When to pack your bag for the maternity hospital

when to pack your bag for the maternity hospitalTo ensure that your baby’s most cherished birthday is not taken by surprise, you need to prepare everything in advance. Pack your bags so you have time to think about what else you might need. And even if the baby wants to be born a little earlier, you will already be ready for this.

Bag preparation time

By the day of the expected birth, a pregnant woman should already have all her bags packed. That's all! Because you will need not one, but four bags.

Conventionally, they are divided into 4 categories.

  • Things you may need during the birth itself.
  • For a period of after the birth of the child.
  • Things for newborn.
  • All for discharge.

This is just a conditional division. You can fold clothes and other items as it suits you. In most cases, the happy dad will bring the bag for discharge when he picks you up with your baby.

Advice. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list in advance of everything you might need.


Sometimes such a list turns out to be rather long.Therefore, it will take time to run around all the pharmacies and stores and purchase everything you need.

Expectant mothers are very worried about everything and don’t know when to start packing their bags for the trip to the maternity hospital.

Important! Bags should be collected already at 36 weeks.

This will be the best option, because you don’t know when the baby will decide to be born. Be sure to tell your relatives where you have placed all the necessary things for the maternity hospital.

How to properly prepare your bag for the maternity hospital

how to assemble
Let's figure out how to properly pack bags for the maternity hospital.

To save

If you put it on storage, it will be necessary specially prepared clothing and shoes: dressing gown, nightgown, slippers and shower slippers.

Absolutely required bag with hygiene items: wet and dry wipes, toothpaste and brush, toilet paper, hand cream, shaving lotion and razor, sanitary pads, hand soap, shampoo, powder.

In the canteen, food is usually served in dishes, but it’s better to cook for yourself cup, spoon, plate, knife, boiler.

For entertainment, you can take yourself an interesting book read. You will have a lot of time in the antenatal department.

In order not to pay attention to everything that is happening around and not to frighten yourself even more, be sure to take mobile phone or tablet. Good music or watching a movie will have a positive effect not only on your well-being, but also on your baby.

Important! Don't forget to put the charger in.

To the maternity ward

to the maternity hospital
For the maternity ward it is necessary to prepare documentation: ID card, exchange card, medical policy, contract concluded with the doctor, if it was signed.

Mobile phone and charger, robe and nightgown, socks, colorless lipstick, because during childbirth your lips get very dry.

For food, if the wait for delivery is prolonged, we recommend putting it in a separate bag still water in small bottles, cookies, apples.

After giving birth you will need plenty of sanitary pads and underwear. This is something you can’t save on! You should also definitely stock up on breast pads so as not to stain your clothes.

Don't forget to bring disposable diapers; you will need them both for the birth itself and after the baby is born. Bed linen for yourself, a robe for breastfeeding, bras for a nursing mother and, if necessary, a breast pump.

If you are planning a caesarean section, be sure to take a bandage with you.

You will also need wet wipes for the baby and a pack of diapers for the baby. For your own peace of mind, you can grab a bottle and pacifier.

And most importantly - don’t put everything off until the last few days!

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