Who is a stylist and what does he do?

Concern for one's external appearance has been characteristic of people at all times. Therefore, there has always been a demand for those who know how to create an attractive image. Clothing and other details of a person's appearance demonstrate his taste and status. Today, with the development of the fashion industry, the profession of a stylist has become relevant. What are its features, what should such a specialist be able to do, and what areas of this activity exist?

Who is a stylist - what kind of profession is it?

The stylist is responsible for creating a person’s image, his image, using various “tools.” Since the image - or, as it is fashionable to say now, the bow - contains many components, the scope of activity of this specialist includes many aspects. He selects hairstyle, makeup and shapes the wardrobe of his “ward”. Many may have a natural question: “Is choosing clothes and hairstyle such a difficult task, why contact someone, and even pay for it?”

If you are confident in your good taste (or think that you have it), then you can assume that you will not need the services of a stylist. Just remember that you meet people by their clothes... The first impression is sometimes the most important... A sense of style is especially important in industries such as cinema, modeling and show business, and politics. However, it never hurts to make a splash.Stylist at work.

Interesting! The word stylist is of English origin. Stylist is derived from the Greek stylos - “writing stick”. Once upon a time, a stylist was called a person who masterfully wielded this “stick” - that is, he had literary talent. The “sheet of paper” of a modern specialist is a person.

The image of many celebrities is the result of the work of an experienced specialist, or even a whole team of professionals. Using his knowledge and taste, the stylist creates an image that most accurately reflects the essence and character of a person, emphasizes his dignity and at the same time allows him to feel harmonious.Stylist Jennifer Lopez.

What types of stylists are there - image makers, hairdressers and others?

As already mentioned, image is a multifaceted concept. Its creation requires knowledge in many areas. That's why by way of achieving results The profession is divided into several areas:

  1. Hairdresser. Such a specialist is also called a top stylist. How is he different from an ordinary “barber”? He knows how to not only cut a haircut or style it “like in a magazine,” but also select the shape, length and color of the hairstyle that best suits the client. True professionals in their field work at fashion shows, become official stylists of popular brands that produce hair care products, and create hairstyles that ordinary hairdressers focus on.
  2. Visagiste. She will select not only the right makeup, but also the care products that suit your skin type.Makeup artist and hairdresser.
  3. Image maker. The work of this specialist can be compared to the work of a marketer, because he also needs to show the “product” from its advantageous side, create a bright, effective image in order to evoke the “correct” reaction of others, and motivate them to do something. The image maker does not just select clothes, but advises which wardrobe elements are best suited for a particular situation. In addition to “outfits”, this professional is responsible for the correct behavior of the client. He tells you when to smile and when to remain serious, etc. In addition to good taste, an image stylist must have knowledge in psychology.
  4. Photographer. His area of ​​activity is creating a photographic image. Professional skills and individual approach allow you to create unique photos.

What does a stylist do, what qualities and knowledge should he have?

The key to successful activities in creating stylish images will be knowledge in the following areas:

  • history of fashion, its trends and tendencies;
  • basics of stylistics and color;
  • ethics, aesthetics;
  • basics of hairdressing and makeup art;
  • physiology - to select a suitable style;
  • psychology.The girl is an image maker.

The list of services of a “stylish” specialist includes the following types of activities:

  • wardrobe analysis;
  • “fashion” consultation - informing about existing trends in clothing;
  • recommendations for updating your wardrobe;
  • development of a new image;
  • tips on choosing hairstyle and makeup;
  • shopping support (shopper);
  • online consultation.

Not all people are suited to any particular profession. To be successful, a stylist must have a certain calling. On his “shoulders” is responsibility for the client.If you select an “unsuccessful” image, a person may “fail” in some important area, and for this he will blame the image specialist.

Therefore, a stylist must have patience, sensitivity, be attentive, and be able to find an individual “key” for everyone. And of course, a specialist must have an impeccable sense of style.

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