Fashionable edges: up to what age can you wear pink?

Multifaceted pink has long been the subject of gossip in women's society. It so happened that in Russia many consider it a “doll” color, intended exclusively for young ladies. And here The older a woman gets, the more “dangerous” this color is for her. Why? And at what age is the border, after crossing which you will look “not as the public demands”?

Where did this come from"?

The average Russian woman is wary of any pink color. Of course, now we are not considering marginalized individuals who don’t care what they wear. The memories are still fresh about the Barbie doll, popular in the 90s and the envy of that time. Then, indeed, almost all the clothes of the famous doll were such a candy-eyed color.

Then, in the 2000s, with the advent of fashion for dyed tanned blondes in bright pink, this color became associated with vulgarity and vulgarity. Wanting to look more approachable than they actually were, young ladies dressed in pink clothes and wore lipstick of the same shade. Against the background of dark skin, perhydrol hair and black mascara, this color scheme looked incredibly fashionable by the standards of that time. Now such images only cause laughter, and also a strong association that if a woman is dressed in pink, it means she is still living with the relics of the 90s and 2000s.

Paris Hilton

Some believe that Only a virgin deserves pink, and a woman after 30 looks funny in such clothes, because it is unlikely that she retained her innocence until that age.

There is an opinion that If an “aged” woman dresses in pink, it means that in childhood she was “underloved”, “underdressed”, “undereducated”. That is, simply put, it has no taste. Of course, one can argue with this statement for a long time, and, as a rule, this is what “couch psychologists” say, who do not particularly understand the intricacies of potato peelings, but hardly allow themselves to wear bright clothes.

There are many possible reasons. The above were compiled only from the analysis of a certain number of opinions from the Internet. But there is more:

  • rejection of color, which is associated with something scary, phobic, traumatic;
  • irritation that occurs at the sight of bright colors;
  • reluctance to stand out from the gray mass of provincial images.

And many, many more options.

woman in pink blouse

A modern take on pink

I am glad that the majority of netizens today treat the clothes of others condescendingly: “Let him wear what he wants!" That's probably right. In a tolerant society it is necessary to put up with others, make choices, and not judge. Unfortunately, this is not yet clear to everyone.

When you're young, pink is absolutely easy to relate to. A strawberry hoodie plus torn jeans and white sneakers is quite an ordinary decision for a 17-year-old girl. For the older generation, this is already an option to think about. Older ladies have to completely abandon this image.

A if you give an example of the European style of clothing? After all, they dress there according to the principle of “what they liked,” and older and older people even try to dress brighter. For example, it is believed that watermelon or coral is very refreshing, and against the background of fuchsia, age-related wrinkles, papillomas and other skin defects will not be so noticeable

older women in pink

Of course, Moscow is a separate “kingdom”; they are unlikely to be condemned for their “pink” choice. In simpler cities there may be problems with this... But the modern woman is “cunning”. Classic candy pink can always be replaced with salmon, dusty rose, or peach. These delicate shades may well be present in the wardrobe of 30+. Yes, 40+, and 50+ too, if you choose your clothes wisely.

Sedakova in pink


So is there this line?

Here every woman must understand that only she makes the choice. No one has the right to condemn her. This means that such a boundary does not exist! It is impossible to say with certainty the age after which looking at pink is prohibited. You can always wear it! But the older a woman is, the more subtleties she must take into account when choosing the right shade.

shades of pink

To avoid misunderstandings, you should adhere to several nuances. The older the woman, the pink the image should be:

  • lighter;
  • more subdued;
  • more matte;
  • less contrasting to other shades.

In addition, it is better for overweight women to adhere to these recommendations. The larger the volumes, the less flashy the pink should be. and the more it should be diluted with other non-contrasting colors.

Important! Pink items should have a simple cut, elegant style, neat tailoring and be made of high-quality material. Any shade does not tolerate cheapness!

beautiful blouse

Nuances of choice

There are women for whom pink is categorically unsuitable at any age, and young ladies who adore it (and it suits them!) both at 20 and at 90. It all depends on the type of appearance.

The most effective thing here is to try on all possible shades and choose “yours.”

Another nuance – hair and skin color. Blonde older ladies might want to try a deeper shade, while for dark-haired ladies, dark pink may age them. This unique “pinkiness scale” can be assessed using the following example:

pinkness scale

The younger the young lady, the wider the range of the shade in question suits her, even despite her hair color. For women on the right, bright pink combined with dark hair makes them look more tired. By the way, ash-haired Helen Mirren is already over 70! Her neighbors are much younger!

Advice. You need to wear pink wisely, diluting it with other things and “removing” it as far from your face as possible. For example, it could be bright trousers or a skirt. The top should be chosen in neutral shades.

How do celebrities wear it?

Queen Elizabeth can confidently call bright colors her favorite. There is so much pink in her outfits! And it’s clear that different shades suit her. The monarch cannot be so easily described as having no taste; she is dressed by the eminent stylist Stuart Parvin.


Elizabeth in pink

queen with dog

in black and pink

It is difficult to judge from celebrities whether their images are successful or not. Each one is created “for the public”. But if you compare the shades, an interesting picture can emerge.

Heidi Klum at more than forty years old, she has retained an impeccable figure, so she can easily afford the now fashionable combination of candy and red. And delicate cream with gold makes the supermodel look 20 years younger!

Heidi in a dress

Heidi Klum

JLo enjoys showing off her luxurious curves. This pink looks less flashy due to the matteness of the chiffon, but still not bad for 57 years old, right?


Kate Middleton Rarely does he allow himself to be so bright. And this gentle tone refreshes the duchess.

Kate Middleton

Looks stylish and unpretentious Emma Malinina in pink shades. The wife of the famous singer has excellent taste and knows how to choose things. And this color is listed as her favorite.

Emma with her daughter


raspberry in pink




Unsuccessful and relatively successful example with Alla Pugacheva. By the way, despite the strange costumes, you can see how big the difference is between the pink colors and what their impact on the image as a whole is. The prima donna does not like faded shades in clothes. Although lately she has become hooked on the relative classics.

Alla in pink




Friends! Wear pink no matter what!

If you are 80, neat creamy or delicate peach will knock you off for 30 years! If 40 – Have fun wearing a salmon dress or a dusty rose pantsuit! 30 year old For young ladies, both a fuchsia skirt and a coral sweatshirt are suitable. A girls and there is no need to think - the question of the color pink should not worry them at all.

But of course, You can’t bring yourself to that option. A psychologist is needed here. But it is not exactly.

lady in pink

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