How to shorten a chain on a bag

handbag on chainLately, bags and clutches on chains have gained popularity. All owners of the fair sex are familiar with the problem of a very long handle on this accessory. After all, every girl has her own taste and height, one likes the bag to be longer, and the other shorter. In this article we will look at how to shorten the handle on a clutch or bag yourself, and with what tools.

Which chain can you shorten yourself?

chains for bagsThere are several types of these straps: by type of alloy and by type of links. They are all different from each other.

Of course, for this To shorten the chain yourself, the type in which the links are not sealed, but can separate, is suitable. This won’t take much time; you just need to use pliers to separate the link from the part that connects the handle to the accessory. Then measure the required length and remove excess parts using the same tool. Next, connect the end of the strap to a ring or hook and attach it to a clutch or handbag.

On a note! If the handle of the bag turns out to be made of links that cannot be separated, then wire cutters will help you. With their help you can shorten the length of the strap.

What tools can you use to shorten the chain on a bag?

pliersFor these actions, tools such as pliers or pliers and wire cutters, which are in every home. If not, or the strap does not lend itself, then take your accessory to a specialist, and he will do everything for you within five minutes.

Step-by-step guide on how to shorten a handbag chain

But don’t rush to contact the master. You can shorten the chain yourself by following the suggested instructions.

  1. Unfasten or remove the strap from the purse.
  2. Separate the part connecting the handle to the accessory itself (it is enough to do this on only one side).
  3. If the chain has opening links, then disconnect the latter from the fastening part; if it has non-opening links, then use wire cutters to separate the link itself and remove it from the part.
  4. Measure the length of the strap to be removed.
  5. Remove unnecessary parts.
  6. Attach the piece that connects it to the bag itself to the edge of the strap.

option 2Option #2. We offer another method, but it is only suitable for thin chains. If you don't want to bother with pliers, you can simply tie the chain into a beautiful decorative knot.

As you can see, this procedure is not at all complicated, and you can cope with it at home.

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