History of the backpack

History of the backpack Of course, today you won’t surprise anyone with having a backpack at home. Everyone, at least once in their life, has used this item in everyday life: a hiking trip, a walk in the forest, a picnic in nature. It is also an integral part of research expeditions, climbing mountains, and extreme travel. But no one asked where this necessary thing came from.

How it appeared and who invented it

It traces its history back to ancient times, practically since the formation of humanity itself. And proof of this is the discovery of 1991. The remains of a man were discovered in the Alps, and next to him was a backpack. The remains are more than 5 thousand years old, the backpack provides a prototype of a modern frame: a frame consisting of a hazel rod and two boards on which a leather bag was attached.

Ancient people The history of the creation of such a bag with straps can be explained by the fact that ancient people went hunting for several days, or even weeks. This means that you need to take things and food with you, and at the same time hold a weapon firmly in your hands, so as not to become the prey of animals.

With time different peoples have modernized this bag in their own way, but the main purpose remained the same, to carry loads over long distances, while keeping your hands free.

In Germany it was used as a carrier of water, hay and firewood. And there is even a monument dedicated to the porters, which clearly demonstrates the backpack of that era.

Among the Aztecs it consisted of a wooden base with one strap worn over the forehead.

Roman legionnaires in military campaigns used a shield on which essential things were attached.

If you remember the Soviet cartoon, the girl Masha escaped from a bear with the help of a box made of wicker. And this version of the backpack took place in Russian villages. With its help they collected berries, mushrooms and other forest gifts.

History of creation

The name “backpack” appeared relatively recently and was borrowed from German speech. Literally, Sack is a bag with straps that is worn on the back of a Rücken, hence the Rucksack.

Of course, he has come a long way in evolution from the beginning of time to the present day. Over time, the leather bag was replaced by canvas. And the wooden frame was replaced with a steel base. The next stage made it possible to create a lighter and more durable version, replacing the main parts with nylon and aluminum. The first backpack arrived on the European continent from America, and was used as a military attribute, for carrying personal belongings and dry goods. soldering. And later they began to be used for expeditions and hikes.

This is what played an important role in the modernization of backpacks. They began to be used in everyday life, and were divided depending on their purpose.

Types of backpacks

  • Soft backpack. Soft. This model is distinguished by the absence of any frame, that is, an ordinary bag.They vary in volume, they can be very small (children's version) and large sizes, for example, for a sleeping bag. The main advantage is that it is easy to fold and put away, it takes up little space.

Frame backpack.

  • Frame. The name speaks for itself; it consists of two frame elements and a bag. Aluminum base to maintain vertical rigidity, or with an “anatomically shaped” plastic insert.

Easel backpack.

  • Easel. In a simple version, it is a frame with straps, and a bag or other large load is hung on the “machine”.

Of course, it is worth noting that backpacks have become part of the school uniform. This is a very convenient item for safely carrying textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies. Of course, special models are created for children according to their body structure. The main option is a backpack with an orthopedic back. It’s comfortable, and the child gets used to holding his back correctly, which eliminates curvature of the spine.

According to their intended purpose, backpacks are divided into:

  • Tourist.
  • Climbing.
  • Bicycle.
  • Military.
  • Freeride.
  • Urban.

It is also worth noting that many fashionistas took this stylish type of bag as the basis for their image. And fashion designers are happy to help them with this. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a glamorous women’s backpack.

Many not only rural, but also city residents choose a backpack. The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules, sometimes you have to literally transfer according to circumstances, and this can always be done if you have a spacious backpack with spare things at hand.

Backpack. And of course, this is a sporty option. After a grueling workout, put your uniform in your backpack and put on a fresh set of underwear, what could be better.

The modern backpack has come a long way to become multifunctional, comfortable, lightweight and safe.And every year, manufacturers never cease to amaze with new products, and even a person who has never gone camping is sure to purchase a backpack for everyday use.

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