What should be in a woman's bag

A handbag is the owner's treasure. It contains things for all occasions. And how much stuff fits into a compact “storage” of small volume! What should its content be? Functional, stylish in appearance and light in weight.

must-have items in a woman's bag

Mandatory things

  • Passport.
  • Keychain with keys.
  • Mobile phone (smartphone, etc.).
  • A wallet whose importance can hardly be overestimated. It contains bank cards and cash. It is always better to have a small amount with you just in case. But not with one large bill. So as not to create problems for yourself. For example, when paying for a taxi or shopping at an ice cream stand. You can store receipts and business cards in the compartments of the wallet. Often in the outermost of them there is a travel card. To attach it to the validator, it is not necessary to remove it. The device reads information through the material.
  • A girl is unlikely to forget her cosmetic bag at home. It doesn't matter what time of year it is. It contains the required minimum for beauty. This is mascara, lip gloss, lipstick, eye shadow, foundation, eyeliner, powder.It makes it easy to restore a layer of lipstick after a snack. The powder will hide inflammation on the skin, blackheads and remove oily shine. The rest of the products will help you quickly fix your makeup.
  • You can't do without a comb or hair brush. Folding models are more convenient to carry with you. They take up less space;
  • It's worth adding a painkiller, a couple of histamine tablets and a band-aid in case of a cut;
  • Wet wipes are always needed. In hot weather they wipe the face when it is impossible to wash. Clean dirty hands when there is no water nearby;
  • Cotton handkerchiefs replace a towel after washing hands;
  • A mirror is needed quite often. It is used to remove the eyelash from the eye. They tint their lips, powder their face, and straighten their hair. The design can transform an ordinary pocket mirror into a glamorous accessory. They just don’t produce them now! Folding metal with rhinestone coating. Double with inlay. Single framed in leather, plastic or wood. There are many options;
  • A manicure file will also come in handy. Suddenly a nail breaks outside the house. A file with sandpaper chips works best. It is light and not so fragile. Will not crack like glass;
  • If you do not have a boyish haircut, it makes sense to carry a hair tie in your purse;
  • Skin moisturizing cream;
  • Hygienic lipstick, especially in winter and autumn.

What can happen under certain circumstances

what else could it be

  • Not a single woman knows exactly at what specific moment her critical days will come. Therefore, it won’t hurt to have a couple of tampons (pads) with you. There are cases for them. But you can simply put it in a secret pocket of your bag.
  • Headphones will come in handy to pass the time on long trips or long waits. Use them to listen to music, an audiobook, or watch a movie.
  • Medicines recommended for you to take permanently or temporarily.

Recommendations for filling your bag, saving space, organizing things

order in a woman's bag

  • Lately, girls are increasingly using the mirror surface of their smartphone instead of a mirror. And the photo mode will give you the opportunity to see your reflection in high quality.
  • Important documents: passport, health insurance policy, etc. should be copied and carried with you. It is better to keep the originals at home. They will not be lost and will be better preserved.
  • The keychain with wire cutters and mini file is multifunctional. And it takes up minimal space.


Using the list and these simple tips, it’s easy to remove unnecessary items from your bag. And supplement it with something important. Then it will be in perfect order.

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