

E Elena:

Julia, here’s an explanation of the topic in one word. "In the University"! I think those who studied at universities, etc. understand the value of free time and do not want to waste it on unnecessary economic feats. And the less educated part of our interlocutors asserts themselves by contemplating and even demonstrating the perfect stack of laundry in the closet. And I have absolutely no interest in looking into other people's closets. It's better to talk about something important.

M Mila:

Elena, what does your literacy give to us “illiterate housewives” and to our country, especially like this, I quote you: but we have a history like everyone else: wars, conquests, cruelty, exploitation, ....
complacency (we are the most spiritual, the most moral), etc. So it’s better to iron, and don’t use the freed up time to give your children and grandchildren such “reading”.
And everyone decides for themselves whether to iron or not!

WITH Svetlana:

An iron consumes a lot of energy, even a modern one. It covers all the pros and cons. Savings come first. And those who iron simply cannot give up the habit of showing off in front of themselves, their family, and I don’t know who yet. But everything in this world is conditional, and we invented the conventions for ourselves. Free yourself.

AND Irina:

What makes you think that they don’t iron bed linen in Europe? I have stayed in apartments in different European cities many times, and I have never encountered unironed linen.

L Lana:

In Europe, of course, they iron bed linen; not a single decent house will provide you with crumpled rags. But the second question: “Why free up time and what is it not enough for? ” In order to surf the Internet, like and repost :)))

YU Julia:

I haven’t ironed linen for many years, but in principle, this is everyone’s business. Sometimes it makes me laugh when someone complains, oh, I have a mountain of unironed linen, again I spent the whole evening with the iron, I say, don’t iron it and that’s it, but no, she can’t. I was more interested in the underpants, why iron them at all? I only iron some blouses and T-shirts

E Evg:

A very simple solution to the problem: lay down an unironed bed and lie down. And only after that decide whether to get up and stroke or stay like that. That's all.

A Antonina:

You don’t have to iron your bed linen if you live in a village, because it is dried outside.
When you take it off the ropes it’s as if it’s been ironed, all that’s left to do is fold it.
And if it’s winter... the laundry smells so fresh - it’s just a miracle!
But in city apartments it’s impossible to dry it like that...even on the balcony.
That's why I iron... slobs and slackers don't iron (it doesn't concern grannies).

A Alexander:

I read the comments and came to a conclusion. Our women are absolute slobs in the house, in everyday life. They can spend a lot of money and many hours to make their face shine. Question for whom? Externally they look great. For example, I hate looking at wrinkled linen and clothes. I will never wear a shirt that has folds, stripes, arrows from God knows where. I have no desire to look like a cow chewed me up and spat me out. After all, I’m Russian, but I’m a jaded American with accordion-shaped trousers and a washboard on the back of my jacket. And women who are unkemptly dressed are generally disgusting. I iron my own clothes and always iron them. I don't trust my wife. Since childhood, I have been accustomed to doing everything myself. If people in the West don’t iron, then why do they produce irons and constantly improve them? Why the hell do they make ironing boards? There are contradictions in the comments, “I take it to the laundry, they will iron it there,” then “I wash and only dry, but do not iron.” Ladies, stop self-praising. Or are you writing the truth, well then your husbands are either drunks, or just goofballs (to say the least).

L Larisa:

I have always ironed my linen and towels so much nicer and better. And there are housewives about whom the saying goes: laziness was born before them - so they look for an excuse for themselves

T Tatiana:

I iron, and I lived abroad and ironed. By the way, they don’t even save time, but electricity! Sleeping on something ironed - they understand everything very well and don’t snatch the iron out of their hands! And in the USA, in apartment buildings, they don’t even install washing machines in every apartment - should we admire it too?)))

E Elena:

Mila, why should my literacy give anything to illiterate housewives? Everyone now has the opportunity to gain any knowledge. The network contains digitized collections of the best museums in the world, recordings of the best performers. There are courses on any subject. Those who want to develop take advantage of this, and those who are already satisfied with themselves prefer to spend time ironing. Of course, there are things on the farm that you can’t entrust to anyone, but you have to do yourself. For example, I baked pies for many years. My friends and relatives said that without my pie the holiday wouldn’t be the same. But this is completely different. You can decorate your home, and sew and knit, if you have a craving for it. And the iron is an anachronism. They gave me a steamer, so now my blouses and skirts don’t need an iron.

E Elena:

Antonina, those who value their time do not pet. Life is short, and it’s a shame to waste it on unnecessary things. And tell me, how many books have you read in the last month?

WITH Svetlana:

How many people, so many opinions. I ironed linen as a child, for the whole family of five, ironed when I was studying, ironed while on maternity leave, ironed all my life, and will continue to iron linen.Because for me it is IMPORTANT! For myself! I choose the time to relax while ironing, watch my favorite movie, or an interesting program (fortunately there are a lot of educational programs now), to talk with loved ones, I don’t leave my brain somewhere out there, in the bowels of the iron... And also, once upon a time I read a long time ago that among all the housework, the most calories are spent ironing clothes, so that’s great! And you do something useful, and you don’t have to run to the gym, and this is also time... And when the child was little, he and I recited Korney Chukovsky’s poems by heart in a race, then, the multiplication table, Mendeleev, etc.... I live my life and choose what I like, and not what is imposed on me by Europeans, Americans and others. Each nation has its own traditions and culture.

WITH Svetlana:

Recent studies by Japanese scientists have found that ironing bed linen and underwear WORSE their hygienic properties; ironed linen does not allow air to pass through well and absorbs moisture, resulting in discomfort, allergies and skin irritation.

IN Valeria:

I tried to register, but there was an incomprehensible explanation in the frame: some of the words were missing, but it’s a pity, the topic is interesting

A Anna Sinitsina:

Where exactly did you try to register?

T Tatiana:

Adherents of ironing in the 21st century, buy yourself a set of normal linen, not calico from the market, and you will see that it is not wrinkled after washing. Treat yourself at least once in your life, you deserve it)

T Tatiana:

I iron everything except my panties. The bed linen is only good. I won’t sleep without ironing. I iron in front of the TV. I enjoy the neat stacks in my closet.I read everything by chance, I heard that many people don’t iron, but for such a number of people……. I will always iron as long as I can.

Sh Shmul:

Where they don't iron, they save electricity. energy)), and where they don’t save, they iron. My relative works for a family of wealthy people in New York. She has been ironing clothes there for 20 years!!!!! And in Italy, and in Ireland, and in Canada!!!! Do not lie

L Laura:

My grandmother was born at the end of the century before last. She came to visit me, it was the 60s, I don’t remember exactly, I think it was 1965. We sat, drank tea, and chatted. I started to iron the laundry, and grandma said, you’re a fool, fold it neatly, without wrinkles, fold it neatly into a pile, cover it with a towel and sit on it, we’ll talk later. Grandma was in good condition, everything was sparkling, her rags and kitchen towels were snow-white. Since then, I haven’t bothered with underwear, ever. And the bed linen, tablecloths, towels and napkins look like they were steamed over an iron for a day, so ironed. Just, the main thing is not to dry it out and don’t immediately put it in the closet, let it sit on the nightstand for a day. and then into the closet. And let those fools who accuse smart housewives of laziness continue to worry. Feather named after They simply have nothing else to do, and they have plenty of extra money. Let them look at the meter, because the iron consumes a lot of electricity. And strength. And time.

L Laura:

But my friend in America doesn’t iron! And her friends don’t pet her.

E Evgenia:

In Europe, only the poor do not iron their clothes. Those who are able to, hire servants who clean, wash, and iron. One of the mass works of migrants.
In France, epidemics of conjunctivitis and lice are common in schools.
Follow them, those who like to read about other people's lives in cool books, and you will be happy

L Love:

There was no power, the iron didn’t heat up, and I stopped ironing clothes. True, I dry it outside, then you have to immediately fold it evenly and put it in the closet, then you can take it out as if it had been ironed. I'm ironing the essentials, the tension is fine now.


And I iron clothes, and read books, I also help children whenever possible, I work 5/7 and I don’t even understand what Europe, Asia, etc. have to do with it. This is my home, my comfort, my family, and at least here I do what I consider necessary. I am 61 years old.

N Nastena:

In general, I practically don’t know how to use an iron. I take evening dresses and suits to the dry cleaner, where they are put in order, but my husband and I’s everyday clothes are mostly jeans and something comfortable that doesn’t need ironing. Ironing bed linen is generally nonsense, I slept once and again everything was wrinkled. Although... there are probably those who spend the whole night in the sleeping beauty pose. For me, it’s better to spend time usefully, chat with loved ones, read, go for a walk, play sports, and not stand at the ironing board.

M Marina:

I have lived in America for many years, we do not iron linen and clothes. If something needs ironing, we take it to the cleaners - suits, dresses. Some clothes cannot be washed.
Our apartment has both a washing machine and a dryer, and it makes life a lot easier!
In our house and in the neighboring house there are also public washing machines and dryers, and a laundry service right there, and dry cleaning: if you want, wash and dry it yourself, or if you want, give it to the professionals. Prices are reasonable.
I work as a nurse, I get up at 4:30 in the morning, I come home late and very tired - what more ironing do I need! We also have to prepare dinner (not from semi-finished products, but from normal products! - someone commented that we don’t cook here), so there’s simply no time left for ironing clothes. And there is no such need: the dryer perfectly smoothes both bed linen and clothes.
The Americans cannot be accused of being careless; they are always fresh, do not smell of sweat, as I often noticed with some in Russia, they wear only clean clothes, although sometimes unironed. So what? Why judge people by their clothes? This is completely wrong. In general, no one should be judged, and any person should have the choice to do as he sees fit - if he wants, let him iron his linen, if he doesn’t want to, let him not iron it, as long as it’s fresh.
I am sorry that in Russian discussions people quickly get personal and criticize each other, moving away from the topic and becoming biased.
And, if someone now reproaches me for “Americanism”, and I suspect that there will definitely be such people, then I want to answer this in advance: I am Russian, and I am proud of it, I associate myself with the Russian language and Russian culture, I DO NOT think that America is better, but I think that there is no need to adopt the bad from the West, but the good is worth adopting. Having a dryer in the house frees up time for relaxing, reading, cooking, walking and other favorite activities instead of ironing bed linen. But that's just my opinion.Someone writes that they are resting and relaxing while ironing clothes, so that’s wonderful! But my mother, even now in Russia, boils, starches and irons all the linen, and cannot do otherwise, although she complains of back pain... But she prefers to do this work, what can I do? Everyone decides for themselves. The main thing, in my opinion, is not to judge each other and not to judge people by how they look and what they wear.

IN valentine:

I have always ironed and will continue to iron, I can’t sleep on anything that isn’t ironed, and everything in the closet is neat and even.

1 111:

you also have nylon tights (what is the correct name for them?) iron them...

L Lyudmila:

Well done!!! I always ironed all washed items. Always! This is the culture of home life. And the adult son always irons his things, both in the army and after. As for the time spent on ironing, I know how to distribute it wisely. Ironing gives an emotional mood for a feeling of home, peace, and hostess. And unironed clothes look worn on, and there is no image of a well-groomed person.

1 111:

Well, someone likes to boast that they are the hostess, I understand that. Well then, take care of whoever is bothering you. Everyone will decide for themselves what is best


I can’t sleep on unironed linen – massager No. 2. Although I buy high-quality sets, I can’t help but iron them.

YU Yula:

Someone writes all sorts of nonsense and also gets paid for it! I give a standing ovation! Are people really not able to figure out “to be or not to be” for themselves???? I never even ironed baby diapers and, horror of horrors, never sterilized nipples or bottles, I just washed and washed them well…. Ironing clothes was justified when they washed clothes in rivers.I’d rather spend this time in a better way – talking with my children, for example. But this is my personal opinion, and it may absolutely not coincide with the opinion of another person...

TO Katerina:

I never ironed bed linen, and my mother didn’t do it. And not because people from other countries do the same, but because I think it’s a waste of time. There are also those who even iron their underwear)))) everyone has their own bugs

A Antonina:

Julia, haven’t you been stoned by your kind housewives yet??? I have three children, and I ironed diapers only for the first one during the first month, and then only on my grandmother’s good advice. I'm reporting. Everyone is alive, healthy and cheerful! The iron in the house exists exclusively for shirts. All the best!


Only lazy slobs don't iron clothes! Well, storing ironed items in the closet is much nicer than an unironed pile! My underwear is made of premium satin and even it looks much more attractive when ironed! Lazy people sleep on synthetics!

L Lazy n.:

But pimps on premium satin show their refinement by calling other people names on the Internet. Well-mannered, polite, intelligent...

M Musya:

I used to iron the bed linen in front of the TV, but now I neither iron the bed linen nor watch TV (I’m already sick of these little nightingales, and the news on the Internet is more truthful than in the zombie box). Absolutely stupid waste of time on useless actions. After washing, I hang the laundry evenly on the dryer, and then neatly in a pile and each set in a pillowcase, and thus the sets, when they are packed in a pillowcase, take up less space in the closet.For a good, comfortable sleep, the main thing is the quality of the fabric.

E Elena:

I was stroking, stroking and stroking. It's akin to meditation combined with watching a movie. I also starch bed linen and men's shirts. I'm actually a criminal!!!!!! :-))))) But how nice it is to lie down on the crispy smooth surface of the sheet!!!


I liked the package on a plate of borscht, it made me laugh. I'm ironing. Habit. I'm tired of it. I'll start buying the right things and stop doing this nonsense.

O Olga Shur:


Do they pet cats and other animals, including humans?

YU Julia:

Pardon our French?

O Olga Shur:

Poor French language... is he responsible for everything?
Neither a petition (which in this situation is generally not acceptable) nor an apology is somehow all out of place here? ?
Do you just need to take it for study?

Julia, s’il-te-plaît, fais attention à toi. ?

YU Julia:

Oh fsyo! Uela!??

YU Julia:

Did I leave the beach without a Panama hat...?

O Olga Shur:

With people you don't know, it is more productive to write uelI (na you) ??.
Well, is the beach great?
Don't forget the anti-burn cream...
And it’s better to take a Panama hat: is it better to have a cool head?
See you ?? on air...

YU Julia:

With strangers to you then... Philologists continue to iron....?

IN Vasya:

I’ll be honest, I used to iron it, then I stopped, the machine had an ironing function.Even after that machine broke down, the habit of not ironing remained. I want to say that this is a great time saver, a lot of it. Apparently you have nothing to do and you don’t work if you iron clothes all day long. I completely straighten the bedding, and after drying, I carefully fold it and everything is fine.
in fact, bed linen can be washed in a washing machine with steam or at high temperatures; this kills germs quite well.
but in general, pointing out that someone is wrong is very stupid, everyone’s life is different, as is the rhythm of life.

T Tatiana:

I read the book Notes of a Gray Healer, where the healer grandfather taught a student not to iron bed linen, since the linen becomes dead after heat treatment and does not breathe. And it's not good for health. And so... everyone decides for themselves

IN Vasya:

I forgot whether I ironed or not, it seems I haven’t changed my linen for a long time. I'll at least go wash it.

E Elena:

Yes, they iron clothes in Europe! At least in Italy for sure)) All the gentlemen I know use it. And in Germany I saw the old method of “lazy ironing”: fold almost dry laundry under a heavy object (my friends used an accordion) and leave it for a day or two.

E Elena:

If someone suggested to you that you need to iron, why talk about everyone? I'm 53 years old and I never iron clothes. I like it more tactilely and I’ll find something to spend my time on. And what do Europeans have to do with it?

N Hope:

I have never ironed bed linen, even as a child I asked my mother not to iron my set. I like it better this way, it’s softer and more pleasant to the touch

E Elena:

I'm definitely German))) Why iron it if it still gets wrinkled))) Maybe with the advent of children my opinion will change, but for now it's like that)

M Marina:

Lord, how much aggression over an insignificant reason... So much evil ignorance in ideas about how people live outside the borders of Russia. Why suddenly in America, for example, they don’t cook? Don't they iron in Europe?
To stroke or not to stroke is an absolutely personal matter and is completely unimportant, but to be rude or not to be rude, to be angry or not to be angry, to express anger and contempt for any reason is a vitally important choice.

O Olga Shur:

Marina your answer about @god@ came to me@
Are you sure you wrote to me?

M Marina:

Sorry, please, Olga, of course, I didn’t mean you

M Maria:

In addition to the iron, there is also a steamer :) which does an excellent job with modern fabrics – if we talk about ironing clothes.

WITH Seryoga:

Elena and other dirty, untidy girls, you should be ashamed, but you are proud of the fact that you don’t do women’s things! They will probably write again that they are doing it, but ironing is not necessary. ahahaha. Cultural development, etc. this is wonderful, no one argues, but comparing the economy and cultural development already speaks of the degradation of you and your grandchildren and children! A mismanaged woman, this is terrible, and they are proud of this)) To translate the conversation about who has read how many books is generally nonsense of the highest degree. Comparing incomparable things already indicates that your IQ is low.we live in the 21st century, and being an unkempt UNEDUCATED accordion is tough) the same as keeping a dog in the house - and yelling how cool and clean it is - but in fact the lot of rednecks who knew little about germs and canine infections. How can you think of keeping an animal at home that will run around the house with dirty paws where you walk barefoot? And don’t yell about washing their paws.. And it’s not just about the paws. .read better literature about microbes, etc. and not about cruelty. Maybe you will understand that it’s not about good fabrics.. At least the aesthetic side. You are not women - you are the most natural pigs, who were raised by the same unaccustomed pig mothers. You need to be silent, and you still write about it....

M Maria:

Dear Sergey,
You are not a man - you are a boor and a coward who insults strangers while hiding behind a monitor.
You, apparently, were raised by the same uneducated and boorish parents.
Leave the stories about a woman’s responsibilities for your wife, but here you’d better remain silent.

N Natalia:

And I don't iron. Although many of my friends iron. And they just have mountains of linen to iron. And the facial expression to match! That’s what they say: I’ll just iron it and start ironing again. Poor guys.

Z Zinochka:

Are there still idiots ironing bed sheets and towels? Well, they apparently have nowhere to spend their time and energy. ? The flag is in their hands!

L Love:

I haven't ironed for a very long time. What for? After washing, I shake it and hang it carefully, this is enough. If the laundry is not over-dried, it is almost no different from ironed laundry.


How can you listen to advice about underwear from a person who writes “sheet”?


How can a person who writes “sheets” give advice about underwear?

N Natali:

I don’t iron anything that can NOT be ironed. Only clothes if they look wrinkled. And mainly with a steamer, it’s more convenient and better quality. I don’t like the burnt smell of ironed bed sheets. I’m in a private house, drying it outside, the laundry smells fresh, I wouldn’t exchange it for the smell of ironed laundry for anything. And there are all sorts of microbes there - so they appear again within a few minutes after ironing. Does my mother-in-law even iron her socks? I feel sorry for my precious time. I spend it on needlework.

N Incompetent:

It's a pity that it's not tights)))

T Tat.Vlad.:

Is there really nothing more to write about? and so much bile and anger!? DON’T WASTE

D Dmitriy:

Thanks for the cool answer!

T Tatjana:

Author, “sheet”, not “sheet”!!!!!!

ABOUT Oksana:

And I, too, have not ironed bed sheets or terry towels for many years...

N Natalia:

Hello, I have lived in France for more than 40 years.
French women always iron their clothes themselves or entrust it to a housekeeper.
Please don't write anything you don't know about.
Best regards. Natalia

M Margarita:

Stop discussing this nonsense. you have nothing else to do??? Who comes up with these stupid discussions? And you indulge them

A Anna:

If I don't iron the bed linen, I'll get a nervous tic. I won't be able to sleep in this kind of underwear. Sometimes I don’t iron the fitted sheet, but I still iron it when I pull it onto the mattress.


