Worst dressed at Eurovision 2019

Eurovision is not only a demonstration of the musical achievements of a particular country. This is also a real vanity fair. Going to it, other participants in the show clearly overdid it in their desire to become the highlight of the program!

The most terrible images at Eurovision 2019

This competition will be remembered for the abundance of ridiculous images and the strengthening of trends such as “men in dresses”: The Frenchman Bilal, who follows the path of Conchita Wurst, and the Portuguese Osiris also appeared in ladies' attire..

Interesting! It is from Eurovision that one can judge changes in ideas about decency in dress: in the rules of the competition, among the requirements for participants is a ban on appearing in an indecent manner. A lady's dress on a man is obviously no longer the case.

Last year's winner, Netta, also drew attention: a dress in the style of a nightgown, which did not hide the blooming advantages of a magnificent figure, a train decorated with bananas, and banana-colored dreadlocks.

There were some really outrageous images! Well, for example…

Conan Osiris, Portugal

A synthesis of glamor and aggressive shocking – obviously, this was the idea of ​​the image makers of the Portuguese singer. Beardedness and hairiness (by no means creating the effect of negligence) combined with an aggressive facial expression creates the feeling of a Pithecanthropus recovered from the depths of centuries, washed and trained especially for one of the brightest events of the year. In addition - inappropriately dressed!

A green trouser suit would pass for the cost of glamor: iridescent fabric, the radiance of which is reminiscent of the sophistication of an expensive desabillier, a fancy cut - voluminous pleats along the shoulders and on the floors, similar to a pleated short skirt, a coquettishly tied belt.

Conan Osiris, Portugal

Impression - they woke me up, combed their hair, but left them in their pajamas and put them on stage. Which is what made them angry!

Hatari, Iceland

Severe Icelanders obviously understand the expression “dress for all occasions” in their own way: their usual costume of belts, chains and spikes suggests that for some the S&M club is their natural habitat.

Interesting! Eurovision is an effective way to reach the heights of global popularity: thanks to it, ABBA and Genghis Khan became famous.

Hatari, Iceland

Katerina Duska, Greece

The stage costume of the Greek pop diva also makes me think of a bedroom interior. And we are not talking about demonstrative sexuality - rather, the thought arises of blatant impoverishment, when you have to sew outfits from whatever you can find.

As if inspired by the example of Scarlett O'Hara, who sewed herself a chic dress from curtains, It’s as if the designers used tulle curtains from the windows, and at the same time a bedspread from the bed, on the beautiful Greek woman’s stage costumeto cover areas that are too openly visible.

As a result, the singer appeared on stage like the heroine of a medieval riddle - “neither dressed nor undressed”! The absurdity of her appearance was emphasized by her surroundings: dancers with rapiers fluttered around Katerina.

Catherine Duska, Greece

Interesting! For a long time, shocking behavior was not welcomed on the competition stage. The turnaround began by the end of the 60s. One of the striking examples is the costume of the Spanish woman Salom: all fringe!

Tulia, Poland

Apparently, having decided to look in contrast to their rivals who were focused on ultra-sexuality, the participants of the folk quartet dressed up in folk fashion - scarves, ruffled shirts embroidered with small flowers, voluminous red-blue-green sundresses. One could attribute everything to the ethno-style and its features, but costume creators are clearly not friendly with color combinations!

Tulia, Poland

Eliot, Belgium

A black, shapeless suit that could pass for the uniform of an inmate of a special institution, a jacket of an incomprehensible cut - apparently, given the young age of the performer, they wanted to link his stage image with some fantastic hero. It turned out incomprehensible and just boring.

Eliot, Belgium

What images did you find terrible?

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