How should money be in your wallet?

Wallet how to store moneySome people look at money as an animate object that needs respect and care.

Money has powerful energy, so it is important how to properly direct this power to increase well-being.

A wallet is your own storage of savings. Let's consider how to select a product so that the largest monetary units appear there.

Respect for money and order in your wallet

Place the banknotes starting with the big ones. Place them facing the owner so that the series and number are visible.

Wallet 6 banknote arrangementIt is unacceptable to store them upside down; unfold them correctly and smooth them out carefully.

Golden wallet arrangement of banknotesIf you decide to become the happy owner of a new wallet, try to ensure that it is in excellent condition in order to attract fortune.

The “correct” size and color of a wallet to attract money


Choose one large enough to accommodate the paper bills without folding them in half. Provide many departments where it would be convenient to neatly place funds.

The wallet is longColors:

Black model is rightfully considered a classic; it emphasizes the high position of the owner.

Black walletChocolate-colored product capable of attracting wealth and creating a feeling of security.

Brown walletRed color is also capable of attracting financial well-being. This is a connotation of determination and power. In such a thing, finances will be in eternal circulation. Feel free to go shopping without fear of being deceived. Keep credit cards in a separate pocket. If this color is too bright for you, just put a scarlet ribbon in the middle to attract success.

Red wallet and bagAccording to Feng Shui, the most successful will be metallic shades and earth colors (green, gold, silver). Feel free to buy these products!

Wallet golden silver black

Advice! The shades of the Water element are not the most suitable. It is not advisable to purchase goods of all shades of blue. But the most unacceptable tone is gray or white. Don't take risks!

Money wallet material

Green wallet
Red textile walletPay attention to the product you are purchasing. You can store your huge earnings with dignity in a product that is distinguished by decorativeness and comfort, made of natural materials.

Many people prefer high-quality leather. These models look decent and are able to attract positive energy. However, some believe that the skin stores the energy of a killed animal, which will hinder income growth. This is definitely prejudice.

One of theThe most acceptable materials are also textiles.

Which wallet shape should you choose?

Here are some simple rules:

  • Don't store the contents in cramped conditions. It is better to store banknotes neatly in an unfolded state.
  • The ideal wallet has compartments for banknotes of different denominations and a special pocket for coins.
  • Keep only banknotes and credit cards - photos, icons, checks, and leaflets are inappropriate there.
  • Wear a talisman for good luck - a banknote with treasured numerical combinations or numbers similar to the date of birth. It is inviolable and should be with you at all times. She's hard to find. This is a personal talisman and cannot be given away. But she must be found on her own. Trying to purchase or exchange it is prohibited!
Classic mascot 1$

Classic mascot 1$

How should banknotes be placed in a wallet?

Place the banknotes with the front side so that the large ones are closest to the body, and your gaze falls on the front side. There should not be an odd number of banknotes in the stacks - they will quarrel and leave. Let each one have a pair.
Do not hold the denomination “50” for a long time: “Five tens is a disadvantage”!

Where to store change?

Wallet 50 eurosWallet 50 RUR
There are always separate pockets for small items in wallets and purses:

  • Change is always worth keeping in a special department.
  • Do not carry it in your pockets; once you receive it, immediately hide it in your wallet.
  • Don't keep your wallet empty. May the lucky banknote always be with you!
  • A thin or torn wallet attracts failure. If the product is damaged, replace it.
  • Do not store funds in the wallet you find. If you find a wallet with money, spend it quickly and forget it.
  • There should be no trash inside - tickets, receipts, candy wrappers, advertising leaflets, etc.

Signs that protect against poverty

Wallet where to store change
It is forbidden:

  • Throw out trash after sunset.
  • Whistling in the house.
  • Keep keys and empty containers on the table.
  • Wash the floor in the evening.
  • Standing on the threshold for a long time.
  • Debt must be repaid after 18.00.
  • Give in debt on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, in the evening and on the waning moon.
  • Take money directly into your hands. They carry negative energy.
  • Take it in the evening.If it turns out that you should give it away during this period, put it on the table, but do not give it to your hands.

Feng Shui rules:

"Crassula" or money tree able to attract finance. Place it in the south corner of the room. Hide large banknotes under the pot.

Crassula money treePlace a Chinese three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth towards the side of the room, you can hang 3 or 7 coins on a scarlet ribbon.

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouthShake your bedding for 9 days to increase deposits.

Money mascot turtleThe turtle, a talisman of prosperity, will help resolve financial issues. Place it in the northern part of the room.

Expert advice

  • If you make a profit, take it home. Never spend right away. If you want to go shopping, take funds from home. Let the new money stay with the rest for at least one night in a place of permanent storage.
  • Keep a broom in the singular in your home.
  • Count your money three times a day.
  • Choose a solid wallet so that your wealth grows.
  • Carry a large banknote in your wallet to attract wealth.
  • When you see the new moon, show it large bills.
  • Don't skimp on tips, they will return soon.

Wallet different models

Advice! Receive money joyfully and spend it without regrets.

Money should not be given excessive importance; it is just a way to fulfill desires.

A wallet is not only a place to store money, but also luck. Make sure it is worthy, and luck will undoubtedly smile on you!

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