Shopping in Montenegro

Montenegro 1Montenegro is famous for its beautiful nature, mild healing climate and high-class resorts. Vacations can be combined with exciting shopping, which, unlike fashionable European capitals - Paris and Milan - has its own specific features

Sales in Montenegro

The discount season completely coincides with the European schedule. In winter this is the period from mid-January to early March, and in summer from August to early October.

Montenegro sea

Prices are immediately reduced by 30-50% and in rare cases - up to 70%. Many stores organize sales throughout the year.

What to buy in Montenegro?

Usually travelers go to other countries for shopping, but Montenegro offers many pleasant bonuses.

Clothes and accessories

You should know that light industry is not developed in this territory. However, proximity to Italy solves this problem, and there are plenty of super fashionable things here. There is a large selection of knitwear from Turkey, India and China, as well as children's clothes and toys. You can find a huge number of places where they sell sunglasses of any brand.
Montenegro 2

Branded items

In general, the cost of branded products is 10-20% lower than the regional average. Many tourists are surprised by the fact that a “Greek” fur coat can be purchased much more profitably than in its homeland.

Italian things

After fashion shows, collections of Italian brands first go to neighboring countries, including Montenegro. Therefore, you can always buy a new product here. For example, a summer dress will cost a fashionista 20-30 euros.

Most guides do not recommend buying things while vacationing in Budva. This can be explained by the large number of fakes and high cost. After all, Budva is primarily an entertainment center with a large concentration of clubs and restaurants.

Eco leather

Eco-leather products have long gained popularity among famous designers. In Montenegro it is possible to purchase clothes of this type quite inexpensively. For example, jackets cost about 50 €, and bags – 25-30 €.

Baby clothes

Prices for children's things are two times less than in the Russian Federation. Here you can find summer suits, overalls, shoes.

Montenegro children

It is also worth taking a closer look at toys, diapers, bottles and other small items.

National clothes

Local workshops offer a large selection of national clothing. One of the popular souvenirs is a cap. It features a red top and black piping along the edges.

Montenegro kapa

Girls will love the silver chemere belt, richly decorated with semi-precious stones. Many tourists buy knitted products from local handicrafts: socks, down scarves and vests.


As for shoes, of course Products from Italian manufacturers take first place in demand. Thus, women's shoes made of genuine leather can be purchased for 55-80 €, and insulated boots – for 100.

Montenegro shoes

Men can also bring both summer and winter shoes.Prices for products start from 70-80 € and higher, depending on the brand.


In Montenegro you can buy high-quality jewelry at an affordable price. In Podgorica, a separate street is allocated for jewelry shops. It is worth considering accessories from well-known companies such as Pandora, Swarovski and others.
Montenegro jewelry silver

Cosmetics and medicines

The choice of cosmetics is small, since there is no local production of cosmetics. Occasionally you can find hand-made scented soaps, but they are nothing special. Among the local population popular products are from Greece, Turkey and Italy.

Among medicines, herbal preparations are in demand. Lavender bags can be found everywhere. They cost, depending on the volume, from 2 to 5 euros. It is unlikely that you will be able to bring some products home, since they are sold in pharmacies with prescriptions.


On the coast you can find souvenirs with a marine theme: bracelets and pendants made of shells, ship models.

Products made from wicker are in demand: rugs, baskets, boxes. Girls will appreciate napkins, towels and other textiles with embroidery.

montenegro vine

For believers there is large selection of Orthodox symbols. Pay special attention to icons that are painted by hand.

Reference! One of the items sold is Montenegrin gusli. It is worth knowing that this is not a real musical instrument, but only a souvenir analogue.

National food

For gastronomic shopping lbest choice of markets. Tourists may be interested in smoked meats: prosciutto, dried carp and Njeguš cheese, which tastes like Adyghe.

Montenegro prosciutto


As for fish, in ordinary hypermarkets it is can only be purchased frozen. Fresh ones are sold only in fish shops.

The country is also famous for its organic honey, olive oil and monastery products. You can bring home fruits, nuts, and sweets from Bananica and Plazma.


It is considered special national pride wine "Vranac", which occupies an honorable place in the ranking of the best European wines. It is made from very sweet berries, and the taste is very rich and astringent. Dry wine lovers will love it "Krstac" This unique drink is produced only in Montenegro. The raw materials are collected from a vineyard arranged in the shape of a cross.

Montenegro wine

The country has its own brewery, which has been operating for about 200 years. Nikšičko beer is especially prized. Connoisseurs of alcohol with a higher degree of alcohol should pay attention to Krunak - grape vodka, mead and various liqueurs made with nuts and herbs.

Shops in Montenegro

Significant shopping complexes are concentrated in the capital of the country and large cities. Therefore, it’s more logical for serious shopping come to Bar and Podgorica. Being in the bar, take a look at Vladimir Rolovich Street, where both premium-segment boutiques and mass-market stores are located.

In Podgorica the bulk of the shops are concentrated on Njegosheva and Herzegovau streets.

Shops are open from 9:00 to 21:00 daily, and in busy areas from 6 to 23. Moreover, some of them close at lunchtime for siesta.

Attention! The monastery shops are of particular interest to tourists. They sell traditional natural food and body care products.

Shopping centers in Montenegro

There are few shopping centers in the country.

Montenegro TQ Plaza Budva

Shopping center TQ Plaza Budva

The largest of them are the following:

  • TQ Plaza is located right in the central part of Budva and within walking distance from popular beaches and a bus stop.There is a good selection of world brands of clothing, cosmetics and sports equipment.
  • Bazar is located in Podgorica near the Roman Square. This is more of a family-friendly place, with a huge games area, food court and cinema.
  • Palada is located in Podgorica, near the river. There are more than 100 boutiques, a catering area and a cinema here.
  • "Camellia" in Kotor. This is a small complex designed for 15 boutiques. Artist performances, sales and other important events for the city take place here.

Outlets in Montenegro

Mall of Montenegro is located within walking distance from the Podgorica railway station. In addition to shops, there is a large bowling center and billiards, as well as a food market. It is worth visiting Delta City, also located in Podgorica. It is convenient to get there by bus from the airport or bus station. This is the largest complex in the country, where families walk all day long.

montenegro shopping center

Shopping center Bazar in Podgorica.


In the markets of Montenegro you can find almost everything: from gastronomic delights to outfits made in the national style. The market in Bar is located right in the center. It is famous for its large assortment of nuts, dried fruits and spices. In the old part of the city there is another square, open only on Fridays. It feels there oriental flavor, since Muslims live in this area.

The market in Budva sells seafood delicacies, herbs, vegetables, wine and much more. However, at the height of the tourist season, prices here are noticeably higher than in other markets.

Montenegro seafood

Important! The largest markets in Podgorica are adjacent to the Mall of Montenegro and Bazar shopping centers.

Despite the fact that Montenegro is not among the top ten best shopping destinations, shopping here has undeniable advantages.After all, tourists, while on vacation, can purchase new items from Italy and other countries. Regardless of the season, you can always find things here with discounts of more than 50%.

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