Standard weight of a briefcase for a 2nd grade student

standard weight of a briefcase for a 2nd grade studentWhen getting a second-grader ready for school, parents sometimes fall into a stupor. After all, having equipped the child’s backpack with everything that the school requires, they place an unbearable weight on the children’s shoulders. Parents and pediatricians are concerned about the problem of the large weight of briefcases.

Let's figure out how much a primary school student's briefcase should weigh.

Weight of a second-grader's briefcase

Types of school bags

To make the right choice, let’s clarify the types of school bags.

  • Briefcase. A faithful companion during the school years of grandparents, it is distinguished by its hard walls and strong handle. Previously, it was bought for more than one year. But Carrying it in one hand can have a bad effect on your posture, so the model must be equipped with straps!
  • Satchel. The dense body evenly distributes the carried weight over the student’s back. It has comfortable compartments inside, wide orthopedic straps, and sometimes reinforced orthopedic inserts. Ideal for a junior student.
  • Backpack. Popular with older children and teenagers.There are models with a solid back, but the body is not equipped with a frame. Therefore, it is not recommended for children.

When choosing a bag for a schoolchild, pay attention to the presence of such elements as waist and chest straps. Additional pockets and reflective elements will also be useful.

The first two will provide the little schoolchild with a comfortable distribution of the load, the last - safety on the roadway. However additional pockets, once filled, will add weight to the chosen bag.

Important! The dimensions of the backpack matter: the top should not support the back of the head, and the bottom should not put pressure on the lower back.

What determines the weight of a school bag?

types of portfolios
Manufacturers of student attributes compete with each other, creating bright and stylish models. At the same time, they are often supplied with entire sets with pencil cases and bags for “changes”, water bottles and wallets. Each item in this set adds grams to the weight of the school bag..

Parents are often guided by the choice and opinion of the future owner of the item. This is correct, but it is important that the child does not sacrifice convenience for the sake of beauty.

Advice: When choosing a briefcase, try to weigh it, if possible after loading!

In addition to external attractiveness, you should evaluate all the features of the future repository of knowledge. Is the internal frame made with high quality, protecting against scoliosis and the inconvenience of the edges of objects cutting into your back? Does the quality of the orthopedic back pads inspire confidence? Shouldn't they wear out in the first months of use?

Special requirements should be placed on the material of the backpack: synthetic fabric should be both dense and as light as possible.

Empty briefcase weight standard

Important! The maximum permissible weight of an empty briefcase for a 2nd grade student (as well as 1st grade) is seven hundred grams.

This norm is recommended by hygienists and orthopedists.

Interestingly, the simplest and cheapest models are the lightest. Orthopedic elements, recognized as a necessity, are also weighting agents.

But the portfolio is empty only at the time of purchase. Let's pay attention to its contents.

How much should the contents of a briefcase weigh?

All SanPiNs of recent years have agreed on a simple principle: the weight of “baggage” carried by a primary school student should not exceed a tenth of his body weight. In numbers, on average, this is usually about one and a half kilograms.


This standard dictates special requirements for the weight of educational supplies.

Important! According to hygiene standards for children and adolescents, a textbook in primary school should weigh about three hundred grams (an excess of ten percent is possible).

Notebooks, diaries and a pencil case collected together also end up seriously weighing you down. And also - replacement shoes, uniforms for physical education, supplies for labor lessons.

Important! When assessing the “overweight,” one must also take into account the mass of items not included in school supplies: cell phones, water bottles, breakfasts, etc.

How to reduce portfolio weight

what does weight depend on?

  • Anything unnecessary should not pass the parental control point: The gaming tablet and your favorite doll will wait at home.
  • When shopping for school supplies, choose the lightest options. A hardcover diary may keep the look until the end of the year, but it will add bulk. It is also better to take thinner notebooks. Too many pens and pencils also seem like ballast. Follow the principle: pencil cases are lighter, folders are thinner, etc.
  • It makes sense to try to come to an agreement with other participants in the scientific process.With the parents of your desk neighbor - about carrying a set of textbooks, divided between two. With the school administration - about revising the schedule in order to evenly distribute “hard” and “light” subjects.

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