What clothes are not suitable for celebrating the New Year 2020

Have you already decided what you will wear for the New Year? Even if you stay at home, keep in mind: not all clothes are suitable for a festive night! In order not to spoil the holiday, it is better to make sure in advance that you have not made mistakes in creating your New Year's image.

What clothes are not suitable for New Year's Eve?

How to choose the right clothes and shoes for the New Year

The popular phrase “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” really works. Most people know about this and try to carefully prepare for the main night of the year. And this applies not only to decorating the table for the holiday, but also to the choice of clothes and even shoes.

Advice. It is better to think through your outfit in advance down to the smallest detail, so as not to be upset at the last moment by the lack of any wardrobe element.

What is not suitable for New Year's Eve

dress is too tight

First, let's clarify the general principles of creating a holiday wardrobe:

  • Clothes and shoes should be comfortable, fit well, and fit your sizeu.If you find that the dress you prepared for this occasion in the summer is too small, put it aside! You won't feel comfortable like Blake Lively did. And the thought of whether the seams have come apart or whether everyone has noticed that this is not your model can ruin the holiday.
  • If you are not going to a gala event on December 31st, It’s better not to wear a long dress, especially with a train. You will give him more attention than he deserves.
  • One more caveat: too revealing outfits, of course, not prohibited. But rather, for a romantic, more intimate holiday for two. And if you're visiting, be careful if you're wearing an overly "naked" dress, like Demi Rose. Sometimes holidays end so unexpectedly! You don't want to be the reason for this?

too frank

  • I would like the New Year's outfit to correspond to a special mood, not to be everyday and everyday. That is a tracksuit, even the most comfortable one, put it aside for January days.
  • Stylized suits are also not the best option.. Are you going to take photos? Agree, I want them to be pleasant to show and review. And a Christmas tree costume or stupid sweaters with reindeers or Santa Claus are not the best solution for an adult. Of course, if this is not an event where everyone without exception will be in the same ridiculous costumes.

ugly sweater

Advice. Instead of styling, use your imagination to create an original, fun costume for your child. This should be a truly festive outfit that does not create psychological trauma for the child.

Of course, having mentally placed the listed items on a non-holiday hanger, you are still convinced that there is plenty to choose from! Just remember to dress in such a way as to “like” the symbol of the year.

What is not suitable for celebrating the Year of the Rat

Reference. 2020 will be marked by the power of the White Metal Rat. This makes some adjustments to your holiday wardrobe.

what not to celebrate 2020 in

  • As you know, metal is the enemy of fire. That's why bright colors in clothes for the New Year are completely unsuitable. Rich, aggressive shades awaken the aggressive nature in the small totem beast. And although red, orange and yellow are on trend this winter, it is better to choose calm tones and pastel shades to celebrate the holiday.
  • Animal print If desired, wear at any other time. But not December 31st! It’s best to leave your favorite leopard print dress or snake-effect shoes at home that night. The Rat will not perceive such a choice positively. The patroness of next year does not like tackiness.

animal print dress

  • Leave it for another occasion and abundance of decorations. Of course, bright and numerous decorations look perfect during a winter holiday, when everything shines and sparkles. But it’s better to come to the 2020 meeting in one single bright piece of jewelry, which will become the “highlight” of the entire set.

Choosing festive clothes, even for a home party, is a responsible undertaking that needs to be approached very scrupulously. Follow councils and trust your feelings and imagination. Happy holiday!

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