What is the best shopping trolley bag on wheels?

bagsWhen going to a store or market, every woman thinks about how she can buy and deliver products home without compromising her beauty and health. A shopping bag on wheels could be an excellent way out of the situation, but the image of a hunched old woman in a headscarf, pulling an unliftable cart, immediately appears in my head.

It turns out that all this is a thing of the past, and modern manufacturers have long been offering fashionable and ergonomic trolley bags to fragile housewives. Expert advice will tell you how to choose the right lifesaver.

Criteria for choosing a shopping bag on wheels

Since such a cart has a commercial purpose and it is supposed to carry quite a significant load, when choosing it you should pay attention to:

  • structural strength;
  • features and number of wheels;
  • the fabric from which the bag itself is made.
  • Let's take a closer look at each characteristic.


bag with handleIn order for the assistant not to let you down at the most crucial moment, it must have a durable frame made of steel or a special aluminum alloy. The second material is lighter, and therefore preferable, since it will be easier for girls to handle such a bag.

Important! Pay attention to the welds: traces of argon welding should be visible. Any rivets, ties and other “clutches”, as a rule, do not withstand the test of load and time.

As for the wheels, then it is more reliable if they are made of special silicone, since it is less easily erased. Metal wheels are also suitable, as long as they are equipped with rubber or silicone tires. The optimal wheel diameter is 12–18 cm, since it is this that ensures the best permeability of the trolley bag through the “thorns” of Russian roads.

The fabric of the bag should be easy to wash and waterproof, so that, on the one hand, purchases are not exposed to bad weather, and on the other, possible damage to the packaging of the purchases themselves does not damage the owner’s reputation with unsightly stains and puddles in inappropriate places.


bagsIf you plan to use a trolley bag for trips to a hypermarket or market a couple of times a month, then it is better to choose an average volume of 40–50 liters, and for daily shopping a volume of 38–40 liters is also suitable. For large loads, for example, for purchasing products for the summer season, a heavy weight with a volume of 60 liters is more suitable.

Important! Do not confuse volume with carrying capacity! A bag with a volume of 40 liters can be designed for a load of no more than 15 kg. Check the label before purchasing.


accessoriesYou often have to take small but necessary things with you on a shopping or market trip, such as a key holder, glasses or an umbrella, so it is important to have various pockets and additional fastenings with flaps and fasteners in the trolley bag.

It’s good if the design of your wheeled assistant includes straps for additional cargo securing and “tricky” handles that will make packing and transporting your purchases much easier.

Models with a reclining seat deserve attention, which is very convenient for young mothers, elderly housewives or summer residents who sometimes have to wait for a long time for transport at bus stops.

Some models have thermal compartments in which, even in hot weather, frozen or chilled food will reach your home completely intact.


sustainabilityIn order for the trolley bag to be stable, the width of the frame should be approximately 30–40 cm, it is this size that allows you to securely fix the load without the risk of losing balance and “falling out” of the sides of the bag.

In addition, the stability and height of the handles significantly affects the stability and height of the handles: a short handle is convenient for storage, but inconvenient to use, since, firstly, you have to bend your back to pull it or push it in front of you, and secondly, at the slightest loss of vigilance the trolley tries to fall to the side.

Which is better? Tips for choosing

Let's summarize. When going shopping for a shopping bag on wheels, we take into account the following tips:

  • tips for choosingwe determine the purpose and, based on this, select the required volume and load-carrying capacity of the model;
  • when purchasing, pay attention to the width of the frame, the material of the frame and wheels;
  • select the height of the handle;
  • Having decided where we will go shopping, we determine what additional “functions” of the bag may be needed.

One last thing, pay attention to the overall design of the bag and the fabric it is made from to look fashionable and beautiful during grocery shopping too.

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