How to fix a zipper on a bag if it comes apart

lightningRecently, almost any item of clothing and accessories has been used as a zipper. It is very easy to install, quick and convenient to close and open, and is relatively inexpensive. We come across them in bags more often than other products.

But it happens that the product still retains excellent shape and can serve, but the clasp is broken. In this case, of course, you shouldn’t throw the thing away, because it’s enough to simply send it for repair. And if the problem is simple, then you can fix it yourself. In our article we will tell you about the possible causes of the malfunction and show you how to fix it.

Possible reasons why the zipper on a bag comes apart

Before starting repairs, you need to identify the cause itself. Carefully inspect the product to find any defect. Typically, the clasp on a bag comes apart for the following reasons:

  • Possible reasons why the zipper on a bag comes apartThe most classic option is the weakening of the slider due to prolonged use.The fact is that a relaxed dog cannot connect the edges and, therefore, fasten it. If the fixation is extremely weak, the slider may even slip past the limiting parts and jump out completely.
  • It is also possible that one or more links (teeth) may fall out due to severe mechanical damage.
  • Perhaps the reason lies in the castle. If the slider is made of aluminum, it may be damaged or split, which also contributes to the discrepancy.

IMPORTANT: if the cause cannot be determined and all the proposed methods are not suitable, it is better to contact a specialist or insert a completely new fastener.

What can you do at home if the zipper on your bag comes apart?

What can you do at home?If in your case it really is the slider, then you can correct the situation using ordinary pliers. All you need to do is simply squeeze the lock so that it can move normally along the clasp and connect its links again. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Pull the pawl to the bottom edge of the product and unfasten the clasp.
  2. Use pliers to grab the bottom and top edges of the slider.
  3. Gently pinch the edges together without any extra effort. This will ensure the bag fastens properly.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to perform such an operation no more than twice, since in the future this can lead to breakage and abrasion of the product. A complete replacement will be required.

What to do if the plastic lock comes apart

What to do if the plastic lock comes apartIf a similar situation occurred with a plastic lock, then you can proceed according to the same principle. We need to achieve compression of the part and its reliable operation. But unlike a metal product, plastic is less durable and susceptible to mechanical stress. Therefore, if you squeeze it too hard, you can simply break it.To avoid this, proceed very carefully.

After squeezing, make sure that you do not squeeze the zipper too hard and that it closes freely.

TIP: it is better to replace plastic with a metal product.

What can you do with the help of improvised means when metal zipper diverges?

It happens that the zipper comes apart at the most inopportune moment, when there is practically nothing from the tool kit at hand. In this case, we advise you to use available materials and save the bag for a while.

  • metal zipper repairSince metal products are very strong, it will not be possible to close them with your hands. You can try squeezing it with two sticks or stones, but it’s unlikely to work. You can use the example given with pliers.
  • The best way to fasten the bag is to use pins or paper clips. Pierce the fabric of the braid and connect the parts together in several places.
  • If the zipper comes apart due to free movement, you can attach a paper clip to the slider and secure it to the side inserts or rings on the bag.

After this temporary invention, be sure to replace the fastener or repair it

Do-it-yourself zipper repair on a bag

zipper repairIf none of the proposed options helped save the item, you need to completely replace the zipper. To do this, you can contact the nearest studio or repair shop. But if this is not possible, you can do it at home. Look at the detailed instructions and follow the described action plan.

But first you need to prepare the following materials:

  • new zipper (snake with lock);
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • threads with needles.

How to replace a slider on a metal zipper with your own hands

Replacement can be complete or partial (lock only).They resort, for example, to partial replacement of the dog. In this case, you need to follow these steps:

  1. metal runnersRemove or cut the stopper on one side.
  2. Cut the thickening of the braid at the lock level.
  3. Remove the lock by gently rocking it and moving it away from the clasp.
  4. Insert the new slider at an angle, first into one half, then into the other.
  5. Sew up the cut tissue area.

IMPORTANT! For easy removal, you can use oil and lubricate the clasp.

How to replace the pawl on a plastic lock

replacing the slider on a plastic lockThe technology is practically no different from the previous version. It is only important to approach the process carefully and not damage the lock. Plastic is very brittle and can break easily. Also an important step will be the choice of zipper. There are many different types, differing in size, shape, connector. Carefully select the slider you need and start replacing.

Is it possible to replace the zipper on a bag yourself?

If a complete replacement is necessary, it is best to contact a specialist; he will know exactly how to choose the right zipper and will be able to do everything quickly. But if this service seems too expensive, you can try making the replacement yourself.

zipper replacement

In principle, this is quite easy and can be done at home. This will require a new fastener. Before you begin, you need to remove the old zipper from the bag. After this, you need to sew a new one in its place.

TIP: for ease of sewing, you can not completely remove the old part, but leave the braid from it, on top of which we will sew a new fastener.

How to extend the life of a bag zipper

In order for a thing to serve you for a long time and reliably, you need to properly care for it and sometimes inspect its condition. Lightning has its own requirements for use, thanks to which they will not deteriorate for a long time:

  • how to extend the life of a zipper on a bagDo not allow foreign objects, especially small stones and sand, to get into the links and runner. To remove them, use brushes and rags.
  • Be careful when carrying things; do not overload your bag or make it overcrowded. If the zipper is difficult to converge, this will lead to its breakage or rupture.
  • Be careful of falling or direct impacts on the fastener body. This may cause splitting and cracking.

By following these simple rules, you can use your bag for as long as possible. But, if the need arises to replace the lock, resort to the proposed operating instructions.

Reviews and comments
P Paul:

All the compression and lubrication of the zipper is a dead poultice. In reality, only replacing the pawl helps if the zipper teeth are intact. If at least one is torn or broken, change the entire zipper.


