How long should curtains be?

The correct design of the window opening will help make the room cozy and the interior stylish. Aesthetically attractive, wisely and tastefully chosen, it will distract attention from shortcomings, becoming a winning area in the kitchen, bedroom or living room. In addition to color and style, it is important to consider the length of the curtains.

Inappropriately short or too long curtains or tulle can harm the overall appearance of the room. What types of curtains there are according to this parameter, and how to choose them correctly is important for every housewife to know.

Length of tulle and curtains

According to this parameter, the main groups are distinguished:

  1. Short curtains. The size is calculated taking into account the space between the end of the fabric and the window sill of 1.5–2 cm. They are often hung together with lambrequins, tulle, etc. If you use dark materials, they will visually “cut” the space - this will be a bad option for small and short people premises. The ideal choice for the kitchen is flirty curtains, gathered on the sides with clamps. They will create a feeling of playfulness and lightness.They will not interfere with everyday life and will get dirty less.
  2. The canvas is 10–20 cm below the window sill. This option is suitable only for rooms in which this part of the window is not used as useful space and gas and electrical appliances are not located nearby.
  3. Length from the floor by 5–7 cm. The option considered the most popular. However, it should be taken into account that with such curtains the height of the room is visually reduced. This is especially disadvantageous for apartments with ceilings below 2.5 meters. A large number of folds in heavy curtains also worsen the appearance of the window space. In such cases, tulle is hung equal to the length of the thick curtain.
  4. Canvas “on the floor” is the most profitable and popular option for apartments. Curtains located at a distance of 1–1.5 cm from the floor visually create the impression of support; if the covering is uneven, this must be taken into account when taking measurements. In this case, such a deficiency can be corrected. The fabric is used with a margin or exactly the distance from wall to wall. If you have a stretch ceiling, it is important to take into account the location of the curtain - it can be hidden under it (in which case the material must be taken with a reserve) or lower.
  5. The fabric lies 10–30 cm on the floor. Such options are rarely used due to their rapid contamination and impracticality. During cleaning, they must be lifted, and then carefully laid out. These models look especially good in elegant rooms. They do not require additions in the form of accessories, but independently perform the function of complete decoration.

A little about the rules for combining tulle and curtains

The difference in their sizes can only be in the first option (see the list above), in the rest they are the same.When thick curtains lie on the floor, the tulle can be shorter; the length is created by the curtains themselves. It is necessary to select canvases together - they must organically complement each other and create a complete composition.

Combining options of different lengths is recommended by designers in the following cases:

  • windows of non-standard shape;
  • visual expansion of space is necessary;
  • giving the overall design of the room more dynamism.

You should not choose curtains of different sizes to design rooms in a classic or minimalist style. Asymmetry is ideal for a kitchen or living room or bedroom with a balcony. In the first case, the shorter part is located on the side of the cooking zone. In the second, the floor-length element completely covers the door to the balcony.

Length of curtains in home areas

Depending on the type of room, curtains have different requirements. The bedroom is a special place in the house. When choosing its design, you should take into account not only your taste preferences, but also the purpose of the room. It should be conducive to a comfortable stay. The function of the environment, in addition to the aesthetic component, is not to interfere with restful sleep and relaxation.

The traditional design of bedroom window openings is considered to be a combination of tulle and floor-length curtains. This gives the room privacy and comfort. The color scheme is selected depending on the interior.

Pastel and cold shades visually increase the space. When the window opening is located directly above the bed, it is better to select curtains up to the windowsill or use roller options. The latter should be completely dimmable. A long linen will be pressed against the headboard of the bed and will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

The bedroom must be carefully kept clean.The drapery options—those that lie on the floor—can be awkward. They quickly collect dirt, interfere with cleaning, and are difficult to remove and wash regularly.

Curtains in the kitchen

The length of the curtains in this room depends on several conditions:

  • ceiling height;
  • room size;
  • using the window sill as a storage space;
  • location of the food preparation area.

When the kitchen is small, and every corner is given over to functional countertops on which electrical appliances and other useful kitchen items are located, it is better to use curtains up to the window sill. Rolled models that cover only the glass are also suitable. The second option is the most practical; it frees up more usable space. An additional advantage of this solution is that you can open the window for ventilation without lifting the curtains.

Attention! The option of curtains a few centimeters below the window sill may be inconvenient if utensils are stored on it or flowers are placed on it. In addition, frequent contact with the fabric can quickly lead to contamination of the edges.

If the kitchen is quite large or divided into a dining room and a food preparation area, then any design option for the window opening can be used. These can be either rolled products or heavy floor-length curtains.

Curtains in the living room

Decorating a window in this room is a real art. Here the owners’ imagination is unlimited and they can safely bring to life various design ideas. For this room, which serves the owners for receiving guests, floor-length curtains are usually chosen.

They look especially advantageous and respectable in large living rooms. But it must be remembered that this option is suitable for products made of light and soft fabrics. These include organza, chiffon, muslin, satinAWith.If the curtains are made of heavy, inflexible material, they will wrinkle and form unsightly creases. This will create a feeling of clutter.

It's better to choose:

  • double sets consisting of opaque, thick curtains and thin tulle or organza - all components are the same length;
  • single curtains with lambrequins or other decorative ones;
  • combined vertical blinds, which use materials of different textures - this option imitates ordinary curtains with a variety of decor.

Correct selection of length

You can choose the right size of curtains by taking into account several factors:

  • room area;
  • window sill functions;
  • room interior;
  • arrangement of furniture relative to the window.

Calculation of material for curtains

If you plan to sew your own curtains or make custom-made curtains, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material. An incorrectly selected fabric cut size can lead to a discrepancy between the idea and the result.

Before you go for the material, you need to decide how long the curtains are needed. After this, start measuring. It must be done from the eaves to the floor. Further actions:

  • it is necessary to add from 2 to 10 cm depending on the types of fasteners - eyelets, hooks, etc.;
  • add 2 to 4 cm depending on the type of fabric - to the hem;
  • when choosing floor-length curtains, you need to subtract 1 cm; if the length is longer, add up to 30 cm.

In width, you need to take into account the number and depth of the proposed folds.

All measurements regarding length must be carried out at 4–5 control points along the entire width. This will help in case of uneven floor levels.If you are planning curtains with asymmetry or with figured cutouts, it is better to sketch the diagram on a sheet of paper with detailed marks of lengths and allowances.

Attention! Despite the plan for correct fabric measurements, it is necessary to purchase material with a margin of up to 10 cm - it is easy to make mistakes in the process, and excess fabric can come in handy.

Additional decorative elements for curtains are not included in their length. Fringe, ruffles or satin stripes are added only after the curtains are made and hemmed. If they are taken into account along with the length of the product, the appearance of the finished curtains may not match expectations. The fringe is almost transparent and will not add the desired dimension.

Decorative elements in the form of rhinestones, stripes, etc. should be added in moderation. The abundance of such decorations can lead to pretentiousness. If the top of the canvas is decorated with elegant folds of the same material, the margin on top is larger. The fastening is done directly in the fabric.


Beautiful design of any room is a harmonious combination of basic elements and additional accessories. Selecting the length of the curtains plays a big role in the design of the room. The importance of this interior element cannot be underestimated. In addition to the direct function of protecting the room from sunlight or darkening during sleep, curtains make up from 1/7 to ¼ of the wall area. Bright, dark curtains will suit the interior in an original style.

Calm tones of materials add elegance and restraint to the room. Plain fabrics help to visually lengthen the height. Patterns on the material will add uniqueness to the overall appearance of the room.

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