Is it possible to give a wallet?

Usually, as the New Year and other holidays approach, you have to agonize over what is best to give to a good friend or loved one. We would like the present to meet all the parameters - it would be original, useful, not too expensive and would convey our warm attitude. A beautiful wallet made from natural materials seems like an ideal option. A quality product can please both a respectable man and a sophisticated girl. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. There are many myths and signs associated with this accessory that you need to know about. Otherwise, the gift will not please, but rather offend the recipient.

Is it possible to give a wallet: signs and features

Is it possible to give a wallet?
A high-quality wallet is a fairly popular and universal gift option for any occasion. True, many people are confused by the close connection of the product with the monetary sphere. Doubts often arise as to whether it is permissible to give wallets as gifts, and how to do it correctly.If the future owner of a purse sincerely believes in various signs, he may be seriously offended by the most luxurious gift presented differently from what he expected. Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinions of others and taking into account some nuances:

  • A gifted wallet is not a bad omen if you put a banknote or coin inside. It is widely believed that an empty product will bring professional failure and significant financial losses to the owner.
  • Various money talismans and special spells are often placed in a wallet to attract good luck and prosperity.
  • You can't choose a cheap model. Such a thing has the energy of poverty and will not be able to attract wealth to its owner.
  • It is considered a good omen if a money accessory is given by a wealthy person.

Attention! It is permissible to put a bill or coin of any denomination in your wallet; they act only as a symbol. It’s great if you can give a dollar as a gift, as it represents good wealth and stability.

These are not all the features that you should know about if you want to give someone a wallet as a gift. In some situations, such a choice may look completely inappropriate.

How and why you shouldn’t give a wallet as a gift

how to give a wallet correctly
In the ancient eastern teachings of Feng Shui, there are entire sections devoted to the gift of accessories for storing money. Interesting recommendations allow us to conclude that this gift is a strong material talisman that can influence a person’s financial luck. That's why it's so important to follow certain rules.

You cannot give away your own wallet, even if for some reason it did not fit and was not really used.According to the sign, monetary luck will go with him. Other nuances must be taken into account:

  • It is not advisable to give a wallet to a person on his birthday; such a gift can lead to excessive waste. You can make an exception only if the birthday person asks for it.
  • If a person is experiencing financial difficulties, a gifted accessory for storing money may cause sad thoughts in him. At worst, it will be perceived as a negative reference to the current state of affairs.
  • An ancient teaching says that you can only accept a wallet from a person with a higher financial position. Therefore, you should not give a wallet to your boss or business partners. This is not only a bad omen. The gesture can be misinterpreted, leading to awkwardness.

Important! Gifts related to money can be given to close relatives only if there are no financial relations between the people.

If it is not possible to purchase a suitable product together with the hero of the future occasion, you must approach the purchase responsibly. The wallet must please its recipient and also meet a number of important requirements.

Signs and tips for choosing a good wallet as a gift

Wallet with money
When choosing a purse as a gift for a guy or a girl, you must take into account the age, gender, character and taste of the person so that the gift will be to his liking. Older women would probably prefer laconic models, while young girls would like spectacular pieces with bright decor. Experts also recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  • Price.In this case, you cannot save much - cheap products evoke thoughts of poverty and cannot contribute to the enrichment of the owners.
  • Quality of material. It is advisable to choose models made from natural materials (suede or leather). They have excellent performance properties and symbolize security. A gift made of leatherette is acceptable, but you should refuse synthetic products if you wish.
  • Design. Representatives of the stronger sex should choose a laconic design without unnecessary decor. Typically, men welcome classic shades and small wallet sizes to fit in their back pocket. As for beautiful ladies, you need to take into account specific preferences.
  • Color. According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, brown, black, gold and silver shades are most suitable for a wallet. Also, the rich red color symbolizes wealth. Green and blue tones are associated with the water element and provoke financial leakage. Therefore, such models should be avoided.
  • Size and shape. It is forbidden to present as a gift a wallet smaller than the one the hero of the occasion had. This is a bad omen. It is necessary to choose a product with approximately the same parameters or a little more (it is better to avoid things that are too bulky). If we talk about the most suitable form, it is believed that money “loves” space. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to models in which banknotes can be placed entirely, without folds.

Reference! Products intended for women may have very small sizes. Some models, on the contrary, have impressive dimensions and can easily replace a small handbag.

It would be good if the wallet had several different compartments for bills and plastic cards.This is practical and correct, from the point of view of monetary signs, since any symbols of wealth should lie separately from each other.

How to give a wallet as a gift

rules for donating a wallet
It’s not enough just to choose an accessory that meets all the criteria; you also need to present it correctly:

  • It is believed that an empty wallet given as a gift will always remain that way. Therefore, you definitely need to invest some money. These can be large bills as a significant addition to the gift or a symbolic amount. The American dollar, as well as various ancient coins, are called a real talisman.
  • You can place a special plot inside to attract material well-being. You just need to imagine how a person would react to such an attribute.
  • The gift should be beautifully packaged. You should not use cellophane for this (according to superstitions, it interferes with the movement of financial flows).

It is also important to have sincere, good wishes and give a gift from the heart. Then practically no signs will be able to influence his energy.

What if you were given an empty wallet?

empty wallet
There is no need to be offended or scared when receiving an empty wallet as a gift. This does not mean that the donor had malicious intentions and wished to cause financial problems through his actions. Perhaps the person simply did not know about existing superstitions, or there was an unfortunate misunderstanding.

It is believed that a bad omen can be easily neutralized. All you need to do is perform a simple ritual:

  • You need to collect all the banknotes in the house and put them in a wallet.
  • Leave the product in this condition in any secluded place for several days or a week.

Over a short period of time, the accessory will be filled with monetary energy, and nothing will threaten financial well-being.

Thus, a high-quality wallet is a universal gift in every sense that will appeal to both a respectable man and a sophisticated lady. It can be presented to both good friends and closest people. This useful accessory has a number of positive aspects. It is compact in size and its cost usually fits within the allocated budget. And most importantly, a beautiful and functional product will certainly please the hero of the occasion. Just before purchasing and presenting a gift, you need to carefully read the existing signs so that the wallet brings good luck and wealth to its owner.

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