7 tips from fashion expert Alexander Vasiliev to look slimmer and more attractive

Fashion expert Alexander Vasiliev is liked by some and not by others, but we must admit that his style advice usually hits the bull’s eye. We invite you to familiarize yourself with his recommendations that will help create attractive, relevant and stylish images for women of any age.


The fewer horizontal lines the better

This advice was not invented by Alexander Vasiliev. It only reminds women of the important rule of choosing tops and bottoms in their looks. You should not wear things that are contrasting in color, which seem to cut your figure in half.

It would seem that “black bottom, white top” is a classic. But such combinations in clothing make the figure inharmonious. Monochromatic or similar-colored wardrobe items look much more advantageous. Alexander Vasiliev also recommends using diagonal lines in images. Verticals and diagonals help you visually become slimmer and taller.


Matte textures are better than glossy ones

Leather clothing is now at the peak of its relevance, but, unfortunately, it does not suit everyone.Shiny and glossy fabrics can play a cruel joke: they reflect on the skin and also draw attention to imperfections in the figure.

Matte fabrics, on the contrary, look much more presentable. They make you look slimmer and highlight your assets.

matte textures

The color type decides

Every season we are encouraged to dress in different color combinations and add new prints to our wardrobe. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of fashion and current trends. To create a basic off-season wardrobe, Vasiliev advises finding out your color type and choosing suitable shades and prints based on it:

  • "Winter". This color type is characterized by a contrasting appearance. For example, dark hair, bright eyes and snow-white skin. Cool shades of blue, pink, coffee, cherry, burgundy, purple and silver suit these girls best.
  • "Spring". Representatives of this color type have translucent thin skin, pale pink blush on the cheeks, light eyes, and natural blonde hair. Warm colors are more suitable for them.
  • "Summer". These girls have light eyes, light or bronze tanned skin, and hair of warm or cool light shades. Cool lilac, blue, pink, gray-white and cherry tones suit them.
  • "Autumn". This color type is characterized by golden skin and hair of light or red warm shades. This appearance is ideally emphasized by mustard, copper, orange, emerald, and dark purple colors in clothing and accessories.

If you correctly determine your color type, you can choose a universal color scheme and stop chasing rapidly changing trends.

color type

We emphasize the advantages

There are no ugly women! There are only those who do not know or do not know how to emphasize their merits.For example, they hide a beautiful thin waist under robes or oversized clothes. Or they wear floor-length dresses with slender long legs.

Alexander Vasiliev recommends choosing clothes and accessories in such a way that they highlight all the advantages of the figure. And also remember about problem areas and imperfections, skillfully hiding them.



Shoes are important too

In this rule, the fashion expert agrees with Coco Chanel, who once uttered a wonderful phrase: “When a woman is well-shod, then she is well-dressed.” And we are not talking about very expensive or exclusive shoes here. It is much more important that she be neat and well-groomed.



Everything should be in moderation

Kinks are always bad, especially when it comes to open areas of the body. Alexander Vasiliev never tires of reminding you of an important rule: if the image has a neckline, then you cannot bare your legs.

Dresses with deep necklines should be no higher than the knee, and blouses with a neckline are best worn with midi-length trousers or skirts. Turtlenecks and button-down shirts can be paired with short skirts or shorts. If you always follow this advice, the image will never turn out vulgar.



Remember about age

Every woman wants to look younger and fresher. But it’s time to forget about what “worked” perfectly 10 years ago. For example, about the eggplant shade of hair from the 80s, varnished bangs from the 90s, etc. Such “explosions from the past” only visually age you and look very ridiculous.


The above advice from a famous fashion expert and critic should definitely be heeded. But it is also important to develop your own sense of good style and experiment as much as possible.

Reviews and comments
V valentina:

Excuse me, the expert talks a lot about fashion, but does he look at himself critically? I doubt.

IN Faith:

Alexander is always dressed elegantly and tastefully. But to express your opinion correctly - you need to learn this, or it is better not to express it at all.

E Elena L.:

Alexander is great. I am ready to subscribe to every piece of his advice in the field of fashion, because this is the advice of a person with good taste, the advice of an artist. As for the way of expressing one’s opinion, it can hardly be accused of incorrectness. I think he is very correct, because every time he wants to say much more than he says. At the same time, he does not offend anyone, because a fool will not understand, and a smart person will remain silent. Bravo.


