Shopping in Georgia

Most tourists and travelers dream of bringing memorable souvenirs and spectacular new things from the countries they visit. Each of them will probably be interested in finding out for shopping what goods are brought from Georgia in most cases, and where all this can be purchased with maximum benefit for themselves.



The practice of sales in this country is just being introduced. By analogy with Europe, sales here are organized 2 times a year, coinciding in time with European ones. They are held in large shopping centers. Sales of autumn-winter collections are planned for January-mid-February, and sales of spring-summer collections are scheduled for July-early September.

Georgia sales

Some national holidays are also a reason for sales. Discounts at this time can reach up to 70%, but in general they do not exceed 50%.

What to buy in Tbilisi?

In the capital of sunny Georgia, it is easy to find a lot of different original things that are perfect as a memorable gift not only for friends and relatives, but also for colleagues.


Jewelry is sold literally everywhere.There is an impressive selection of jewelry at the Ananuri fortress.

Important! Souvenir shops often sell Chinese silver, the quality of which leaves much to be desired.

Georgia gold

Characteristic local decorations are considered minankari, which is cloisonné enamel on silver. These exquisite pieces of jewelry are available for sale in an assortment on Kote Abkhazi street (in the old part of Tbilisi). If you go around several stores, you can find an acceptable option.


Are among the most popular Georgian souvenirs. In stores they buy very high-quality copies, but at flea markets it is easy to find original antique products - their cost is quite high.

Georgia dagger

Important! To import and export products of this kind you must have a special permit.


On the street Leselidze is sold in souvenir shops Georgian ceramics with original ornaments and glaze. Counterfeits are rare, so you can buy similar products in various places. The most reasonable prices are at the flea market near the Dry Bridge and at clothing markets.



To buy Georgian carpets made from natural raw materials, tourists go to a store that is also a gallery - Caucasian and oriental carpets gallery — located near the Sioni Temple.



In addition to paintings, this store sells handmade dolls dressed in traditional local costumes, and other souvenirs.


National food

The national cuisine of this country is original and diverse. You can buy aromatic tea. It is recommended to buy it not from street vendors, but in special tea shops or in those areas where such tea is grown.

Reference! The most popular varieties here are: Gurieli, Rcheuli and long leaf Shemoqmedi.

In addition to tea, you can also bring cheese with you. There is no need to be afraid that this product will not be able to survive air travel. Smoked Suluguni cheese and delicate light cheese in braids endure the road better than all the others.


Don’t forget about local sweet souvenirs - churchkhela and kozinaki. Churchkhela is made from grape juice with the addition of different varieties of nuts, and kozinaki is made from nuts and honey.

Advice! Churchkhela should be purchased fresh. It should bend a little, and its shell should be soft to the touch.


On occasion, you can also purchase locally produced chocolates and sweets produced under the Barambo brand from Belgian raw materials.

Sauces and spices

An assortment of spices is available in all supermarkets, but it is much more profitable to buy them at food markets. In adjika, tkemali and satsebeli There are certain expiration dates, which are monitored more closely in stores than in markets.

Georgian wines

Wine is one of the most popular Georgian gifts. A drink in souvenir bottles would be an impressive present, but you can also get a budget option in a classic design. Georgians make delicious homemade wine of excellent quality, cheaper than store-bought wine.

Important! It is better to purchase alcohol immediately before departure and store, if conditions permit, in a cool place, since in hot weather semi-sweet alcohol begins to ferment.

Georgia wines

The most popular Georgian wines:

  • "Saperavi" - tart wine with a soft taste, where notes of raspberries, cherries, prunes, mulberries and blueberries are clearly felt.
  • "Kindzmarauli" - semi-sweet wine of a ruby ​​hue, moderately viscous, with rich fruity notes.
  • "Tsinandali" - dry white wine with a pronounced aroma of fruits (mainly peach, apple and citrus) and nuts.
  • "Khvanchkara" - red semi-sweet wine with a velvety and rich taste of strawberries and dried fruits.
  • "Mukuzani" - the wine is dark red in color, with notes of ripe cherries and dark chocolate clearly visible in the aroma.

The most suitable place to purchase wine is traditionally considered Kakheti. There are many factories and private wineries with tastings.

Stores in Georgia

Large stores and shopping centers are also open on weekends, but on Saturday and Sunday the working day may be shortened.

Georgia store

Important! Not every store in this country can pay with credit cards (this especially applies to small towns). It is recommended to visit shopping centers with cards, and for trips to other places you should stock up on cash.

Private shops and boutiques operate according to their own schedules.

Shopping centers

The largest shopping centers in the capital of Georgia include the following:

  1. Tbilisi Mall - an impressive 6-story building with an abundance of shops. Located on the outskirts of the city, in Digomi. Here you can buy clothes, shoes and a variety of accessories from famous brands. There is a food hypermarket. For children there is a play area and a petting zoo.
  2. Galleria Tbilisi is located directly in the city center. The boutiques located here sell clothing from world brands + an entertainment area for children, a cinema and a bowling club.
  3. East Point - a complex of buildings with stores for clothing, shoes, electronics and household appliances. It is located on the outskirts of Tbilisi, on the road to the airport.On weekends, performances and concerts are often organized here in the open air next to the fountain.
Georgia Tbilisi Mall

Ideal for shopping are two impressive shopping centers of Kutaisi - “Karvasla” and “Grand Mall”. Mostly Turkish textiles of acceptable quality are presented here. It is advisable to come for such goods in September - good discounts.


So far there is only one store of this format in this country - Tbilisi Outlet Park - a unique place located in the capital in the Axis Shopping building on Kazbegi Avenue No. 24, near the Delisi metro station. Here you can find products from European manufacturers with a discount of about 30%. On sales days, prices are reduced by up to 50% (sometimes up to 70%).


Tbilisi has several large markets. Small grocery stores can be found in almost any neighborhood.

Deserter Market (official name - Central Food Market), located at 5 Abastumani St, Tbilisi. Open every day from 07:00 to 17:00 (closed on Mondays). It is advisable to choose products here, because prices in this market are lower than throughout the city.

georgia market lilo

Reference! Not far from the market there are several shopping centers and a gold exchange where you can find interesting jewelry.

Located near the airport there is a huge market Lilo Mall operates from 07:30 to 17:00. It sells dishes, clothes, furniture, carpets, building materials and more. Clothing prices are 30-40 percent lower than in city boutiques.

«Flea Market" on the Dry Bridge open every day from 09:00 to 17:00. Here you can find everything your heart desires: carpets, coins, watches, old kitchen utensils, candlesticks and other similar things.There are also antiques.

Georgia silver

Souvenir market on Rustaveli Avenue open every day from 09:00 until sunset. There is an impressive range of souvenirs, books, traditional pottery, hand made jewelry, as well as knives and daggers.

Central market of Kutaisi city located in the center (where the city square and Colchis fountain are). A wide range of delicious products at low prices. Down below the food market (in the subway) there is a clothing store. There is also the Chavchavadze market (located quite far from the center).

Georgia market

To Batumi It makes sense to visit the following markets:

  1. Pareja. Located near the Batumi marshalling station. This is a food market that is very popular. After lunch, sellers give away unsold goods for next to nothing.
  2. Fish. The freshest fish in Batumi is sold here. There is a cafe on the territory of the market where it is prepared.
  3. Hopa. Here you can buy anything: jewelry, clothes, decorations, souvenirs, cheese, fruits and churchkhela.

Advice! Try to bargain. Experience shows that sellers often drop 2-3 lari when communicating with buyers.

In Georgia it is easy to buy souvenirs for every taste. It is better to purchase them on the outskirts of cities, where there are fewer tourists.

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