DIY festive tablecloth

DIY festive tableclothThe tablecloth is a real table decoration. That is why it is necessary to approach its choice or sewing responsibly. A properly selected tablecloth can hide the shortcomings of table setting.

For special occasions they use a festive one. It can be either pure white or colored, decorated with a pattern or a beautiful border. You can buy a product for the festive table in a store, but you can also make it yourself. We'll tell you how to do this.

Sewing a tablecloth

To work you will need:

  • Material;
  • Threads;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Scissors, ruler, pencil, pins, chalk, thimble;
  • Decorative elements - lace, fringe, satin ribbons;
  • Iron.

Choosing fabric

A festive tablecloth will be needed for many events - weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, New Year, family celebrations.

Let's figure out what material a special piece of home textile can be made from. There are three main types of fabrics that are best suited for sewing.


Excellent material that has waterproof properties. It is from this fabric that tablecloths for cafes and restaurants are made, because it able to withstand washing not in a gentle mode and after that remain in excellent condition.


Another advantage of this material is that the material flows beautifully from the table, rather than puffing up.


Alas, but products made from such material not durable, although they look amazing. It is almost impossible to remove stubborn stains from the surface of such a fabric.


IMPORTANT! In order to preserve the product for as long as possible, a shorter type of tablecloth is placed on top of it - a tablecloth.

Due to this, the beautiful edges of the linen tablecloth are visible, but at the same time the center is reliably protected from contamination.


Silk tablecloths are very rarely used in everyday life. But at the same time they look great on the holiday table. A great option for a wedding or prom in a cafe.


Fabric consumption

In order to calculate the required amount of material, you need to measure the tabletop and determine the desired amount of fabric, which on holiday models should hang down by 20–30 cm.

REFERENCE. On products made for special occasions, the overhang is increased to 40 cm.

After this, take paper with a pen and use the formula to calculate the amount of material you need.



The sewing process will not cause any difficulties. After all, it consists of cutting out a piece of the required shape and size, as well as processing the cuts and decorating the product.

After completing the calculations, you need to cut the prepared fabric, cutting out the flap necessary for the table.

Edge processing and decoration

It is very important to properly process the edges of the tablecloth so that the product looks beautiful on both sides and lasts a long time.


To do this, we place the fabric with the wrong side facing us and begin to bend the edges 1 cm, while fixing them with special pins. Iron it thoroughly. After this, we fold it again and baste it.

Next, we sew the edges on a sewing machine, not forgetting to pull out the pins as we go.


A festive tablecloth can be decorated with various decorative elements:

decor option

  • Satin ribbon;
  • Embroidery;
  • Knitted elements;
  • Lace;
  • Frilly.

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