Combination with lilac color in clothes

Lilac is one of the colors that allows you to create an original and elegant outfit for any occasion. You can choose the right color option for any skin type. It is worth considering this tone as the most advantageous for festive outfits. Skillfully selected makeup and bright accessories will make you look at even the lightest shades in a new way.

Psychology of color

All those who love the color lilac, according to psychologists, are romantic, have creative thinking and patience. But psychologists recommend wearing lilac with care if you need to be in a calm, relaxed state.

lilac in clothes

This tone of concern, creative search. Therefore, before you get carried away with buying lilac things, it is still worth analyzing the state in which you want to be. Also this tone adds mystery, is associated with anything that requires patience, and is suitable for those who often feel nostalgic. The color of romance and creativity, energy and melancholy.

Shades of lilac

To achieve a lilac color, mix red and blue. If you want the tone to become warmer, then you must first of all add a little more red to the proportion. Although the classic version of lilac is a cold tone.

lilac in outerwear and accessories

By shade it can be divided into:

  • light lilac;
  • wisteria;
  • lilac amethyst;
  • blue-lilac;
  • bright lilac;
  • lavender.

lilac shades

These shades look very beautiful in clothes, as well as when choosing elegant accessories. If you want to look noticeable, we recommend paying attention to evening dresses made in similar colors. Thanks to this tone, the image is obtained with a great deal of romance and elegance.

Who is the color lilac suitable for?

In order to determine whether this shade is suitable or not, you need to know your phototype. So, girls with the “spring” phototype should rejoice; any shade of dove-lilac suits them. But representatives of the “summer” phototype, despite the fact that lilac color is classified with cold shades, should be careful when choosing it. A range of very light lilac colors, turning into pale gray, look advantageous on them. This color palette in the wardrobe will add mystery and special sophistication to the image.

lilac in spring autumn clothes

For “autumn” phototypes, we recommend choosing brighter colors. If you choose a rich lavender, it will perfectly highlight the color of your hair and skin.

For “winter” types of appearance, you can safely choose any shades of lilac, violet, and lavender.

Successful combinations in clothes

The tone goes well with green. If you take a bright lilac color and combine it with an equally bright green, you will get a very romantic look that will help you look noticeable.

lilac color with green in clothes

The blue-lilac shade goes well with pink, light yellow, and purple tones.Moreover, the more subdued the additional color looks, the brighter and more attractive the lilac outfit looks.

lilac color with pink

For lovers of romance you should pay special attention to the lavender color. Thanks to him and accessories in brown, rich purple, beige tones, the image turns out to be joyful and elegant.

lilac color with yellow in clothes

Advice. However, you shouldn’t choose this shade as an office shade, as it is believed that it takes you away from work thoughts and makes you more absent-minded.

Lilac with blue and soft turquoise shades looks very beautiful. If you want to attract attention to yourself, then you should add coral to lavender. These may be small accessories, but the image will be very expressive.

lilac and blue in clothes

Stylish looks by season

During the winter season it is worth paying special attention to the presence light purple things. After all, the shade not only lifts the mood, but helps create a romantic image, diluting dull colors during a period when there are few sunny days. For those who wear fluffy warm sweaters, you should pay attention to the soft lilac, lavender shade. These options look great in knitted items, and purple in cashmere looks especially elegant.

purple coat and lilac jumper

Purple and rich violet shades are perfect for winter gloves, mittens, and hats. They will add brightness to the image and go well with many colors of down jackets and fur coats.

If you select office suit made of wool, then pay attention to the blue-purple color. It will give the image a special elegance; it is good to choose light pink, beige, light green accessories that will complement the outfit and make the image laconic.

The lilac-colored coat looks impressive.

lilac coat with white trousers

Spring opens up many possibilities in using different shades of lilac.Light dresses, blouses, and cardigans in purple should certainly dilute the usual color range of the spring season.


Bright lilac and gray-steel colors look especially elegant. It is enough to wear such a blouse under formal trousers or a skirt, and others will pay attention to the stylish outfit. But there is good news for fans of more restrained colors.

lilac color with gray

Lavender, lavender looks perfect as an option for a raincoat or jacket. Moreover, if we look at the collections of outerwear, we will see that this color is actively used even by manufacturers of leather goods. So in the spring it will also be appropriate, the main thing is to choose the option that suits your color type.

Looks very nice lilac in materials for evening dresses. You can safely wear a light and airy dress in this color scheme for any spring-summer holiday.

Accessories and shoes

Purple and lilac handbags look beautiful, clutches, scarves and scarves. If you want to add sophistication, then buy bright heels in a dove-purple tone. You will not go unnoticed if you wear these shoes with a contrasting dress. Lilac looks beautiful both in a mixture with other shades, and in a single-color version.

purple colour

Don't be afraid of the shade of lilac - it invariably attracts the eye, no matter what items or accessories it is used in.

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