Why does Queen Elizabeth carry a handbag with her everywhere?

Many rulers of past times were famous for their customs and traditions. If you've been interested in history, you can probably remember a couple of examples of unusual behavior and interesting habits. Different traditions could be associated with different events in life, the personal preferences of the rulers, or simply had important meaning for them.

queen with handbagHistory influences modern life, it teaches us a lot and allows us to avoid the mistakes made in the past by our ancestors. However, it is much more interesting to observe modern people. Nowadays, there are also rulers with unusual habits. Since these people are always in the public eye, nothing can be hidden from the public eye.

We will talk about the legendary and truly majestic person, the Queen of Great Britain. Lift the veil of secrecy for yourself and find out the secret of her royal handbag with us.

Secrets in Queen Elizabeth's handbag

You heard right, we are talking about a simple handbag, if of course it is a simple handbag.

Queen-Elizabeth-Launer3Just recently, no one would have thought about such a trifle, but attentive observers noticed an amazing thing in the photographs. Most often, the queen comes to events and business meetings with a small black bag, which she does not trust with anyone except her close associates and security.

What could be so important and interesting inside the royal handbag? This is what we tried to find out during the investigation. Fortunately, we were able to find out several interesting facts that allowed us to lift the veil of secrecy and answer the questions that arose. If you also want to know the riddle, join us and read on.

  • Elizabeth does not carry with her the usual things that are found in every handbag: a passport, cash, car keys.
  • In the purse you can find a special bag stand, which the Queen uses during important negotiations and business visits.
  • In addition, the bag contains photographs of children, crossword puzzles (the Queen’s favorite leisure activity), and food for the Queen’s beloved dogs.
  • To maintain her image, her purse always contains menthol candies and a set of cosmetics (a gift from her husband, received 60 years ago).
  • But the main purpose of the bag is not to store necessary things: with its help, the queen gives special subtle signs to the servants. So, by changing the position of her purse, she can communicate her desire to end the conversation, change the subject, or leave the room.

Important! Perhaps the royal handbag still contains serious secrets or simple feminine accessories... There should be a mystery in a woman, and the Queen of Great Britain is excellent at following this rule.

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