Things that age women

The desire to look younger than one's age is common to any woman. Girls under 25 do not experience this problem, and this is natural. But for those “who care about...” it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete with young ladies in the struggle for the attention of the opposite sex. It is known that if you choose the right wardrobe, you can (purely in appearance) lose ten years. And, on the contrary, Choosing the wrong things can make you look older.

Things that age women

A woman is surprised when, at the age of 30, they begin to give up her seat on public transport. And the thing is that the youthful things she is accustomed to do not make her any younger. The effect is exactly the opposite.

IMPORTANT! Always be attentive and responsible when creating your wardrobe. Under no circumstances should you choose things that are intended for young ladies when you are 30 years old.

What clothes add years to a woman

Many women have no idea how to dress to look younger. We'll tell you what people who don't want to look older than their years should not wear.

Old fashioned things

One of the most important ways to avoid looking older is to get rid of clothes that have long gone out of fashion. Imagine a woman who, back in the 90s, fell in love with voluminous shoulders, which were then in trend. Such a model, if you wear it today, immediately tells your age.

old fashioned things

Indeed, if a thing is 30 years old, then its owner is much older. You hope that people around you admire how young you look. And the jacket openly hints that you are just an old lady persistently getting younger!

At the same time, withIt is absolutely not necessary to follow only the latest fashion trends - this is already too much. But it is still necessary to catch some general trends.

Solid suits also went beyond fashion. Typically this set is worn to the office. But let the jacket and trousers (skirt) be at least slightly different shades. This will enliven your image, make you look a little younger and, undoubtedly, more attractive.

Dull and too bright

It is important to pay attention to color. Women look very bad in clothes one of the earthy, nondescript flowers. Such things will add a few years to you, and the skin on the face will acquire a shade of unhealthy pallor.


Clothes that are too bright won’t make you look too young either. you. On the contrary, such a discrepancy with age will play a cruel joke on you.

too bright

And here things of light, but not provocative colors are exactly what you need.


The currently popular over-size clothing, commonly called robes, should also be thrown into the firebox. It is suitable only for young girls who do not need to look even younger.


Advice! If you really want to buy an oversize sweater, then at least let all the other clothes be strictly tailored to your figure.

Floral dresses and sweaters

Knitted sweaters or dresses with bright flowers age incredibly well. They are usually sold in markets at very affordable prices. This is, of course, tempting, but...This kind of “image” will be age-related. Especially if you wear your grandmother’s black skirt with such a jacket.

floral dress


The same can be said about any other clothing from the distant past. An elegant great-grandmother's item in the fashion of those years can be perfectly preserved as a family heirloom. Young girls in such things will look very cute. The concept of “connection or continuity of generations” applies here.


But ladies who have crossed the thirty-year mark at different times should not take risks! They will look like relics of the past.

Let vintage, dear to your heart, take pride of place in your closet. Sometimes even wear it, but limit yourself to going to the mirror and don’t go outside.

Heavy fabrics

Clothes made of heavy fabrics are closely related to this. BArhat and satin, of course, look rich, but they don’t make you look younger.


Shoes that make you look older

Choosing the “right” shoes is just as important.


Directly contraindicated the following types of shoes:

  • lace-up boots - they are only suitable for teenagers;
  • massive platforms from the 70s - they greatly weigh down the lower body;
  • sports sandals - make the leg heavier;
  • Mary Jane shoes - they immediately turn a woman who is not yet old into a pensioner, whose main joy is the company of her own kind on a bench in the park.

Advice! A good option is open sexy high-heeled shoes. Elegant and comfortable - moccasins, espadrilles and loafers.

Accessories and jewelry that age

Accessories and jewelry for people over 30 should also be treated with caution.. The main thing when choosing is to show taste and a sense of proportion.



  • All are definitely not suitable jewelry with pendants, especially gold ones.
  • Diamonds, rhinestones, a lot of beads - also not the best option.
  • The same can be said about jewelry with large stones.

Important! Of course, this does not mean that you need to give up gold or massive jewelry with large stones. You just need to keep in mind that in this case it will not be possible to become visually younger.



  • Black classic bag will not make you younger at all.
  • Frankly outdated option - bag in the color of the shoes.
  • Excessive brightness of the accessory should also be avoided.. Some restraint and conservatism, on the contrary, will not hurt.

IMPORTANT! Classic with a bit of chic - that's what you need. No avant-garde, no flirty romance. Only naturalness and harmony.

And one last thing. The main thing is not the clothes at all. What is more important is your attitude towards yourself. It is important to love yourself - then you will always be young!

Reviews and comments
YU Julia:

there are a lot of objections to almost every point... so I won’t go deeper. Author, this is purely your subjective


Nonsense... In each individual case, some things are suitable and others are not.

And the author will probably be surprised to learn that there are people who, when choosing clothes, are guided solely by their taste, mood and goals, and not by competing with younger people for the attention of the opposite sex. This was a lot of fun :)))

E Ella:

Completely idiotic article! One criticism and not a single useful advice.

T Tati:

“A woman is surprised when, at the age of 30, they begin to give up her seat on public transport” is simply a masterpiece. In what cities do people turn into old women at the age of 30? Maybe there is radiation or something else?))

S sv:

By the way, voluminous shoulders from the 90s, vintage, rough boots, sandals, floral dresses and almost everything listed in the article are now in trend and a priori cannot make you look old. And since when did the black bag cease to be a classic, but became an attribute of a pensioner? In general, as they wrote above: “a lot of objections to almost every point... so I won’t go deeper.”

N Nata:

What didn't you like about diamonds?

AND Irina:

You won’t be given a seat on public transport even at 60 years old, let alone at 30. The article is complete nonsense. The author should have more brains and write less, so that the thoughts linger in his head.


Not an article, but to put it mildly, a misunderstanding……..

M Marina:

Old women over 30, what nonsense, when does old age begin after 30?

R Ra:

Well, what can you say... The author is a frank d... Why does a normal woman need to compete for the attention of some strangers? What kind of tendency is this to present a woman as a commodity? It’s as if all she does is adorn herself for the sake of some unknown men... As for all these tips, everything should be done exactly the opposite and it will be original, unique, individual. If a woman does not like an oversized figure or shoulders, then it is not advisable to wear it, although it is her personal business how to dress and make up. the main thing is the woman’s mood, her feelings, goals, motivations. Well, certainly not competition for the sake of men. as if the woman were some kind of prostitute, a product on the market. the tasteless, complexed, brainless author scribbled the article.

AND Irina:

When will you learn to combine text and photos properly?

L Lee:

Not an article, but complete nonsense. The only clothes left were formal suits with high heels and moccasins... Even shorts and pearls...
Indeed, on every point...
The feeling is that the article is very ancient, well, it was written from simple everyday life.

N Natalia:

Better teach young women not to take shameful selfies when the mother of two children, following the “world standards”, kicking her butt off and attractively pouting her silicone-pumped lips, rolls her eyes in front of the camera so that her transparent top and symbolic panties will gain her the fame of an erotic diva among viewers all over countries! Naked stars go out in public wearing something like fishing nets, barely covering their private parts, and you teach women who have lived their lives how to look attractive? A quick question: what do you think?what is missing from your wise advice? The answer is wrong... They lack common sense!

WITH Svetlana:

I should have gone through the comments first, but I wasted my time on this nonsense.

R Ramina:

If you focus on divas)) which some “star” considers himself to be, then maybe this article is on topic)
But ordinary women, of whom there are a billion in this world, will dress as they feel comfortable and beautiful) and no one else! nobody! I have no right to dictate fashion to them from outside!
No!))) if you give such hard workers a couple of lemons and send them to fashion places)) Italy, for example, they will buy themselves fashionable things)) In the meantime))….
taste and color!….! I dress the way I want! The article is about nothing!

E Elena:

It would be better to write so that our men start taking care of themselves!!!! It’s impossible to travel on the subway or on the bus - it stinks of sweat, unwashed clothes, uneven teeth, unkempt faces, worn-out shoes, people wear sweatpants!!!! And generally ugly. I’m talking about those who are over 30))))) Our women are all!!! ALL!!! Without exception, they look decent and pleasant. And in general, Russian women by nature are characterized by inner modesty, restraint and neatness in clothing. And don’t teach us, for Christ’s sake, how to dress!!!!


“A frankly outdated option - a bag in the color of the shoes.” Send your advice to Buckingham Palace. Otherwise they didn’t know this.

E Elena:

A golden loafer, this is, of course, cool))) And the fact that the shoes with laces doesn’t make me smile at all, and in general, that’s not a thesis, a complete pearl... I feel like I read an article from “The Peasant Woman” of the 70s of the last century))) After 30 just cover yourself with a shroud and quietly crawl towards the cemetery)))

E Elvira:

This woman author is a fucking contender for Coco Chanel.

E Elvira:

And in general, only an eminent fashion designer can afford to give such categorical advice to a large mass of people.

G Grafinka:

What kind of nonsense are the points in this article?? The author completely forgets that when choosing clothes, shoes, accessories, everyone takes into account not fashion trends, which are very contradictory, but their own parameters. Even lace-up shoes and a vintage dress will look interesting if a woman likes them, reflects her tastes and colors her.

AND Inna:

Most likely the author of the article is 16 years old. She decided that at the age of 30 she would crawl into the bushes and howl pitifully... life is over... daddies no longer take allowances. I am 41 years old. When I leave home, the last thing I think about is competition with young people and the attention of men. Believe me, my life is not over. The choice of clothes depends on the purpose of my going out. If, as a volunteer, I go to distribute food, then boots with laces or a platform are the best! If I go to work in the office, then a floral dress of the appropriate cut will be good. And if you go for a walk in the park, sneakers and a leather jacket are also good. In general, this article should be written more intelligently, and not reproachfully. Author, please don’t write anything else - maybe you’ll pass for smart!))))

AND Ilana:

Oh crap!!! What the author offers, as they say, is strem! There is a concept of TASTE and PRESENTATION OF YOURSELF!

E Elena:

There are so many articles on the topic “what you shouldn’t wear, what makes you look old, what is contraindicated.”Read normal stylists (I’m the author) and you will be surprised to learn that EVERYTHING is in fashion! and you can wear and combine the most unthinkable things (a flowered dress that you rejected with boots and a leather jacket) and large jewelry and small jewelry, and a bag with the color of your shoes and vice versa, you can wear everything!! And 30 years is youth, even adolescence, a wonderful age. the heyday!

and that it’s the 21st century and women are no longer concerned about competition around the clock in order to grab hold of their pants, and your articles are some kind of stone age! We have problems with men, not with women, it’s them, men who are unkempt, they’re the ones who look bad! And the entire Internet tells women how they can bend over backwards so as not to fall out of the competition

V Vlada:

How many untalented, but most importantly, NOT smart scribblers have been divorced... Do your schoolchildren work here part-time or something...

M Mila:

I wasted my time in vain.

AND Irina:

Nonsense, floral dresses don’t age you, on the contrary they refresh you, the shoes are nonsense, the same thing about the bags. In general, the article is about nothing

A Anna:

At 25, anything is possible, but after some 5 years, that’s it, old woman))) Judging by the article..

N Natalia:

Everything has already been said. I’ll just add that the nonsense was written by a mediocre girl, apparently, and for some reason I feel ashamed. It's a shame for her.


the same thing in every article, like a carbon copy! fed up with age and their mediocre advice... whoever wants, wears it... and what does competition with young girls have to do with it? Even a fool can see that youth has no competition... and why fight for the attention of men? rave! an adult woman has brains and other advantages! who likes what and who! you might think that all the young people are in demand, but the adults have simply died without male attention...


