How to tie straps on a backpack

how to tie straps on a backpackWhen going on a trip or a hike, every tourist, having prepared his things, is obliged to properly set up his backpack. It should fit comfortably across your back and shoulders. Human health depends on the correct fastening of the straps. After all, excessive stress on the shoulders and back can lead to injuries and rapid fatigue. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly tie the straps on a backpack.

How to attach straps to a backpack

To properly tie the straps on a backpack, it must first be filled. It is best to fill it to the maximum. This way you can evenly distribute the load across your entire back. The things inside need to be securely secured with side ties so that they do not dangle throughout the bag.

Instructions for adjusting fastenershow to secure

  • We start adjusting the straps from the back. First you need to determine the most comfortable level of the shoulder and lumbar belts. They are tailored to each person individually.

Remember! The lumbar belts are secured to the hip bones.

  • Remove the backpack and loosen all ties. This is necessary so that all belts can be fixed equally.
  • We take the backpack and place the support at the level of the pelvis. We put one hand through the shoulder strap and quickly throw the bag on our back. We put the second strap on the second shoulder.
  • Let's start adjusting the lumbar area. The belt must be fastened and adjusted to fit your figure. The belt should be on the pelvic bones. It should be comfortably fixed on the body so that the weight of the bag rests not only on the shoulders, but also on the lumbar area.

Remember! The belt should not tighten the body or hang.

  • Adjusting the shoulder mounts. This is one of the important stages, since it determines how tightly the product will fit to the back. It is best to choose products with soft inserts; they do not rub your shoulders so much and are comfortable to use. Fix the product so that it fits tightly to your back, but does not hinder movement. When adjusting, tighten the straps until you feel an excess of weight back.
  • Let's move on to adjusting the chest strap. The belt must be secured so that the person can breathe normally. This belt is responsible for positioning the product on the back.

Additional straps

additional straps

  • Adjustment of additional belt. Almost all hiking backpacks have additional straps. They are located in the collarbone area on the shoulder straps. With their help, it is possible to achieve the correct position of the backpack on the back. They are pulled at a level of 30° to the surface of the earth. If the straps are too long, they can be trimmed.
  • Product setup must be consistent and clear. If you make a mistake or forget about any straps, the accessory can dangle or, conversely, put a lot of pressure on your arms and neck.Due to the incorrect position of the bag, a person quickly gets tired and his back and arms begin to hurt. In addition, if you put too much pressure on your forearm or shoulder with belts, the bleeding may worsen and your hands will begin to feel very cold.

To tie your belts correctly, you don’t have to buy special tools or measure with a centimeter. It will be enough to just change the location of the backpack a few times and walk around the house with it a little. If you feel comfortable and comfortable, then you did everything right.

Useful tips for tying backpack straps


  • To make your hike or journey comfortable, it is necessary to choose quality products. The backpack must be made of durable fabric. Belts must be adjustable, as your health depends on it.
  • The adjustment should begin with the lumbar belt and end with the shoulder straps. Before putting the backpack on your shoulders, you should check all the fastenings and straps again. They must be tightly fixed. This is necessary so that when walking the straps do not tear or jump out of the fastening.

Tying the straps on a bag or backpack is easy. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. The adjustment will take no more than 15 minutes. Don't be afraid to experiment and find convenient options. The product should hang comfortably on the shoulders and distribute the load over several zones to minimize the risk of stretching or injury to the body.

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