Carelessness in style - fashionable and relevant

Modern fashion trends never cease to amaze fashionistas all over the world. Many fashion industry experts are already saying that carefully thought-out images are being replaced by a careless style. Let's tell you a secret: you also need to create it thoughtfully!

Do you want to look fashionable? More negligence, this is important!

How to create a casual look: fashionable, not homeless

In everyday life, using a casual style is very convenient. Therefore, it is rapidly gaining popularity.

General trends

But creating it correctly to look stylish and not funny is a difficult task. To do this, you can consciously add elements from careful style to the image, and not vice versa. A striking example is the combination of ripped jeans and classic pumps.

But if you add a blouse tied in a knot to a chic skirt, stiletto heels and perfect styling, then the item will no longer fit into the look and will look fake.

Let's take a closer look at what things can add attractive casualness to our look.


Having become acquainted with modern fashion collections, you can see what designers use to create a slightly casual look.

Ripped denim

A prominent representative of this trend was jeans that are decorated with scuffs and real holes.

ripped denim

This fashion has been in the street-style collection for a long time.

Important! Ripped jeans have undergone some changes - in 2019, models with huge cutouts are popular.

Ripped jersey

Sweaters with randomly located holes have already served as a reason for jokes and indignation. Externally, the product looks as if it had been in the teeth of a wild animal.

ripped knitwear

This new product appealed to many celebrities and people with a good sense of humor.

Dresses with holes

Such products are sewn made of soft knitted fabric. Decorative elements - rhinestones and rivets - add elegance to the model.

knitted dress with holes

Sloppy T-shirts

Most of these products are offered by premium brands. Such T-shirts are expensive, but They look stretched out and not at all aesthetically pleasing.


Items with raw edges.

This trend has been going on for many years and has caught the fancy of fashionistas. It is also beneficial for garment factories, which significantly reduce the cost of the production process.

raw edge

Dirty clothes

Designers do not stop there and move on. Branded items specially decorated with mud. These can be traces of grass, earth, coffee and much more.

dirty clothes

There are also T-shirts with fake sweat stains on the back and armpits, showing that the person has been working hard in the gym. It is necessary to create the impression that the item has been worn for a very long time.

Important! When creating a specific bow, you can only use one torn or dirty item. Otherwise, there can be no talk of a stylish image.


Appeared on the catwalks dirty shoes. Moreover, on luxury models it looks very organic, which cannot be said about budget sneakers.

dirty shoes

For example, dirty Gucci sneakers are a kind of reflection of the inner world of their owner, who often walks in nature.

Accessories and hairstyle to complete the look

Fashionable style is convenient because allows you not to worry about appearance.


They will be in a careless manner Brooches and complex jewelry are inappropriate, with which women strive to emphasize their individuality. For such things, negligence is simply unacceptable.


No careful “matching” of jewelry to clothing! A brooch that yesterday adorned an expensive coat or fur coat may well be moved to a stretched knitted sweater. And an expensive leather handbag goes well with a cheap down jacket.


Perfect styling, like a flawless manicure, is not held in high esteem here! Against, stray strands and tousled hair look much more touching and natural.

Important! Overgrown, undyed hair roots have also become a trend and have not repelled anyone for a long time. Many girls specially dye their hair to create a similar effect.

Just a couple of years ago, it was difficult to imagine that greasy hair would even become acceptable. Nowadays, world-famous stars show off their fresh hairstyles at the opening ceremonies of various events.

dirty hair

Important! In pursuit of fashion trends, it is important to always remember that body cleanliness and hygiene are the key to health and well-being. After all, a person who actually smells bad and wears dirty clothes evokes negative emotions in others

Therefore, each person decides for himself what is his priority.

A casual style gives you greater freedom in choosing things and expressing your individuality.But, creating such an image, it is important not to slide from elegant negligence to outright sloppiness!

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