Why do they draw crosses on curtains?

b98f9936914ef607a0ce2e6c19cbce24_i-5The cross is a symbol of life; ancestors associated it with a man with his arms outstretched to the sides. But in some cases, the cross can carry a negative message.

What do the crosses on the curtains mean?

If crosses were found on the curtains, then most likely this does not mean anything good; probably, before this, the residents tried to perform some kind of ritual, which is completely not recommended; perhaps they tried to expel someone. But perhaps such symbols were used as a talisman.

The best thing to do is to live in your own home and listen to your own feelings. If you sharpen all sensations as much as possible and exclude such feelings as fear, then you will certainly be able to feel something.

Attention! The presence of evil forces in the house will certainly affect you or your loved ones. By the way, if there really is an evil force, then the priest will not be able to help, only the magician. The priest will pacify the restless human soul, but no more.

Curtains girl


The cross, as a talisman, provides protection and protection for people who do not have enough strength and energy to achieve any achievements. This amulet helps to achieve spiritual cleansing. This sign awakens consciousness and is required for people who care for children and mentor or work as teachers.

It is believed that such a symbol is a reflection of the cardinal directions to which sunlight extends; this unites, balances and complements the two most powerful energies - earthly and heavenly grace. This sign is considered a symbol of life.

Reference! This amulet allows you to gain the help of ancestors and the protection of the gods; the cross reveals the wisdom accumulated over centuries and allows you to make the most important decisions correctly. Therefore, such a symbol has been the strongest protection since pagan times.


Negative message

Just a symbol drawn on the curtains with a marker or pen does not have a negative message and you should not worry about it. You only need to be wary if it was applied with a compound of unknown origin, since black sorcerers often use animal blood or their own, burnt bird feathers, or soot from a black candle for this purpose.

In this case, a ritual was performed to bring the evil eye. It should also be noted that for these rituals, not simple crosses are used, but Orthodox ones. You need to try to remember whether some dark-colored liquid could have accidentally gotten on the curtains, which could have spread and formed such a pattern, for example, dark gouache.


Who can draw crosses on the curtains?

Naturally, the cross was drawn by a stranger, for example, by the previous residents of the apartment.But you shouldn’t push yourself, it’s not at all necessary that an exorcism ritual or something else terrible was performed in the house.

For some reason, few people think that such signs were depicted on the eve of Epiphany. According to traditions, on Christmas Eve before sunset, in order to protect the home from evil forces, a ritual is performed, sprinkling the house with holy water, depicting a symbol in all rooms, and saying a prayer.

Crosses on the curtains

Important! If you are really worried about the crosses on the curtains, you can go to church and have a priest perform a ceremony to illuminate the house. During the lighting, the priest sticks drawings of the Calvary cross on the walls, which will help protect and protect.

You can sprinkle the walls of your house with holy water and read a prayer yourself. The curtain must be washed. If this was actually done with malicious intent, then in this way all the negativity that someone left behind can be dispelled. One way or another, you shouldn’t worry about this, since the symbol in the shape of a cross is a talisman.

Reviews and comments
N Nina:

Hello! I don’t even know who to turn to (and who to believe)).After lighting the house with a candle and the prayer “Our Father” and holy water, immediately after finishing, crosses appeared on the tulle (where one window had 1 cross and where the second window had 4, and now torn scratches and holes appeared on the tulle as if from claws). My child wakes up at night and screams, cries as if scared of something or someone. For six months now, it’s felt like there’s something not calm in the house. Before, it was all peace and quiet. It was a pleasure to be there.
Cats, by the way, don’t get along with us; there were two adults, they lived for several years - one died a couple of years later and the other. Then we took in kittens at regular intervals, they lived with us for two weeks and left... No matter how much the child tormented them or played with them, they still liked to be near the child.

M Maria:

There are bedbugs and their feces in the house.

A Anna:

If you don’t know and haven’t encountered either one or the other
There's no point in talking nonsense
What kind of bedbugs


