What does it mean to be “in trend” and why be in it?

“Be on trend” - today this expression is used everywhere. Most often it refers to the fashion industry. After all, every year fashion designers come up with many trends that they advise everyone who wants to look fashionable to follow. But what does it mean to be “in trend” and how to comply with it? Let's find out!

What does it mean to be in trend?

What is a fashion trend

When talking about fashion, many people confuse this concept with another one, namely “trend”. These concepts are often considered synonymous. In fact, one of these words is more global in the field of the fashion industry.

Reference. From a fashion point of view, a trend is what is current at the moment.

All fashion designers follow this concept, creating their own variations on a specific theme. Fashionable items can be relevant for one season and completely lose their popularity later.. But they can also become a classic look, used in various collections.

Important! As a rule, trends are not durable or change for the next fashion season.

Trend is a more global concept for fashion world professionals.This is what fashion designers have been guided by for several seasons. This is not a separate detail or thing, for example, a print, but a feature used in various interpretations that has become the decoration of the collection.

What is it like to be “in trend”?

what does it mean to be in trend

Reference. Literally, this expression means “keep up with the times”, using the most modern trends and fashionable images in your wardrobe.

So it's appropriate to say when a person follows the latest news and fashion trends, and also successfully applies them to his wardrobe.

Important! Fashionable things are bright and expressive, but they are not suitable for everyone.

Anyone who wants to say this loud phrase about themselves must carefully follow the latest news in the fashion world. However You shouldn’t wear everything that is considered fashionable. The item will suit someone perfectly, while others will look downright unsightly in it. It is important to maintain a fine line of a harmonious and fashionable image.

meaning of the concept

Important! Not every stylist and fashion designer receives such a description. This ability is very fragile and can sometimes fail famous fashion designers.

Usually in the fashion world there is a real race for popularity and the opportunity to call your collections a trend. Fashion designers work tirelessly to create new images, using new and old tricks, combining them in new ways or coming up with something of their own, unique and not repeated in other shows.

Only a few manage to achieve high success. They pass on their knowledge and skills to the masses, showing what it means to dress fashionably and modernly and still feel as comfortable as possible.

Fashionistas who regularly watch shows only need to grasp the essence of the message that the designer offers and successfully apply it in their wardrobe.This will allow you to update your image even with one thing or several accessories, making it remarkable and special in the eyes of others.

How to be in trend?

how to be in trend

What needs to be done to always be considered fashionable and stylish? This is serious work and art at the same time. After all, fashion designers give out different options, but they may absolutely not suit a person. In this case you need learn to create your own sets, which will contain important features of the fashion season. But this needs to be done organically in order to emphasize all the advantages of its owner.

  • Don't wear all the fashionable things at once. Style must be seen in detail.
  • Moderation and organicity images show that a person has a keen sense of modern fashion and style trends, can use them to create a wardrobe and work on his looks every day.
  • An attractive and vibrant image can only be achieved with a harmonious combination of ordinary, everyday things and trends that fill the fashion industry. They are accents, that “zest” that makes it possible to stand out from the gray mass.

Every person who considers himself strong and fashionable must certainly take into account all fashion trends and follow them. The result will be the admiring glances of others and the characteristic - you are always in trend!

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