How to make a bag from an old leather jacket?

old leather jacketEvery person has things in their home that they have not used for a long time or that have become unusable due to their condition and quality. In most cases, the solution to problems with large amounts of stuff accumulated is recycling. We don't think twice about throwing them away. But don’t rush, take a closer look at them, perhaps among this heap you will be able to find good quality products that can be reused and give them a second life.

Often among the old trash there are technical devices, items of clothing... All this lies in order to be used when necessary. If you are lucky, you can even find rare specimens.

IMPORTANT: Previously, the quality of products was much higher, so it is worth carefully inspecting the pantry and looking for good products.

The second life of a leather jacket

You can make many new and interesting blanks and full-fledged items from leather products: gloves, trims for clothes, hats... In our article we will talk about a method for creating a leather bag from an old jacket.If you are lucky enough to find a jacket made of real leather among the abandoned products, then the main material is already ready.

You don't need a lot of leather to make a bag. Before starting work, carefully prepare the jacket, wash it from accumulated dirt and select a good solid area without defects or mechanical damage (holes, scratches, cracks).

IMPORTANT: High-quality leather, even after several years, retains its properties and does not deteriorate, so it can be reused in production.

Is it possible to make a bag?

bag patternIf you have enough material, the necessary tools, free time and desire, you can make any thing with your own hands. If there are no problems with the last two points, then let’s turn to the list of tools and materials for making a handbag:

  • One old leather jacket.
  • The fabric used for the lining that lines the inside of a bag. You can use the jacket lining if it is well preserved.
  • To create a strong base you will need dense material. Non-woven fabric is perfect.
  • Zippers, buttons or other fasteners of your choice.
  • Kits for decorating the appearance of a bag.
  • Threads with needles, scissors.
  • Measuring instruments, ruler, pencil.

This set is quite sufficient to complete all elements of the product. Follow the instructions and create a unique and stylish masterpiece.

Pattern and size

layoutAfter you have purchased and prepared everything you need for work, you can begin manufacturing. But before the execution process itself, you should think through the future image and create a pattern of the required sizes. On the Internet you can find various options for blanks depending on the model. We will look at one of them.The construction of the pattern consists of the following steps:

  • Use a pencil to draw a drawing of the base on graph paper. It consists of three equal rectangles with places for bending the material.
  • Then draw blanks for the internal strips for the fasteners.
  • Also, any model requires handles. It's better to do them in two layers. Measure in advance the optimal distance so that the handbag hangs comfortably on your shoulder, then draw a diagram.

The correctness and sequence of performing all the work depends on this stage. Here you can think through all the nuances and correct shortcomings at the sketch stage.

IMPORTANT: If you wish, you can use other options; to do this, you can download the blank model you like or come up with an image yourself.

Instructions - how to make a bag from a jacket?

homemade leather bagNow it's time to proceed directly to the manufacturing process. The action plan is simple and anyone can implement it. For your convenience, we present you with step-by-step instructions:

  1. We clean the jacket from dirt and rip out the seams on it using scissors or a knife.
  2. According to the plan of the pattern prepared in advance, we cut out the material.
  3. We sew the resulting parts together and get a base.
  4. After this, we use fabric for the lining layer and line the inside of the product.
  5. Using additional rigid materials we create a strong frame.
  6. We sew in zippers and buttons.
  7. If desired, we additionally decorate the bag with flowers or any other decorative elements.

This will allow you to transform old things and reuse them to create new models. Don't be afraid to come up with your own design and surprise the people around you.

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