What to do if you dye a suede bag?

Finally bought the handbag you've been dreaming of for a long time. Happiness knows no bounds, but suddenly it turns out that she is putting on makeup. Unfortunately, such situations occur quite often. Why this happens and what can be done about it, we will try to understand this issue.

Why is she wearing makeup?

bright suede handbagOne of the stages of coloring suede is fixing the coloring composition with a solution of acetic acid.. Some manufacturers save on this by not doing it at all, or fix the composition in violation of technology. All this reduces the cost of creating the product, but the quality of the bag suffers. Its surface generously “shares” paint with everything it encounters along the way: with palms, the fabric of a coat or sheepskin coat, even a handkerchief.

It can be difficult to recognize a low-quality product in a store. Of course, increased attention is given to bags with a low price. When purchasing them, they usually look at the seams, lining, and evaluate the quality of coloring.. But even expensive bags are not always perfect in design.There are complaints from customers about the quality of painting of products purchased at fairly high prices.

Important! When purchasing a suede handbag, check whether it is stain-resistant. To do this, you need to take a clean handkerchief or napkin and rub it over several areas. Based on the footprints, draw a conclusion whether you need to purchase such a product or not.

Are there ways to “save” a bag?

suede bagsThe very first one, he is the only one The surest way is to return the bag to the store. But it can not always be used. There are times when a bag was purchased a long time ago, but they only started wearing it now. Defects in the paint may become apparent after some time, for example, when it gets wet.

If it is not possible to exchange the bag or return the money, then you can try to fix the paint on the product yourself. In this case, several ways can help, but a positive result cannot be guaranteed.

Method No. 1

If the strap stains your coat, the following measures will help:

  • treating problem areas with hairspray;
  • Replacing the belt with a leather or fabric version.

The varnish will fix the paint on the suede fibers and will not allow it to fall off the surface. Replacing the belt, of course, is quite troublesome, but then the problem will definitely be solved. But what if the handbag itself is also painted, but you haven’t noticed it yet?

Important! Sometimes it is enough to wipe the accessory with a clean towel before going out with it for the first time.

Method No. 2

We have several more recipes for saving your favorite accessory in our arsenal:

  1. cleaning a suede bagaerosol for protection against coloring skin. When applied to the outer layer of suede, an abrasion-resistant thin film is formed, as if “sealing” the surface. It is recommended to buy quality products from well-known companies (for example, “Anticolor” from Salamander);
  2. water repellents for shoes. Any of them, applied to the surface, covers the natural material with a thin layer of protection, which prevents the paint from being erased from the pile;
  3. table vinegar. Pour the 9% composition diluted half with water into an aerosol bottle and spray it onto the bag from a distance of 10–15 centimeters. Dry it naturally at room temperature away from heating sources. You can get rid of the pungent odor by ventilating it on the balcony;
  4. vinegar essence. Proceed as described above with vinegar, only spray the mixture with 1 tsp. essence diluted in a liter of water;
  5. ammonia. An aqueous solution of ammonia, taken in a ratio of 1 to 4 parts water, can help. Process and dry in the same way as with vinegar;
  6. cleaning foam. Purchase a special composition for cleaning suede at a shoe store, use it strictly according to the included instructions;
  7. dry cleaning. During professional cleaning, the paint layer is first removed and then a new one is applied. Unfortunately, the bag may shrink in size.

Method No. 3

ToothbrushIf nothing from the above list helps, you should resort to washing and applying a new coat of paint at home. This is the riskiest method, which is used only when there is a question of sending the product for scrap.. The bag will likely shrink in size and may change its shape.

In addition, this method is the most time-consuming of all those listed here. You will need a special brush for suede bristles, impregnation and paint for suede products. There is no point in saving on these funds, since only high-quality chemistry can help. So,

  1. Work begins by removing the “excess” paint with a well-moistened rag, carrying out this procedure very carefully.It is possible that rinsing will have to be done more than once.
  2. After this, the bag should be dried at room temperature, away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight.
  3. After drying, the suede fibers are raised. To do this, use a special brush.
  4. Next, take the suede impregnation and apply it from a distance of 15–20 centimeters, carefully distributing it over the entire surface. Process at least 3 times, more if possible. Carry out the entire procedure according to the instructions in compliance with safety precautions.
  5. The last stage is painting the bag. Proceed in the same way as with impregnation.
  6. Dry the product.

Important! The final stage of working with any of the recommended methods is to do a test with a napkin.

When is it better to throw something away?

suede belt bagThis is the most radical method. You can throw it away at any stage, without even trying to fix anything. Moreover, many people are convinced that home remedies are useless. But we are convinced that if the question is: throw it away or use the chance to correct it, then you need to choose the latter.

You can find advice on the Internet: wear a black bag with a black coat, and nothing will be noticeable, respectively, blue with blue, red with red, and so on. Perhaps someone will adopt this method, and it will help him out.

Still, the most correct thing is to return the low-quality item, and in the future, buy only from trusted sellers who have a certificate of compliance with all production standards and guarantee the proper quality of the goods sold.

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