Is it okay to let pets sleep in your bed?

Many people have pets. They buy them small, and out of great love they begin to put them in bed with them, without thinking about the consequences. Let's talk about why you shouldn't sleep in the same bed with pets.

Potential harms of sleeping with a pet

Sleeping animal in your bedIt would seem, what harm can there be from sleeping with your beloved pet? Yes, maybe quite dangerous and harmful to human health. Look, a good owner takes care of his cat or dog. Let's look at the example of dogs. In addition to food, these animals need daily walks. Fresh air gives strength to your pet, and you also need to eat medicinal grass on the lawns in the summer. There's nothing wrong with that.

REFERENCE! But, running through different street places, the dog brings infection into the house on its paws. Or did you not know about it?

An animal, of course, washes itself, but not as thoroughly as humans. As a result, paws dirty with bacteria end up on your clean bed, where you lie down with your naked body and face.And then everyone wonders where I got lichen, because my dog ​​doesn’t have it. This disease can be picked up through street walking of animals.

Moreover, pets are often left alone at home, and if you have placed them on the bed with you at least several times, then be sure that while you are away, the animal is lying in your place.

ATTENTION! Any pet should sleep in a specially designated place, but not on your bed. We advise you to bathe animals and wash their paws thoroughly after long walks. Among other things, dogs have fleas, which cause a lot of trouble for people.

Fleas from dogs through the bed

Fleas from dogs through the bedAfter your sleeping animal slept with you, parasite eggs would attack from the fur directly onto the bed. Then small fleas hatch, which at night and during the daytime feed on the blood of humans and the animal itself. They do not live on the human body, but they bite quite painfully, leaving numerous redness on the body in the form of small pimples.

Next, an acrid itch will begin, which provokes endless scratching, leaving sores on the human body. Fleas are also carriers of infections. It is also possible to become infected with anemia. The skin's reaction to a flea bite can vary. Allergies, staphylococcus, herpes, lichen, household hepatitis, worms and various parasitic infections. Why take the risk? Let them sleep on the floor in the designated places.

And pay more attention to the appearance of fleas, they need to be removed quickly. Otherwise, they will multiply so much that you will have to contact the appropriate services for disinfection and destruction of harmful insects.

REFERENCE: A female flea produces 1,500 eggs per week. And this is just one individual. Imagine what will happen in two? Bed linen will turn into a breeding ground for fleas and infections.

The benefits of sleepy time with your pets

The benefits of sleepy time with your pets

  1. The nervous system calms down when a four-legged pet sleeps nearby.
  2. It is believed that the animal cleanses the aura while a person sleeps.
  3. There is a high percentage of sleep, even if the animals lie down in the room with the owner.
  4. Relieves feelings of loneliness.
  5. Gives warmth to the human body.
  6. Before going to bed, many owners pet their pets and look into their eyes. Because of this, a special hormone oxytocin is produced, which forms an emotional connection and creates a feeling of trust.
  7. Lifts the mood for the coming sleep.
  8. Blood pressure decreases.
  9. Significantly reduces stress hormones and relieves long-term depression.
  10. Improves heart function.

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