How to shorten (cut) blinds

Ways to shorten blinds

Shortening blindsThis procedure must be performed with extreme care, paying maximum attention. There is a certain sequence of actions, which must be observed if there is no desire to damage the product. They come in different types and the procedure is unique to each one.

The need for it appears when, after purchase, it is discovered that the curtains do not fit the window in width or height.

How to shorten horizontal blinds in height?

When performing such a procedure, do not forget that the slats can be made of aluminum, plastic or wood. Before starting work, you need to measure the required length of the panel. It is worth mentioning that it is better to carry out such operations yourself with cheap curtains, and it would be better to entrust the adjustment of expensive models to professionals. In order to do all the steps correctly, you need to keep at hand:

  1. Scissors;
  2. Screwdriver;
  3. Roulette;
  4. Pencil.

These are the main tools, without which it will be impossible to perform the height reduction procedure. Every owner has such devices in their arsenal, so all actions can be performed at home, without turning to specialists. When everything is ready, you can start working:

  1. We measure the required length;
  2. Open the bottom plugs;
  3. Untie the restrictive knots;
  4. Remove the clamps;
  5. We remove unnecessary slats, return the clamps to their place, and tie knots.

If you follow the described algorithm, then everything will turn out beautifully. However, in order to do everything correctly, you need to have a minimal understanding of the design of blinds.

How to shorten vertical blinds to length?

The fabrics of such curtains can also be made of plastic, aluminum, fabric, bamboo. Of course, you can shorten them at home. However, if a product is made from a certain material, then it is unlikely that a person without special skills will be able to cut it correctly without spoiling it. These types of blinds include those made of aluminum, plastic or bamboo. You will need:

  1. A hacksaw, which can be replaced with a fine-toothed saw;
  2. Crosshead screwdriver;
  3. Painting knife or regular scissors;
  4. Ruler or tape measure;
  5. Matches;
  6. Iron;
  7. Pencil.

To some, such a set of tools may seem a little strange, but if you do everything according to the instructions, you won’t be able to do without the listed items. In order for shortened blinds to please the eye, you must adhere to a certain algorithm:

  1. Remove the cover from the side;
  2. Remove the runners;
  3. Measure the length of the curtains;
  4. Trim the panels;
  5. Fold in the edges, securing the folds.

It is worth remembering that a strip is attached to each canvas, after which the entire structure is attached to the cornice. For this reason, we must not forget that in the middle of the canvases you need to make holes for the ears.

How to shorten roller blinds to length?

Before such a procedure, a comrade who has not done anything like this must necessarily analyze all the nuances and subtleties of the upcoming actions. You will also need a certain set of tools. In order to properly trim roller blinds you need:

  1. Measuring tools such as a ruler or tape measure;
  2. A writing device that can be used to make marks, such as a pencil;
  3. Hacksaw for metal;
  4. Sharp construction knife or scissors;
  5. Double-sided tape for fixation.

Using the listed set of tools, you can cut roller blinds at home without the help of specialists. In order to reduce the length to fit the size of the window opening, you must:

  1. First of all, take measurements of the length. In this case, you need to lay it out on a flat surface;
  2. Next, you need to carefully and evenly trim the unnecessary part of the product.

The process is not complicated and can be performed by anyone without special skills and knowledge.

How to cut roller blinds to width?

Like other procedures mentioned above, this one must be done carefully and follow a clear algorithm or instructions. It is best to call for help from another person who will ensure that the canvas lies flat and the lines are drawn at the correct angle.

Shortening wooden blindsIt is worth preparing the necessary set of tools in advance. In order to carry out the procedure in full, you need to keep on hand:

  1. Phillips screwdriver;
  2. A pencil or other writing object for drawing lines and making notes;
  3. Tape measure to measure the required width;
  4. A hacksaw or fine-toothed saw;
  5. A construction knife or well-sharpened scissors.

There is no way a person who decides to shorten a product at home will be able to do without the listed tools. When performing work, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to trim the roller blinds shaft. To do this, you need to subtract the thickness of the brackets from the total width of the product, which must first be measured. Then you should measure the required length of the shaft and saw off the excess using a hacksaw, install a special plug, and then saw off the bottom rail of the same size;
  2. The next step is to trim the canvas to width. To do this, you need to spread the canvas on a relatively flat surface, mark it, using a pre-cut strip to the required length. Then the canvas is cut with a construction knife or sharply sharpened scissors.

Shortening metal blindsThe sequence described above must not be violated under any circumstances, as this may entail the purchase of new blinds to replace the damaged ones.


As mentioned above, For each type of blinds there is a special procedure for adjustment to a specific window opening. Each has its own characteristics, without studying which you can simply ruin the product. For this reason, you need to treat the described procedures with special attention and accuracy.

Reviews and comments
A Alina:

But I shortened the blinds in my kitchen in a slightly different way. I started from the bottom, took scissors and cut out unnecessary sections, after that I carefully soldered a special clamping device for plastic and that’s it, but I’m talking about the length, but I haven’t worked with the width yet.


