Lessons from Karl Lagerfeld: how to look decent

You can admire the iconic figure of Karl Lagerfeld in the fashion world as much as you like. But even more valuable is his rich legacy in the form of tips on how to look stylish. These tips are relevant not only for oligarchs and their wives, but also for mere mortals like you and me. And since we can follow these tips, it means we can make this world a little more beautiful. Shall we start?

Lessons from Karl Lagerfeld: how to look your best

Rules for choosing clothes: what Karl Lagerfeld teaches

Expensive does not mean great

Never judge clothes by their price! And in general, throw out the combination “cheap thing” from your vocabulary once and for all. Style has never been associated with the number of zeros on the price tag.

high quality, not expensive

INTERESTING! The great Marilyn Monroe once, in response to a remark that she became famous only thanks to expensive clothes, staged a luxurious photo shoot in an ordinary potato sack.

Lagerfeld was not so radical. He usually gave the example of a simple T-shirt and jeans, selected tasteful and made of quality materials. This doesn't only happen with expensive brands.

Continuing the topic, the following advice: do not think that the mere fact of purchasing expensive and fashionable clothes will automatically make you stylish. Cultivate your taste, and don’t waste money thoughtlessly!

Don't give up on black

Many people have heard Lagerfeld’s words “black is sexy.” But I will still remind you of them.


IMPORTANT! Any wardrobe must have black things, because this color will never go out of fashion and suits absolutely everyone.

Well, the little black dress from Chanel is an eternal classic. To all other, black is slimming. And the famous designer had a separate point about being slim.

"The body must be perfect"

the body must be perfect

What about everyone else? Work on yourself! Lagerfeld himself lost 40 kg at one time. Therefore, having such experience behind him, he has always been an opponent of body positive trends.

Being slim, especially if you tend to be overweight, is a lot of work.. And the reward for it is the opportunity to look stylish. After all, the fashion world mainly focuses on thin people.

The designer was especially merciless towards those who criticize the slender bodies of models. He ironically noted that most often such judges are fat mothers sitting with a packet of chips in front of the TV.

Fit and comfortable are more important than fashionable

A stylish person, according to Lagerfeld, is not only slim, has taste and black clothes in his wardrobe. This is the one who knows how to wear clothes wisely.

clothes tailored to your figure

IMPORTANT! If you buy clothes that don't fit your figure, you will look ridiculous, even if they are trendy.

If you dress out of season, wear a floor-length white coat in the mud, and wear a dark gray coat in the summer, then you can hardly be called a stylish person.

If you follow all these commandments, but your clothes are uncomfortable, then your constrained movements will instantly ruin your elegant image.

Don't wear this!

The most important evil according to Lagerfeld is sports trousers. They belong only in the gym! In other places - under no circumstances!


The maestro was also intolerant of real fur.

Review your wardrobe, adjust your image taking into account the advice of the king of fashion - compliments on your style are guaranteed!

The main requirement is simplicity in everything

Always a successor to Coco Chanel was for simplicity in everything, including accessories.

The current layering and abundance of decorations is not for him. After all Just one bright accent is enough - and the image is ready without any extra effort.


As for saving effort − Lagerfeld has always been for classics and a minimalist wardrobe, consisting mainly of basic things.

A woman who has a white shirt, a T-shirt, a perfectly fitting jacket, jeans and a skirt in her wardrobe, no need to fill your wardrobe. To look stylish, just combine these things with each other and add accessories.

Karl Lagerfeld himself lived a long and colorful life. By his own example, he has repeatedly confirmed that his advice works. And I think that following them will be the best way to honor the memory of the master.

Reviews and comments
M Mila:

Karl Lagerfeld not only could give advice, he himself was always dressed according to his rules of good taste. This is very important for any couturier. In Rus', we have many advisers who cannot be called models of taste. For example, I have lost all interest in the TV program FASHIONABLE VERDICT, flavored with a large number of all sorts of family squabbles that do not interest me at all and have nothing to do with fashion. Poor clothes for the participant to choose independently are simply rubbish.


