Why sitting on a pillow is bad manners. Hygiene and signs

A person should feel comfortable while sleeping. Therefore, it is worth sitting on a pillow, because it is on it that you will rest your head in the evening. Let's look at why you shouldn't do this yet.

Disrespect for a sacred object will be punished

Our ancestors paid special attention to bedding. It is in a dream that a person is especially vulnerable, and a pillow carries within itself the special energy of the person who sleeps on it.

Previously, it was impossible to leave the bed unmade, crumple the blanket, or treat bedding items with disrespect. Sitting on a cushion was considered an insult.

In a dream, a person entrusts all his thoughts and joy to her. For such rude treatment as sitting on it, this sacred object may well take revenge. Many people believe that if you sit on a pillow, failure will definitely begin. And the fifth point may become covered with pimples, itching will begin, and there is even a possibility of abscesses.

disrespect for the pillow will be punishedNowadays there is no such respect for objects, but it’s worth thinking for a second, maybe they actually store all our wonderful moments in memory, and we can simply crush them, and they will disappear forever.

Hygienic aspect

Getting up in the morning, did you suddenly feel unwell? Remember, weren’t you sitting on a pillow in the clothes you wore on the street? Many microbes are transferred from one object to another in this way.

Why you can't sit on a pillow for a long timeDuring sleep, pathogens of various diseases enter the body through the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, and illness becomes inevitable. It is absolutely unhygienic to sit on the bed with clothes on. You simply might not have noticed how you sat on something dirty on a bus, car, or on a bench.

If you sit on your pillow during the day and don’t notice that it’s dirty, you’ll have to change your pillowcase before bed. Agree, this will negatively affect your mood. After all, it would be much better to spend this time on an additional 15 minutes of sound and healthy sleep. Even such a small amount of time can significantly improve your mood and well-being.

Who can and should sit on pillows

Let's get back to the signs? It is believed that newlyweds are not only allowed, but also required to sit on pillows. If you believe the signs, the bride and groom who will sit on them during the celebration will not need money in the future, their life together will be rich. Don’t forget that the pillows should be special – wedding pillows.

newlyweds on pillowsDon't scare away your luck, don't sit on the pillows! They protect our sleep from dark forces and protect us. A person is most vulnerable precisely in a dream.

It’s not for nothing that pillows were previously covered with special capes with embroidered amulets, this protected against bad energy.Now there are a huge number of decorative options, if you are very uncomfortable sitting on a hard chair, you can use them, because they are intended for beauty, and not for sleeping.

Don't forget to make your bed when you leave during the day. This will protect the bedding from contamination, and you from illness and negativity. Take care of your sleep and sacred objects that protect you.

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