A defect was found on the new item. How to get my money back?

I think this has happened to almost everyone who has bought clothes or shoes at some point! You’re happy in the store, but you come home and suddenly!.. The item you bought is found to be defective. Alas!.. The situation is very unpleasant and annoying. I feel bad for myself and feel sorry for the money! But some things can still be improved.

A defect was found on the new item. How to get my money back?

Important! The purchased item can be exchanged or returned to the store for a subsequent refund.

There are legal provisions for this, and a return procedure has been developed. The buyer has the right to this, and all sellers know this. But we, buyers, do not know all our rights. We'll tell you how to return your clothes to the store and return your money.

How to return clothes that are found to be defective

Products found to be defective can be returned to the store within the expiration date.

Important! Products with no expiration date or warranty period can be returned within two years from the date of purchase.

It is noteworthy that the warranty period for seasonal items (jackets, hats, fur coats, certain types of shoes) begins from the beginning of the season.


Requirements that the buyer may make

Having discovered a defect, the buyer has every reason to present one of the proposed demands.

  • Return of goods and transfer of 100% of the cost of the product.
  • Replacement of the product with a similar one, if available in the sales area or warehouse.
  • Replacement with a similar or different product from the counter (if the cost of the products is different, it is necessary to recalculate).
  • Payment of expenses for eliminating defects.
  • Independent elimination of defects by the seller and return of the item to the buyer.
  • Reducing the cost of defective products.

How to submit requirements

Important! To make legal claims, you need to make a claim in writing, describing in paper all the shortcomings of the purchased product.

You can bring the claim to the store yourself or send it by registered mail with notification. It is mandatory to certify your copy with the seal and signature of a store employee to certify that the letter was delivered.

Expertise is possible!

Sometimes the store insists on conducting a professional examination. During this process, it becomes clear who exactly is to blame for the damage to the product.

Reference! The examination is carried out within 7 days, and when conducting a repeated examination, the period increases to 20 days.

If during the examination it is determined that the buyer is to blame for the defective goods, he will be obliged to reimburse the costs of the expert procedures carried out.


Deadlines for fulfillment of requirements

  • 7 days established for the seller to provide a new product without defects. And also to replace the product with a product of similar quality, if the buyer insists on such a replacement.
  • Within 10 days, the seller must compensate for losses incurred in connection with the elimination of the defect.
  • The seller has 45 days to eliminate defects if the buyer has requested to exclude the defect and provide a repaired product.

In what case will the seller not take the goods?

The seller may refuse to accept the goods if he proves that the defects appeared after purchase. In this case, the issue can only be resolved through the courts.

A refusal to accept goods can also be obtained if the item is noticeably damaged and has signs of wear.

If there is no marriage, but the clothes do not fit

Often a situation arises when, after careful study and trying on, the buyer does not like the style or color of the product. Or I just didn’t like the thing. Often the model does not fit in size or looks completely different than it seemed in the store fitting room. This is due to the conditions created by the seller under which the clothes look advantageous in the store. In this case, the product can also be returned to the boutique.

return of clothes without defects

Important! You can return clothes or shoes that are not defective within 14 days from the date of purchase.

What they won't take back

There are several categories of goods that are strictly not subject to return or exchange from the seller. These categories are regulated by Art. 25 Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. These include the following:

  • hosiery;
  • swimwear;
  • underwear.

Conditions for accepting goods

If the product is not classified as non-returnable, it will be accepted only if several conditions are met.

return conditions

  • Clothes or shoes should not show signs of wear.
  • Tags and stickers have been preserved (even if they have been cut off from the product).
  • I have saved the receipt for the purchase.

Important! It is possible to return the goods without presenting a receipt, but in this case you will have to provide a witness to the purchase.

  • The return request has been completed in a written form, in the shape of claims.

What to include in a claim

In the claim letter, the buyer describes reasons for return inappropriate thing. To do this, you need to select a special item.


The buyer has the right to demand replacement of the product with one of similar quality available in the warehouse or store. You can also request a 100% refund, which the seller must return within three days.

The seller is obliged to accept the buyer's claim. After this, he has three days to consider the application. After this period, the seller must make a decision or appoint additional examinations, about which he must warn the buyer.

The laws are in most cases on the side of the buyers, unless there is outright fraud. Having purchased a product of inadequate quality, you can safely contact the store and demand its replacement or a refund of the money spent on the purchase. The store does not have the right to refuse to consider a claim and return the goods if there are justified reasons.

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