How to become a stylist and what kind of profession it is

The profession of a stylist is considered one of the most fashionable and in demand today. Every year more and more young and sometimes mature people want to try themselves in this field of activity. However, few people imagine what is needed for this.

How to master the profession of a stylist?

Everyone knows how to get a diploma and a job as an economist or lawyer. For this it is enough:

  • graduate from the relevant department at a college or university;
  • During your studies, “absorb” fundamental knowledge and learn to apply it in practice.

With the profession of a stylist, not everything is so simple, so before starting you should study its specifics.

What do you need to know and be able to do?

A stylist is a specialist who is able to come up with an image for his client that will at least:

  • take into account and present in a favorable light his natural data;
  • to please others (or a certain audience).

stylist: before and after

If the purpose of the transformation is not related to advertising and sales, the new look will not only reveal the inner world and emotional state of a person, but will also be comfortable for him.

To solve the assigned problems, the master uses his knowledge, practical experience and imagination. He operates with all available expressive means of the beauty and fashion industry.

Important! The profession includes several types of activities and each requires special skills. But there are also general requirements. You definitely need to know the history of your field, have a subtle aesthetic taste, creative thinking, good intuition and communication skills. To become successful and stay at the top, it is important to keep abreast of fashion trends and constantly engage in self-education and self-development.

Clothing stylist

In Europe, he is more often called an image consultant. This is an expert who selects a wardrobe, and not necessarily for the rich and famous. Sometimes he moonlights as a shopper: he goes shopping with the customer.

Prerequisites for successful work in this capacity:

  • the ability to use clothing, shoes and accessories to correct the anatomical features of the figure, emphasize its advantages and level out its shortcomings;
  • knowledge of the properties of various materials, their pros and cons;
  • the ability to correctly combine colors and select ones that suit different skin tones.

clothing stylist

You can master a specialty from scratch at almost any age, if you have a predisposition for it. Having a professional education (costume designer, fashion designer, designer, tailor, etc.) will significantly facilitate and speed up the process. However, the absence of such a base is not critical. Now many organizations (schools, studios) offer their services in this direction. You can take both face-to-face and online training.

Important! Before paying for classes, it is worth finding out as much as possible about the organization, for example, whether it has a license. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in detail with the training program and compare the scope of theory and practice. It’s a good idea to read reviews from graduates and follow their fate after completing their studies.

You can become a clothing stylist yourself, although this will require a lot of time, patience and desire. Nowadays you can find any information on the Internet, including:

  • information about the history of fashion;
  • research on psychology, physiology, coloristics, typology of faces, etc.;
  • thematic lessons and master classes in video format;
  • interviews and advice from famous stylists;
  • video of fashion shows;
  • stylish photos.

Fashion stylist

He rarely works with “mere mortals.” His main clients are professional models, artists and other celebrities. He creates images for advertising photo shoots, promotes products of emerging and well-known brands (clothing, shoes, accessories).


It is the fashion stylist who creates revolutionary trends in the fashion industry.

fashion stylist

To become one, first of all, you need:

  • to be on the wave of modern, especially youth, fashion, to catch its slightest movements;
  • generate new ideas, trends, interesting combinations, in other words, constantly experiment.


You can trust him with your hair without hesitation. He will select a bright and rich color for them and create volume. With the help of proper haircut and styling, it will correct facial features. He will advise you on how best to care for your curls so that they are healthy and beautiful, and, if necessary, will treat them.

To become a professional in this field you need:

  • “feel” hair: determine the type, know the rules of care for each;
  • master cutting, styling, and coloring techniques;
  • be able to choose the shape, tone and texture of hair that is optimal for the appearance of each client;
  • know the basics of hygiene and safety when working with chemicals.


Basic knowledge and skills can be obtained:

  • on paid short-term hairdressing courses lasting from 1 to 6 months;
  • in college - the duration of study there is, of course, longer (from 1 to 3 years), but the education is fundamental and mostly free.

Stylist-makeup artist

This is a makeup genius who can turn a “gray mouse” into a beauty queen.

Of special knowledge and skills in priority:

  • determining your skin type and cosmetic products that are suitable for it;
  • choosing a suitable tone;
  • basics of color: with the help of competent color transitions, you can, for example, emphasize beautiful cheekbones, make your eyes more expressive, and your lips seductive;
  • Mastery of all tools for creating makeup.


Initial professional skills can be obtained at a makeup artist school or through video lessons. But such a specialty is difficult to find in vocational schools. A good option that will contribute to professional growth is to obtain a “related” specialty as a make-up artist or makeup artist. It is available in theater colleges and universities and other educational institutions related to art and television.


His works adorn glossy publications and billboards, and are included in the portfolios of those wishing to devote themselves to the catwalk or cinema.

To occupy a niche in this sector, you must be able to:

  • handle professional photographic equipment, install lighting correctly;
  • create the right studio design for a specific photo shoot;
  • choose the desired shooting angle at which the model will look most attractive;
  • evoke the right emotions on the set so that the image is as convincing as possible.

studio photo

Who is an image maker and how to become one?

It may not be directly related to fashion. Its task is to “create” a selling image, for example:

  • successful businessman (for career advancement);
  • media persons (actor, pop singer, politician, etc.);
  • an ideal wife (if a girl wants to get married successfully).

At the same time, the client tries on a mask, a role that he will need to play in the foreseeable future in order to quickly achieve his goal.

image maker

The stylist-image maker not only creates the “wrapper”, but also fills the “candy” with the desired filling. When working with a customer, he:

  • selects his wardrobe, hairstyle and makeup;
  • develops a certain style of behavior;
  • advises on issues of etiquette (business, social).

You should start mastering this profession by studying:

  • psychology (especially mechanisms of communication and influence on the psyche);
  • basic styles of clothing;
  • personalities popular both in the past and today (outfits, manners, speech patterns, etc.).

You also need to train your powers of observation and notice:

  • how people react to various stimuli;
  • what certain circles of society like and what causes hostility.

When working with ordinary people, he must be able to add individuality to a standard type (“template”), but at the same time adhere to a sense of proportion so that the image does not cause rejection. When creating memorable media characters, your imagination will have to be turned on “to the fullest.”

In essence, an image maker is an organizer who builds the concept of an image. And, as a rule, it is implemented by a whole team of specialists.It may include fashion designers, hairdressers, makeup artists, psychologists and even speech therapists. Everyone, acting in their own direction, works for a common result.

Stylist is a difficult profession, requiring complete dedication, but very interesting. Before you plunge into it headlong, you need to adequately assess your capabilities. Conservatives, for whom peace and stability are a priority, are definitely better off doing something else. Those who love change and are ready for anything, including lifelong learning, can confidently go forward and conquer the world.

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