What are the differences between fashion and style

Each of us is unique, we differ in hair color, character, habits - then why do we strive to buy the same jeans? In my opinion, this is due to the substitution of the concepts of “fashion” and “style”. I suggest you remember how they differ from each other.

Fashion & Style

Are fashion and style equivalent?

To answer the question, you should refer to the definitions of these two concepts.

Fashion - an image prescribed by society, a set of certain rules that the majority follows. Style the inner state of the soul, reflected in the outer appearance. Unlike the fickle fashion, each of us chooses our own way of dressing independently, guided by taste, needs and comfort. Of course, the highest skill will be the ability to dress both fashionably and stylishly!

Fashion & Style

It is difficult to talk about the equivalence of these two concepts, since they are based on completely different premises: dress like everyone else or stand out from the crowd. Harmonious and original images can tell a lot about a character and create the right first impression.

What does the concept of fashion mean?

This is an eternal change of priorities, experiments in forms that give impetus to creative search. First of all, it is influenced by the mood of society, ideals and aspirations.

For example, now we see a total passion for a healthy lifestyle, gyms and proper nutrition, which is why sporty chic and comfortable clothing are so popular now.

Fashion & Style

Let's not forget about the ideals of the female body! When the cult of the thin body arose, tight clothing became extremely popular. Public morality also influences the degree of openness of outfits and the length of the skirt. We get a kind of mirror that reflects the state of society at this particular period of time.

As in any business, demand creates supply, so popular trends are mercilessly exploited and promoted in all available ways. But at the same time, they indicate a desire to change and seek new sensations, avoiding stagnation. It is with the help of fashion trends that we develop taste and a sense of proportion, arriving at our own image.

Style – is it in fashion?

Fashion & Style

Style is a reflection of inner feelings through the corresponding external highlight, therefore, first of all, when choosing a new skirt, for example, you should listen to yourself and try on a new thing only for yourself, and not copy a beautiful picture from a magazine or blog. This is a personality’s handwriting; its formation is influenced by age, preferences, lifestyle, religion and social status. A stylish person constantly stands out from the general background, often attracting more attention than equally “packed” other people of the same age and social status.

Fashion & Style

We need to pay more attention to our own individuality, trying to find ourselves in the flow of fashion trends, and learn to process the advice of stylists on popular blogs in our favor. You need to constantly work on your image, but the end result will be worth it. Perhaps this is why we are seeing a trend towards a general search for one’s own style. These are two sides of the same coin, they are inextricably and forever linked. You shouldn’t rule out one thing, the most correct solution is to moderately complement your personal style of dressing with new finds from designers.

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