Anther in a bag: what is it and what is it for, description, photo


Every modern girl knows what a duster in a bag is, how to use it and how important it is to use it for its intended purpose. When buying a new accessory in a store, inside we find a small, carefully folded bag. This is the anther. Sometimes products are sold immediately in it, and sometimes it can get lost and be missing inside. Why do you need anther, what is it? A small handbag made of lightweight material allows you to securely pack the purchased accessory for storage in a closet or wardrobe.

Anther - what is it, how to prepare a bag for placement in anther

After the end of the season or for some other reason, it is planned not to use the accessory for several weeks or months. Your favorite bag goes to the mezzanine to wait in the wings. What is an anther? This is an opportunity to protect it from external damage and contamination during storage. However, before placing the bag in a protective case, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations. Otherwise, the product may lose its appearance.

  1. We thoroughly clean the outside and inside of the product. We carefully examine the contents of the compartments and pockets. Often forgotten little things remain here: lipsticks, chewing gum, nail files, etc.
  2. If there is a removable belt or handles, they must be removed and twisted to prevent creases and cracks from appearing.
  3. For storage, you should choose a place away from heating devices, radiators, and air conditioners. A dry place protected from the sun, such as a compartment in a closet, is suitable.
  4. To protect soft bags, they must be protected from possible damage by other hard objects.
  5. It is not recommended to use plastic bags for storing bags. This leads to the formation of a negative microclimate; air does not enter the bag. The material itself may deteriorate or the item may become saturated with unpleasant odors.
  6. All that remains is to stuff the product with paper or old things so that it retains its original shape.
  7. Pack the accessory in a dust bag and store it.

Proper preparation of the product ensures that it will remain in its original form for a long time.

What is a duster in a bag - photo, description

A duster is a mandatory element that should be present in every new bag. It is not an additional bonus or decorative item. It can be used many times. Proper storage of things is the secret to their longevity. Anther is also often placed in shoes.

To make bags, thin cotton fabric or a special material – spunbond – is used. The main criterion is breathability. Shoes, bags and other products must breathe. That is why it is prohibited to store leather or suede products in plastic bags.They crack and lose their attractiveness due to lack of air.

Sometimes special bags are lost; they can be replaced with natural cotton pillowcases.

One duster can accommodate two or three bags; there are bags that are quite large. But if the bags have buckles, clasps, or decorations, they can scratch each other. To avoid this, cardboard partitions are used. A few sheets of cardboard are enough to guarantee that the products will be preserved until the next season.


What is a dust cover for, what other ways are there to care for your bag?

It is not enough to take care of the product once a year by storing it. You need to constantly monitor your bag. Here are some important points to know:

  • The product is washed weekly with soap and water. Just add liquid soap to warm water. Dampen a soft rag or washcloth in the solution and wipe the outer sides of the accessory.
  • If manipulation with soapy water is not enough to remove the stain, it is better to use dry cleaning services. At home, you can completely ruin the product.
  • When the bag is not used for more than a week, it is advisable to fill it with fabric so that the product does not lose its shape. Bags must be placed on a horizontal surface. If you hang it on a hanger, the handles will stretch out. They may also crack.
  • When washing off greasy stains, it is better to use a dry soft cloth instead of water.

There are special cleaning products for cleaning leather and suede products. They will not harm the bag and will efficiently remove most dirt. It is not recommended to use powder, cleaning agents or detergents not intended for this type of material.

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