What is included in the birth bag

birth bagChildbirth is a very important and responsible moment. It is better for him to prepare everything in advance, so as not to worry and hastily collect the necessary things. If you do forget something, it’s not catastrophic - you won’t be left giving birth on the street. But such situations should not be allowed, but it is better to plan everything in advance.

What should be a bag for the maternity hospital?

maternity hospital bagFirst, you should learn some basic tips.

  • Put only the most necessary things in your bag. You shouldn’t take a ton of cosmetics or several gowns with you when you leave – this is unnecessary.
  • The bag itself should be small and comfortable to wear. After all, her mother will often have to carry her.

But the bag itself is important, but its contents are more important. It must be approached with special responsibility.

What should be in the birth bag

To collect everything you need and not forget anything, you can conditionally divide the birth bag into several elements. This includes:

  • documents, money, phone;
  • things for mom (before childbirth, for childbirth, after);
  • things for the baby.

Now let’s take a closer look at what these three sectors include and what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital.


documents for the maternity hospitalThe essentials include primarily documents. There is no way to forget about them. It is better to collect them all in a folder in advance and put them in a visible place. The folder must contain:

  • passports;
  • insurance policy;
  • pregnancy exchange card;
  • birth certificate.

If the birth takes place under a contract, you must have it with you. Also add money to what is needed. After all, mom will be in the hospital for some time after giving birth (and maybe even before), and she will definitely need them. Be sure to take your phone with you.

Personal items for mom

It will also be convenient to divide them into several parts: before and for childbirth, and after. Before giving birth, the mother will need:

  • slippers;
  • a change of clothes (preferably a nightgown);
  • mineral water;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • towel;
  • mobile phone and charger.

Advice! Don't forget your charger. Many mothers forget about this item.

For childbirth you need:

  • disposable diaper;
  • a thin nightgown for childbirth (can also be disposable);
  • cap on the head.

It is advisable to wear a nightgown designed for childbirth in the maternity hospital. After all, you never know when contractions will start, and you definitely won’t have time to change clothes.

After giving birth, the mother will need:

  • things for momrobe;
  • dishes;
  • change of underwear (necessarily free!);
  • gaskets;
  • bra pads;
  • shower and hand towel;
  • breastfeeding bra;
  • socks;
  • a small set of necessary cosmetics;
  • necessary medications recommended by the doctor;
  • postpartum bandage.

Important! Usually discharge occurs on the third day.

Things for the baby

things for babySince the baby will be with his mother in the maternity hospital for some time, he will also need personal belongings. For your child, prepare:

  • several sets of clothes;
  • at least 4 diapers;
  • diapers for newborns (25–30 pieces).

You will also need cotton swabs and scissors.

Note! Cotton swabs must have a limiter. This way you will definitely not hurt your baby while cleaning his ears.

Items to be checked out

Now about the final stage - discharge. Here you will need new things for both mother and baby.

You will need:

  • things to check outClothes for the street. The things that the patient arrived at the maternity hospital in will not be suitable; we need things that the woman in labor wore at the beginning of her pregnancy.
  • Shoes. She may also need another one. If there was swelling during pregnancy and went away after childbirth, prepare suitable shoes, preferably without heels.
  • Cosmetics.
  • For a newborn, you only need an envelope, since the clothes are already available. The envelope is selected according to the time of year.

Advice! For discharge, it is better to choose a transformable envelope so that you can use it as a blanket later.

How to properly assemble a birth bag

To ensure everything goes according to plan, listen to the following tips.

  1. how to pack thingsMake a list of things you need. This may be trivial, but it has been verified. In order not to forget anything, it is better to write it down in advance, and during the collection process it is possible to add a few more things.
  2. Take a minimum of things with you, only the essentials.
  3. It is better not to take things with you immediately for discharge, but to ask one of your relatives to bring them directly to the day of discharge.
  4. Be sure to find out at the maternity hospital what you can and cannot take with you, because each institution has its own rules.

Now you can safely start making a list.

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