What should be in an emergency suitcase

Many people wondered what would happen if there was an emergency in the country. If shops and pharmacies are closed, the Internet will be disconnected and it will be impossible to withdraw money from a bank card. The military often conducts exercises and knows how to act in such situations, but how to behave as a civilian. But the main question is what to take with you if you have to urgently leave your home.

What is an alarm suitcase

what is an alarm suitcase

This is usually the name given to a set of things that every person should have during an emergency. No need to pay attention to the name, this is not necessarily a suitcase, but rather a convenient backpack that you can easily take with you. There are some basic items, but there are also things that must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the owner of such a set. Small supplies of food, clothing, medicine, personal hygiene products and tools are stored there.

IMPORTANT! All items must be new and unused.

What must be in it?

First, you need to choose a comfortable backpack that can hold a lot of things, and it should also be convenient for long journeys or situations where you need to carry it on your back for several hours. It is also better to remember exactly where you put this or that thing, so that if necessary, you can quickly get it out.

alarm backpack

ATTENTION! The weight should be distributed evenly; all heavy objects should not be placed on the bottom.

After choosing a convenient “suitcase”, you need to decide what things and products you need to take first.

  1. Copies of all important documents in waterproof packaging. There must be a passport, medical insurance, driver's license and documents of children. It will not be amiss if the same package contains property documents, as well as photographs of relatives, so that you can show them if someone gets lost.
  2. A small supply of cash and a credit card.
  3. A map that will help you quickly navigate in space.

    IMPORTANT! Agree in advance with family members where you can meet in case an emergency occurs or someone lags behind the group.

  4. A radio and batteries for it to find out news and current information. You can also buy an inexpensive mobile phone and a portable charger for it so that you can be in touch during the first hours.
  5. Flashlight, clock and compass.
  6. Multi-functional tool that includes a screwdriver, knife, scissors, etc.
  7. Electrical tape or tape.
  8. Durable bags that can replace an awning and help provide shelter from bad weather.
  9. Rope or strong cord.
  10. A first aid kit, which includes remedies for allergies and poisoning, antipyretics and painkillers, disinfectants, bandages, plasters and antibiotics.
  11. Medical alcohol, which can be used to disinfect a wound.
  12. Underwear, socks, spare pants, sweater and T-shirt.
  13. Hygiene products.
  14. Mug, plate, knife and flask.
  15. A set of food for two days.
  16. Lighter and pack of matches.

    ATTENTION! Most foods should be prepared or can be easily prepared on the go.

What will not be superfluous

  1. A sleeping bag or a tent, depending on how full the backpack is and the weight that can be easily carried on your back. There is no need to pack a backpack, which will require a lot of effort and energy.
  2. A hatchet and a mining shovel can come in handy in many cases, so it's best to have them with you in case of an emergency.
  3. Pencil and notepad.

An emergency suitcase should be in the home of not only a military personnel, but also a civilian. It is not necessary to have the entire list, but it is better to put a small set of things in a special place so that it can be easily supplemented and taken with you.

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