Capsule wardrobe: how to save your wallet and the environment

The fashion for manic shopping and an overstocked wardrobe is becoming a thing of the past. Smart consumption and conscious purchases are now trending. And a capsule wardrobe is the latest approach to creating an elegant look at a reasonable price. This principle helps not only to save money, but also to protect the environment. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Why is this necessary?

Many people care about the environment. Even the mass market began to produce capsule collections. H&M and Mango, Gucci, Balenciaga and Stella McCartney all support ethical production programs. It is important not only what is created, but also how: without forced labor exploitation, without environmental pollution, with a minimum amount of waste. Now stars are sporting outfits made from organic cotton, recycled plastic or natural materials. This is not only useful, but also trendy!

Clothes made of plastic


Eco-friendly brands are experiencing a boom in popularity - the fashion industry has responded to the calls of environmentalists to save the planet from waste.After all, it is the production of clothing and cosmetics that ranks next to oil refining in the list of major pests. However, there is no need to give up your favorite lipstick or, especially, a dress. The main thing is to just buy wisely. This is the whole essence of “capsule”.

How it works?

Basically, this wardrobe technique relies on two pillars: looking to the future and smart recycling. That is, you should buy only what you need, and get rid of the useless with benefit. This does not require any special investment or effort.

The basic principles of “capsularity” are:

  • Better less, but better quality. What comes to the fore is not the quantity of clothing, but the level of performance, durability and naturalness.
  • Each item in the wardrobe should be combined with as many others as possible. Buying a blouse exclusively for one single look is bad manners. It's better to take a shirt that will suit several different looks.
  • Unnecessary things should be disposed of correctly. For example, hand it over to a second-hand store, recycle it, or give it as a gift.
  • Boycott unnatural materials. Cheap polyester shirts, dresses and T-shirts do not allow the skin to breathe, are harmful and even dangerous. In addition, low cost relaxes - it provokes you to quickly throw away the item and buy a new one. But good quality natural clothing inspires thrift and looks very impressive - this is a real investment in your style.
  • Vintage and resale are the right choice. A lot of wonderful things await fashionistas in second-hand stores and at garage and commercial sales. There is no shame in saving money and looking for something original. Even the stars do it!
  • Ethical brands and eco-lines. A less obligatory, but more humane principle is not to buy anything made by slave labor or using harmful technologies.However, this point partially overlaps with naturalness. Cheap and unethical items often don't last long.

The benefits of a capsule wardrobe should be obvious to even the most conservative shoppers. Firstly, this is a significant budget saving. Every purchase becomes thoughtful, unnecessary spontaneous spending disappears. Secondly, the wardrobe becomes compact and mobile. From ten correctly selected things you can create thirty images. And they all fit into one suitcase. And, thirdly, saving the environment. This is already on the conscience of each individual person.

Role Model

Today, many celebrities are actively promoting the idea of ​​a capsule wardrobe. A typical example of such a collection is this office set. Having several well-matched high-quality items in stock, you don’t have to waste time on the daily painful selection of a suit.

Example of a capsule wardrobe

You should have several bottoms in your closet (4-5 pairs of trousers and skirts) to combine them with different styles.erhom. There should be 2–3 times more of the latter, as they attract attention and wear out more often. It is best to take universal clothes: blouses, shirts, sweaters, turtlenecks, tops. Dresses are very important - they can be worn both to the office and to a social event.

Example of a capsule wardrobe


Plus, you will need top layers - what is worn over the base layers. As an example: jackets, vests, thick sweaters, cardigans. They make the image more structured and collected. Layering is trendy now. And unbuttoned clothes make you look slimmer and allow you to hide some figure defects. Don't forget about quality accessories and shoes. It is better to choose a color scheme in accordance with your type of appearance and stick to it when choosing all your clothes.

With just 20–25 items in your closet, you can create over 200 combinations of them. This is quite enough to look elegant and unique all year round. And also the environmentally friendly principle of anti-consumption will be observed, the budget will be saved and there will be more time for other tasks instead of shopping.

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